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  1. Lately I've been testing Windows Vita on AMD Ryzen mobile platform. https://msfn.org/board/topic/186330-windows-vista-on-amd-ryzen-mobile-raven-ridge-vega-graphics-testing/#comment-1269685 The OS is stable once it has booted so it's mostly usable, but this cannot be said about virtual machines running on this hardware. The stability is WAY worse there. It seems that Ryzen issues affect virtual machines running using AMD's virtualization technology way more that the host. Guest machines (Windows 11 and Linux) would randomly hang, endlessly display what was on the screen just before the crash and cause 100% CPU usage on cores that were assigned to the virtual machine. It doesn't harm the host OS, you can just run taskmgr.exe and close the affected virtual machine This makes me think Ryzen issues lie deeper than in the USB controller, CD ROM drivers and the likes. It may be related to no drift correction as on Haswell, I guess Windows build 6519 would have to be tested to know for sure. So far ppl have reported different builds to be the ones that fix the Ryzen BSODs https://board.eclipse.cx/viewtopic.php?p=2910#p2910
  2. This is not something that happens particularly often, but when it does, it can be extremely frustrating. Every once in a while, I may be browsing the web, playing Doom, RollerCoaster Tycoon 3, or doing something else on my Windows 98 machine, and suddenly, the shell stops responding and everything becomes unusably slow. Most of the time, I can do the three-finger salute, kill every open application and Explorer, and the desktop respawns, and I can go back to what I was doing. However, sometimes the system becomes so unresponsive that it completely locks up. The screen becomes a still image, the mouse pointer doesn't move, and the keyboard doesn't respond either. Even pressing the power button on the front of the case does nothing. Ctrl+Alt+Del has no effect, either. It's as if Windows was just frozen in time. I once let the machine sit for two hours like that to see if it would finish whatever it was doing, only to come back with it still locked up as ever. As much as I absolutely hate doing this, I have no choice but to hard reset. I hold the power button down for 5 seconds to forcibly power off the machine, and then turn it back on and wait for ScanDisk to take its sweet time checking the disk for errors before Windows boots up. This happens maybe once or twice a week for me, but it's still infuriating. Has anyone else experienced things like this? Are there any ways to diagnose this when it happens and find the cause.
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