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Found 2 results

  1. Windows NTFS Compression and Native Boot VHD/ VHDX? Issues or Conflicts? I am currently cleaning out my Windows 7 x64 Ultimate SP1 for a 2 step upgrade > Win 8 > Win 8.1 and then will convert it to VHD. I have this \Windows\Installer folder that is taking a lot of space and seems to be unused mostly. Eventually, I wish to clean it out/ delete it or major stuff inside it. But, till then I was considering "compressing" option it as suggested here instead of delete/ remap right now. http://superuser.com/questions/23479/is-it-safe-to-delete-from-c-windows-installer http://superuser.com/questions/707767/how-can-i-to-free-up-drive-space-from-the-windows-installer-folder-without-killi If I do this right now (during Win 7 > 8 > 8.1) I am wondering this will cause any issues creatingin or running the VHD? I googled around for VHD and NTFS compression and did not find anything good or bad either way (with exception that Windows XP and VHD had some issues) http://blogs.msdn.com/b/virtual_pc_guy/archive/2007/05/24/be-careful-with-vhds-and-windows-xp-compressed-folders.aspx
  2. I have a history of jumping into "improvements" to my PC setup without first making sure that they are actually improvements... This time, I thought I would get some outside insight and advice, prior to the actual undertaking... I'll start with my current setup, and then outline the idea that is floating around in my brain. Comments and criticisms are welcome at any point in the process... Currently, I run my system from VHDX, primarily for the differencing, and as a space-saving measure (differencing disks are denoted by indentation level): "Base" vhdx, simply a blank vhdx, with the OS (8.1) applied via DISMHardware Base vhdx -> contains drivers & programs common to various boot scenariosDaily Use vhdx -> has Office & various other odds & endsGaming vhdx -> Screens setup for surround gaming, extraneous programs stripped outTesting vhdx -> useful for testing out new hardware / software(List expands & contracts as needed)VPC Base vhdx -> Drivers & programs common for VMsVMs (varies)To-Go VHDX -> I have a Win to go setup, very useful for the inevitable family & friends service calls. I run it as a VHDX for ease in un-doing any potential changes In the setup I am considering moving to, I would add a top level WIM file, and enable booting from WIM for all of the listed scenarios. I am also planning on moving from my single (x86) to-go to a dual x86 / x64 setup... I'm not terribly concerned about any potential speed hits, saving space on my SSDs (in my main PC, and for my to-go setup) is of more importance... Are there any "gotcha" scenarios I should be aware of? Any potential system breaking issues? I am currently working on updating my Windows 8.1 ISOs to update 1, then I am planning on slipstreaming any & all of the updates that are out so far... Thanks for reading, and any comments are much appreciated!
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