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  1. StartAllBack 3.8 is major update with fully recreated taskbar. It will be necessary for August 24H2 update. It's like 70% new app. New - Shy autohide taskbar perk - Never, hide labels combine button setting - Reorder task thumbnails by drag&drop Improved - Reduced taskbar memory usage, improved responsiveness with async immersive shell startup - Pixel-perfect task icons if possible - All-new animations Removed - Modern jump list with classic taskbar - Pinning to jumplist via drop on taskbar button - Auto-hide taskbar for fullscreen UWP apps Download: https://startisback.com/StartAllBack_setup.exe No translations for taskbar context menu in beta 1 Refer to alpha 1/2 threads
    7 points
  2. Because msfn need to pay for license key and spam prevention. Thats why! This is private site based on donations and I do everything for free. Here are some people from the beginning and I respect them, otherwise MSFN will be removed from the net long time ago. Calm down and be patient.
    6 points
  3. You sound arrogant and conceited, was that your intent? Is the forum getting renamed in your honor? This is a quote taken out of context. If you want to quote me, please do it correctly in context! Here is my original statement: What sounds arrogant and conceited about this factual statement? The answer is: nothing. But your subsequent comment is simply inappropriate and superfluous.
    5 points
  4. Dear Dave, you're, as usual, right, and this is a very good example of what you've just told. https://msfn.org/board/topic/178137-mozilla-firefox-5291-esr-works-on-windows-xp/?do=findComment&comment=1269639 Words torn out-of-context is a total disrespect, not to mention the mockery part. On behalf of all members, I want to thank you for being a marvellous moderator!
    5 points
  5. To be honest, I'm not at all surprised that you have problems with Windows operating systems after reading your posts here on MSFN.
    5 points
  6. Within Task Manager -> Processes/Details Tab You can match the PID against the result of the second netstat command above, you can then find the image name/end the
    5 points
  7. @lll888 In these days, such programmes like Ports Off or Windows Worms Door Cleaner are no longer really necessary as users are usually protected by a hardware firewall in their routers and a software firewall in Windows. Generally, the user should rather first check which ports are closed or not. This could be done, for example, by the (still maintained) Nirsoft tool CurrPorts.
    5 points
  8. I would never apply such a batch or reg file, especially if offered in the way you did. For me, they are files from dubious sources. This batch file is meant to disable services in Windows offered from a person nobody knows and who does not provide any detailed information about the reasons for the service selection inside this batch file. This is a no-go. Same applies to your recommended utilities. And then someone should also import these registration keys via reg file, again without any information and explanations. Furthermore, you did not provide any links to the homepages of their origin. Only pictures of two utilities. Sorry but ! And all this logically leads to . And by that I mean no trust in such an offer and no trust in their provider. And that's you. Sorry for the bad news!
    5 points
  9. I can tell the same yo you, keep your opinion to yourself. This is no way to start a new membership with insults towards the forum and the members.
    5 points
  10. No, it was a friendly reminder to follow the news on the site.
    5 points
  11. LOL, I wrote about it a month ago. Unfortunately, my 2009 PC is beginning to feel exhausted. Starting Thorium/Supermium (or any other Chrome) newer than 122 feels heavy.
    5 points
  12. If you had read my post carefully, you would have noticed that I didn't say that this behaviour seems to be "unique" to my referenced Windows 10 Firewall Control Plus XP. I also used Comodo Firewall in the past. It was and is certainly still a good firewall but Windows 10 Firewall Control Plus XP did all I needed better in a more comfortable way and very low on consuming resources. It's as simple as that. BTW, I will write an article about the standalone Comodo Firewall soon. But testing it in these days must be left to others, as I have already explained in one of my last posts.
    5 points
  13. Ok. In any case, it was an incoming connection at the local port 3389 and blocked by Avast. The corresponding service was disabled by you anyways. And Avast did its job. So, nothing bad could happen. Personally, I always disable all remote features from the very first. To use a properly working firewall which reports all blocked incoming and outgoing connections is mandatory and as we can see necessary and meaningful.
    5 points
  14. @genieautravail probably needs to update his post, then. https://msfn.org/board/topic/182219-comodo-firewall-last-win-xp-version/?do=findComment&comment=1194376
    5 points
  15. Thank you very much for the upload! And don't be worried, I won't ask you where you found it! @genieautravail Are there other installer versions available from your source? There is one other version I am also interested in, It is the file cispremium_only_installer.exe in the version Only if it doesn’t cause any trouble, of course. And only if you are not at work.
    5 points
  16. Although the whole conversation has actually become off-topic, I do not agree with your statement "Only if you don't tweak and optimize!". You can't redesign the whole OS. Tweaking and optimizing has nothing to do with the fact that the basic design of Windows 10, and more worse Windows 11, is crap. And I am not interested in modifying, tweaking and optimizing such crap. End of story.
    5 points
  17. This firewall is a special version for Windows XP. Formerly, it was called Vista Firewall Control, then Windows 7 Firewall Control and so on. That doesn't mean anything. Technically, I am running a pure Windows XP equipped with a lot of software. And the more recent OSes are crappy because the admin is no longer an admin. The admin is Microsoft in more recent Windows OSes, especially starting with Windows 8. And in the end, you can't do much about it. Apart from that, you are bombarded with so much junk that you lose all sense of humor.
    5 points
  18. Sorry, no clue! I had been using Comodo programmes only a short time in the past. Maybe, some others here can say more about the different versions of Comodo. I used the Comodo Firewall for the longest time (some months). But all that is long time ago. So, here is my next call to all users of Comodo under Windows XP. This thread needs information about Comodo Antivirus, Comodo Internet Security and Comodo Firewall. Especially users running Windows XP in a VM or users running VMs in general might test some of the last compatible versions and report here. That would be very helpful as I cannot test all software by myself. And here is what I know about the last compatible versions which had been running error-free: Comodo Antivirus Comodo Internet Security Comodo Firewall Now, we need confirmations and information by testing these versions and maybe others.
    5 points
  19. The last Windows XP compatible installer of SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition is the version 10.0.1254. Install it and use the internal updater! Then you will get the latest version 10.0.1266. Here is a screenshot: And here is the download link for the installer: https://download.filepuma.com/files/spyware-removers/superantispyware/SuperAntiSpyware_v10.0.1254.exe. Accordingly, I have updated my article. Cheers, AstroSkipper
    5 points
  20. Exactly! For me, looks like they simply want to make noise in a desperate attempt to draw a couple of more users.
    5 points
  21. No chance in Hell. It doesn't even work with Chrome 121. The wheel is constantly spinning, that's it. I didn't look into the error console, sorry.
    5 points
  22. I also checked eScanAV Anti-Virus Toolkit (MWAV) 22.0.60 on an old machine with an Athlon XP 3200+ SSE-only CPU. It failed and therefore, an SSE2 CPU at least is unfortunately necessary. Accordingly, I edited my main article in terms of hardware requirements.
    5 points
  23. Update notification! RogueKiller Anti-Malware has been updated to version 15.17.4 on 26.06.2024. It is still listed to be compatible with Windows XP. Accordingly, I will update my article as soon as I can confirm its XP-compatibility. Cheers, AstroSkipper
    5 points
  24. Half of flags in that list are depreciated, The list needs to be brushed through.
    5 points
  25. Jody, for the 1st time I agree with you. But let's not forget the reason @win32 left. Such accusations are very serious and interfere with his work, at least the mood. Our goal is to see him back and work together in a pleasant environment, This is still not looking like one,
    5 points
  26. I've had all kinds of hardware die, including new RAM modules, but not the ones I bought used.
    5 points
  27. No solutions as of yet, what they did in the new Ungoogled patch - doesn't block all, btw. It's now more of a partially broken API there, from the looks of it.
    5 points
  28. You're welcome! NirSoft tools are great. I use many of them for many, many years. Most of these tools are still XP-compatible and even get updates from time to time.
    5 points
  29. Thanks for your interest! In the end, I couldn't figure out why the described issue occurred in one Windows XP partition but not in the other. One of the rare issues that I couldn't fix. The good thing is that I am now using a much better startup manager. So, thanks to Glarysoft for this issue!
    5 points
  30. Of course! I am definitely not interested in collecting malicious files. I don't put that kind of filth on my disc. Thanks to good real-time protection and my online behaviour!
    5 points
  31. You might want to think about your download behaviour. And about your choice of favourite search engine. Yandex is a very bad choice but a good one to get crap. 200 out of 1000 files flagged that's a quota of 20%. Far too much! All what I can say is .
    5 points
  32. Correct. The browser Thorium is in different versions available but none of them is compatible with a CPU SSE only. It works perfectly in New Moon 28 and Serpent 52. Thus, it's a very good recommendation. Try to lower the minversion to 27.10.0 in the install.rdf file inside the xpi archive! Maybe, it works then in New Moon 27.10.0, too. BTW, it was indeed a typo in the user agent string I already corrected.
    4 points
  33. Agree, but it would be a great breakthrough, so let's dream on!
    4 points
  34. Or with another simply way, in CMD enter. netstat -abn
    4 points
  35. "x86 release is very broken even on 7+, so there is none yet. " https://github.com/Eclipse-Community/r3dfox/releases/tag/v126.0.2v
    4 points
  36. Unfortunately, the very, very old version Comodo Firewall 2.4 from 2007 does not offer all features in comparison with Windows 10 Firewall Control Plus XP from 2016. For example, it lacks IP6 support. This feature was only introduced starting with the version Comodo Firewall 5.3.174622.1216 from 2011. That means Comodo Firewall 2.4 is only an option for those users whose internet provider does not offer or does not use the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6). For better overview, I have updated my article about Windows 10 Firewall Control Plus XP in terms of offered features, download links and screenshots.
    4 points
  37. One thing seems to be clear. It's better to have blocked incoming connections, even if suspicious, than outgoing ones. The latter would mean your computer is compromised by malware or other intruders.
    4 points
  38. Another Supermium 124 release made it to the GitHub Releases Section: https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/releases/tag/v124 Though it is still labelled as "Pre-release", the author claims it's "the main release of Supermium 124"; among the Release Notes: The distributions bundle (official) progwrp.dll-v1.1.0.5018 ; and before any member of the known "family" asks anew, no, the "not-possible-to-disable-the-CH-API-on-Sm122+" issue hasn't yet been addressed (else, it would surely have been mentioned inside the Release Notes ) ... Kind regards to all ...
    4 points
  39. DIY, we-don't-owe-you-anything-article from Microsoft. "This sample showcases how to use D3D12 on Windows 7, also known as D3D12On7. Specifically, this sample demonstrates how to write an app that supports running with Direct3D 12 both on Windows 7 ... with the same packaging layout and executable." "D3D12 doesn't exist on Windows 7 in such a way that you can do that. Instead, apps that want to use D3D12 on Windows 7 need to redistribute the D3D12.dll file, along with supporting binaries." https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/samples/microsoft/directx-graphics-samples/d3d12-12-on-7-sample-win32/
    4 points
  40. Sorry, not convincing, VPN, for example! "It (Kaspersky) blocks VPNs as well unless you use their own VPN." https://forum.kaspersky.com/topic/prevent-blocking-of-vpn-21565/
    4 points
  41. Yes, if have doubts, just make a backup.
    4 points
  42. @IDA-RE-things This is not our issue, and there's no reason for people here to feel that they need to take up cudgels on your behalf. You and win32s(s) are on GitHub, and this issue, if it merits it, should be raised and resolved there. FWIW, as far as I can see the 'borrowing' of someone else's code is something which should be asked for in advance as a matter of courtesy, and acknowledged by the 'borrower', and in many cases I'm sure that would be accepted by the code's originator, even with closed source projects. If those niceties were not observed in this case, that's regrettable, but it's between you and win32s(s) and should be resolved on GitHub, not here.
    4 points
  43. I'm NOT arguing with anyone, I'm politely asking @IDA-RE-thingsto provide proof. @IDA-RE-things joined very recently, and already started to accuse our veteran member win32, counting likes, so yeah, looks like he doesn't have a real active project at MSFN, and this question should be addressed to him, not me. Edit: I don't "feel", it's written publicly, in plain text.
    4 points
  44. This seems like a rather weak, desperate attempt to draw attention away from the main, serious subject. I mean the subject of @IDA-RE-things accusing our respected member @win32 and Chromium Team of stealing his code.
    4 points
  45. I started the talk about Chrome 110, and @Dixel wrote what you see as "argument" in the context of @NotHereToPlayGames, who is a repacker/modder, is he not?
    4 points
  46. I don't care what they write about user serviceable parts of Chrome. Under the bonnet, it was the same ol' Chrome. In 111 they made drastic changes, so it wasn't possible to run it even with Ex-kernel (vista and 7, both). That was one of the reasons for starting Supermium, as per win32's words.
    4 points
  47. Thanks for your confirmation! I also thought that a time bomb had been implemented in the executable. McAfee probably wanted to prevent users from using outdated versions of Stinger. But I wanted a confirmation from others to be sure it's not related to my system only.
    4 points
  48. Are you really serious? A new installation after every update? And all this effort for an ancient programme with a totally outdated AV engine? I'm losing faith.
    4 points
  49. Dave, be a dear, try to check whether the Client Hints alleged block actually works in this new 124 version. https://browserleaks.com/client-hints It needs to say "API not supported". Many thanks! Have a nice day.
    4 points
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