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  1. I have two doubts: 1. Does KB3172605 (July 2016 update rollup) replace KB3156417 (May 2016 update rollup)? 2. Integrate KB3170455 (update for Windows Print Spooler)? Supposedly it stops non-admin users from installing a network-printer :/ What set of updates is the best to integrate (KB in exact order): KB3020369 kb3125574-v4 KB3168965 KB3172605 KB3020369 kb3125574-v4 KB3156417 KB3168965 KB3172605 KB3020369 kb3125574-v4 KB3156417 KB3168965 KB3170455 KB3172605 ? KB short descritpion: KB3020369 April 2015 servicing stack update for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 KB3125574 Convenience rollup update for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 KB3156417 May 17 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 KB3168965 July 12 2016 Security Update for Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers KB3170455 July 12 2016 Security Update for Windows Print Spooler Components KB3172605 July 21 2016 update rollup for Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
  2. Nerwin

    BSOD Help

    Hey Ya'll, I know it's been awhile since I've posted on this forum but I am in need of your expertise to help me figure out my computer's issues before I go waste money and build a whole new system. First and foremost, my PC specs. Intel Core i5-3570K G. Skill Ripjaws 16GB DDR3 2133 ASUS P8Z77-V LK 128GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti Windows 10 Pro 64-bit I don't have anything overclocked. BIOS is updated to the most reason update. I've normally been getting these BSOD with Minidumps once a month, now its happening 2-3 times a week, sometimes 3 times in a day but without BSOD or Minidump..PC will just freeze with sound on a constant loop. I've ran Memtest-No error found, stress test - passed and other various tests and they all passed. Even downloaded Intel's CPU diagnostic tool which also passed. I've checked out the minidumps with BlueScreenView and they all say caused by driver ntoskrnl.exe, except for the one I got this morning which was caused by hal.dll. I've updated all the drivers I could, but for some reason windows keep installing a USB 3.0 driver from 2006?! I'm not sure if that is the cause or not. I already reinstalled Windows, more than once and still get these issues which leaves me to believe its either hardware or driver issue. Here is a link to the mini-dumps I've zipped up if anyone is willing to have a more in-depth look at them..hopefully finding the root cause and hopefully its something that can be fixed before I build a whole new system. (OneDrive) https://1drv.ms/u/s!Aks01CChG2x7gcwSMFfiFWWOm_sW9w
  3. I am interested in running some older OSes. Particularly, Windows 98/ME. Would these specs work out? And if they don't what could I run? It's a Dell Optiplex 780: Core 2 Duo 2.93GHz 8GB RAM Dell 03NVJ6 Motherboard Intel Q45/Q43 Express Chipset A 250GB SATA HDD (with legacy options) SoundMAX Integrated HD Audio (if this is for the integrated speaker and the headphone jack will still work, I don't need it) And a Belkin USB Wireless Adapter (fine if i can't use it)
  4. I've had this issue in the past and never could pin-point what was causing it. I think it's one of the tweaks I'm making, since some copies of XP I sent through nLite didn't do this. I slipstreamed harkaz SP4 v3.1b (almost immediately after it came out since I messaged him about it), but this isn't the problem. I've attempted to figure out what was causing this before. I searched Google and here. I'm probably not wording my searches correctly if anyone else has posted on this. I've attached my last session ini. LAST SESSION.INI
  5. How would ME work on this Latitude? Tried earlier with KernelEx 4.5.2 but no driver would install. The ones essential to me are: Intel GM965 Chipset Sigmatel STAC 92XX C-Major HD Audio Dell Wireless 1390 Video drivers
  6. Hi All, New to the forum and looking for some help/advice on a project I am working on. The scope of the project is to turn an old failing Win98 computer into something new that will live on. I am using VMware to accomplish the task of running Win98 on new hardware. ---This part of the project is flawless in operation as I am able to communicate with the equipment as needed. I am using a new HP EliteDesk computer with a Core i7, 8 gigs of ram and Win7 OS. It's the SFF for space requirement reasons. Now on to the issue I am running into. The equipment this computer communicates with has a camera and it needs to talk to the software in the computer in order to do its job. So I am looking for a Video Capture card to make this happen. ---Two Problems stopping this from working: 1) The cards that are compatible with Windows 98 have the wrong slot. 2) The cards that fit the available slots only go back as far as maybe Windows XP. I have done research and I'm just going around in circles. I have a cheep USB Capture Device and obviously it works with Win7 but no support for Win98. (bought for another project) Never did I think it would just work with this setup, I was hoping the USB capture device drivers could be adapted to work with Win98??!! At this point I am looking for some input from someone with more knowledge of Win98 and how things work and or could work. Also on the search for either a USB, X1pciEXP or a X16pciEXP slot capture device compatible with Win98. Thanks for any help you can provide, it's appreciated!
  7. I was wondering if it was at all possible to run windows 98 nativley on new hardware. The built would contain a Pentium G3258,8gb ram,40gb ide drive and ide cd-rom, and a pci graphics card. The pc would also boot linux which would be on a seperate sata harddrive with a sata dvd-rom and use a pci express graphics card. I know you can run 98 with that much ram(change a setting in a file(iv done it before) but am unsure about the processor speed and that its 64 bit. I am aware that Windows 98 will only see one core. I know I could just use virtulization(which I currently do on a difrrent pc) but that takes the fun away.
  8. Hi guys, this tutorial will be showing you how to change the colors and fonts of context menu on Win XP. 1. Right-click on desktop, Select Properties. 2. In display properties, click on appearance, then under that tab click on Advanced. 3. A new windows should open. On that window, click on desktop and select Menu. 4. The first color, by default will be white, thats the color of the context menu. Change it to the color u want. The secont color is the color of the text. There you go, Enjoy, i hope this helped you.....
  9. K-Meleon 76 beta 2 + update Gecko 38.3Fixed login managerFixed historFixed addon installationFixed injectJS return valueFixed about:preferencesReduce cpu usage when minimizedFixed -webapp and -profilesDir Fixed sessions undo not restoring scroll positionFixed kmeleon ask to save password even when set not toFixed gecko eating event (accel and other things not working randomly), may have side effectFixed save as page complete can fail with bad link in a page.Fixed xpi installationFixed crash when restoring a session with a badly formatted urlFixed open macro function not supporting unicode hostnameFixed can't scroll when selecting text with gestures enabledFixed memory leak when downloading faviconAdded: save as text (For translator, string 62271 added in kmeleon.dll)Added: Close empty tab after downloadFixed: session may not loadFixed: possible memory corruption when reading $URLAdded features from gestures2: draw gesture and command navSearch/ID_NAV_SEARCH (search selected text)
  10. Hello, I have long wondered if there is some way to prevent icons from automatically scaling in Windows XP. For example, when I am in Windows Explorer in Tiles view (which displays 48x48 pixel icons), and the largest available icon is 32x32 pixels, the 32x32 icon will scale up to 48x48. This is highly undesirable, since it creates jagged edges, and the result is usually horrific! The smaller icon will always scale up to the bigger size; the only exception to this behaviour is when in Thumbnail view. Then the size of the icon is respected, seemingly for the 48x48-pixel icons, i.e., it will make everything scale up to 48x48 instead of the full 96x96 size of the thumbnail. I would think there would be some setting somewhere to change that would fix this strange behaviour, so if anyone has heard of it, I would be ever so greatful to hear of it! Thanks, Thomas
  11. Hello, I'm looking for a new backup solution. I've been using the "ThinkVantage Rescue and Recovery" program supplied with my IBM ThinkPad (my main computer at the moment. It is supposed to basically create disk images, but it is very flaky, poorly supported, and has completely stopped working as of late, i.e., it will not be able to complete a new backup even after leaving it overnight. I've looked at a few other disk imaging programs, but I wonder about peoples' experience with "NTBackup" (shipped standard with Windows NT until Vista). Does this really create a disk image? Does it matter? The "Automated System Recovery Wizard" sounds pretty swell. Is it all it's cracked up to be? Does anyone have actual experience with this? Alternatively, I was thinking of something like DriveImage XML. Let me know what you think! Thanks, Thomas
  12. Hey, I've got an big problem! I just did a clean install of Windows 10 on my computer and now I tried to set all up I need, but all MSI Installer are freezing after a while. Mostly while the Windows Installer are displaying, that it "Create new shortcuts". Of course, I reboot my computer and tried again, but I still have the same issue, but then Windows is telling me, there is another failed installation of any other program and this one will be abort and all the already copied files will delete. Any idea? Mirco
  13. Is there a way to reserve Win 10's without IDENTIFYING the machine? Lets say, I have a Win 8 Pro license from the $14.99 sale that I am not currently using on a machine, as yet? I figured Win 10 upgrades for OEM licenses would be tied to machine and non OEM licenses would be tied to previous License code?
  14. I seem to be unable to create a "fully" working multiboot/install DVD using the "Create Windows 98/ME/NT/2K/XP/2003 all in one installation DVD" I replaced Windows 2003 with Windows 95 (Version C) as I planned to put 2003 on a different DVD with newer versions of windows on it. When I try booting any of the disk I put on there they show an error about not being able to find the setup/installation files. For some reason Win 95 - ME will still work if I type "setup" (D:\WinME\setup for Windows ME installer) and continue normally. Windows NT 4.0 doesn't boot at all and when I attempt editing the iso and add the I386 for WinNT to the root folder it will boot but BSDO when setup starts. Windows 2000 and XP both boot but fail to start at all giving me a "insert Win 2000/XP disk into drive A:" error and I can't find a way to fix that at all. I use UltraEdit (Version and Oracle VirtualBox (Version 4.3.30 r 10610 64-Bit) on Windows 10 Tech Preview 64-Bit (Build 10270) to build/test the ISO. Message me for images/files if you need them. If anyone has any ideas please help or suggest another method of combining these disk to a DVD Iso or USB drive. Guide I used: http://www.magiciso.com/tutorials/miso-create-multi-os-cd.htm Link to images of the errors/iso: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9uFvN9K3tPWfnpmTVJ1VnkzdThQQTNjZ1NuUE53WFdZdk1jQWFTVUtocGZYY3E5Z0lTMms&authuser=0 P.S.: If I posted this to the wrong forum section, just feel free to tell me where it should be or move it there if possible.
  15. Hi, first of all I'm new here, so hi, my name's Jesse. I've recently taken on the interest of building a computer that in my eyes is vintage. A lot of the components will be from around 2005, but my OS will be Windows 2000. Planned specs: Pentium 4 CPU, probably the later hyperthreaded version 4GB RAM DDR2 (Or 3.5 technically, whatever W2K will recognize.) GeForce 7950 GT 512MB GDDR3 500GB HDD (I believe W2K Service Pack 4 natively supports a drive of this size) Some sound blaster sound card may be added later. This is going to be an open bench computer. I did the research of all of these components already and they all have drivers available from manufacturers' websites for W2K. Anyways, I need some advice. I want to make this computer as functional as possible. I plan on getting the unofficial service pack 5 installed already, as well as office 2007. However, I would like: The best browser that still will work on W2K. A later version of itunes, preferably with support for iPhone. Best available version of adobe flash player that will run. Any other software you guys would recommend. Like I said, I am looking to make this computer as functional as possible when compared to a modern computer, but with the vintage feel of an older operating system and hardware. Thank you so much.
  16. Windows NTFS Compression and Native Boot VHD/ VHDX? Issues or Conflicts? I am currently cleaning out my Windows 7 x64 Ultimate SP1 for a 2 step upgrade > Win 8 > Win 8.1 and then will convert it to VHD. I have this \Windows\Installer folder that is taking a lot of space and seems to be unused mostly. Eventually, I wish to clean it out/ delete it or major stuff inside it. But, till then I was considering "compressing" option it as suggested here instead of delete/ remap right now. http://superuser.com/questions/23479/is-it-safe-to-delete-from-c-windows-installer http://superuser.com/questions/707767/how-can-i-to-free-up-drive-space-from-the-windows-installer-folder-without-killi If I do this right now (during Win 7 > 8 > 8.1) I am wondering this will cause any issues creatingin or running the VHD? I googled around for VHD and NTFS compression and did not find anything good or bad either way (with exception that Windows XP and VHD had some issues) http://blogs.msdn.com/b/virtual_pc_guy/archive/2007/05/24/be-careful-with-vhds-and-windows-xp-compressed-folders.aspx
  17. I just made a cool Windows Classic color scheme, and thought I'd share it. Had to upload this image again because MSFN somehow lost it. If you have a nice-looking desktop using the classic theme, feel free to post it in this thread!
  18. This is not something that happens particularly often, but when it does, it can be extremely frustrating. Every once in a while, I may be browsing the web, playing Doom, RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, or doing something else on my Windows 98 machine, and suddenly, the shell stops responding and everything becomes unusably slow. Most of the time, I can do the three-finger salute, kill every open application and Explorer, and the desktop respawns, and I can go back to what I was doing. However, sometimes the system becomes so unresponsive that it completely locks up. The screen becomes a still image, the mouse pointer doesn't move, and the keyboard doesn't respond either. Even pressing the power button on the front of the case does nothing. Ctrl+Alt+Del has no effect, either. It's as if Windows was just frozen in time. I once let the machine sit for two hours like that to see if it would finish whatever it was doing, only to come back with it still locked up as ever. As much as I absolutely hate doing this, I have no choice but to hard reset. I hold the power button down for 5 seconds to forcibly power off the machine, and then turn it back on and wait for ScanDisk to take its sweet time checking the disk for errors before Windows boots up. This happens maybe once or twice a week for me, but it's still infuriating. Has anyone else experienced things like this? Are there any ways to diagnose this when it happens and find the cause.
  19. hi all. i get a new pc yesterday and i installed windows 98 in it, all want fine after some problems, but now i get some more i hope you guys can help me out. here is the pc i get: Pentium 4 HT 3.0 / 1MB / 800 s478 SL7PMAsrock mobo P4I65GDelta 250W PSU2x1GB PC3200 400MHz @ = 2GB dual channel DDR250GB Seagate SATADVD-RW Optiarc AD-5170AnVidia GeForce FX6200 128MBC-Media AC'97 Audio m. FP-AudioRealtek RTL8139 100Mb Network3x PCI free slotCard Reader, 1x Printer Port2x SATA, 1xIDE, 80mm Chassis FanKeyboard and mouse connectors i have turned off hyper threadingand i only use one 1 GB ram ddr stick i don't get any lower atm, i will get later on. here is my problems: 1. i can't get my drive to lower then 250 i trys my a patirtion on win7 when in uninstalled that system but 98 wanted to remove it and did not give me a chans to set my own. 2. after i installed all driver and unofficel service pack 3.44 i even installed kernelEX and some games:now i can't get into MD-DOS mode nor can i turn of my PC even if i say shut down it only resets it self, allways when i press shout down it are on the reset tab even i try to anything else after it reset it still on the reset not the privisely option where it should be.i just realised it, so i thought it might be of any help. i ahve tryd uninstalling kernelEX still some problems. if i messed up anywhere play help,
  20. How do we install AeroGlass for Windows 10 (the experimental build of aero glass)
  21. Look out, if You use Windows 7, 8.0 and 8.1 - update prepare Your Windows to be upgraded to Windows 10 without telling You !!!!! Windows 10 is still months away, but that isn’t stopping Microsoft from deploying some tools that will remind users to update to the newest operating system once it becomes available. A recent “recommended” patch showed up in Windows Update, linked to KB3035583, which seemingly prepares machines for the new OS. The knowledge base article describes the patch as enabling additional capabilities for Windows Update notifications in Windows 8.0, 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1. But looking at the files the patch installs in System 32, we can see that at least one of the executables mentions downloading Windows 10. Not only that, but the patch itself seems to pave the way for Microsoft to display ads and notifications to users, letting them know when the new OS becomes available.
  22. LISTEN UP INSIDERS ! According to Andre Da Costa must insiders that don't like what Windows 10 has become stop use Microsoft's products. He recommends us to start use Linux or Mac instead. As a businessowner i already have decided to boycott Microsoft as long as they continue to force their ModernUI, Store, Apps, Skype, Onedrive, the dysfunctional startmenu, p2p updates and a non-controllable Windows Update...and the list goes on and on...down Our throats ! I won't support that Windows will be some sort of a toy or mobile OS for high end desktops. Therefore i have sold off all my Microsoft stocks. Read 5th comment from above here and see for Yourself that we, the disappointed insiders, aren't welcome here [Note: on Win 10 TP Forum] any more: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_install/awesome-and-impressive-is-microsoft-being/87a41a75-c35d-4dc4-a6b0-2b26fa59abf8?page=5 StefansART The original link on Windows 10 TP forum: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_perf/listen-up-insiders/9ed4e85c-987b-44f4-a51f-93f26d13c976?tm=1427030717153
  23. Hi there, i am new here and i am looking forward to meet other people with my interests. I have been in many IT-related educations, here in my country, Sweden. It's a long list so i won't make You sleepy with them.... Since the end of the 1980's i have been in to music productions. Between 2008 and 2012 i was ranked as the 70th best music producer in the world. I do also create digital art and like to discuss politics. I hope i get some friends here. My name is Stefan. You find my music here: https://soundcloud.com/therealdjtightlips
  24. I'm sure this has been reported, and there is probably a fix. I tried Googling it and searching for it here to no avail. I probably just wasn't wording my search correctly. My problem: the Internet icon in the start menu will not change to the default browser or to the one specified as it is supposed to do. My default browser is set to Mozilla Firefox (for obvious reasons) and even set in the start menu settings, but it doesn't reflect on the Internet icon. Microsoft update didn't work either, but I saw the thread here about it and downgraded the muweb.dll to x.256 or whatever it was. I do have the POS update registry edit if that makes any difference. This copy of Windows XP was installed yesterday. It has updates from onepiece slipstreamed (by nLite).
  25. Anybody know how to change the appearance of the menus in Windows? I'm looking to change this: To this:
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