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  1. I recently added to this board that my experience is that this is true. Checked on September 2nd 2017 this morning. Tried Firefox and other variations of Firefox. Opera 12.0x and login wasnt ever possible. Might have something to do with https/ssl/certificates or such stuff. Im not sure. IE6 that wont even load google.com or youtube funnily achieved to login atleast. I dont know how long the board will still be on, but just that you know there are issues with windows 9x. And so all Windows 9x just you know, that happened also on other systems. You can ofcourse still read topics and so, but the load time may be different from browser to browser. Would be interesting to find out what the issue is, but I think it may really not be worth of the time. So just an information for all. Also: On Windows 9x you do get the message "MSFN is made available via donations, subscriptions and advertising revenue. The use of ad-blocking software hurts the site. Please disable ad-blocking software or set an exception for MSFN. Alternatively, register and become a site sponsor/subscriber and ads will be disabled automatically. " But the ads are not displayed all the time. Atleast I remember it was so on Opera 12 with inprivate mode. I didnt make any screenshots. Also the "Opera Emulator" version 11 (designed to test mobile surfing) didnt allow login. If someone own the "Opera Mini" browser please check if the board login still works, since Opera mini also uses presto engine (should be the similiar to "Opera Emulator"). Might be Opera 12.1x supports login. So maybe somebody with Windows 2000 can tell if things work better from there.
  2. How would ME work on this Latitude? Tried earlier with KernelEx 4.5.2 but no driver would install. The ones essential to me are: Intel GM965 Chipset Sigmatel STAC 92XX C-Major HD Audio Dell Wireless 1390 Video drivers
  3. I seem to be unable to create a "fully" working multiboot/install DVD using the "Create Windows 98/ME/NT/2K/XP/2003 all in one installation DVD" I replaced Windows 2003 with Windows 95 (Version C) as I planned to put 2003 on a different DVD with newer versions of windows on it. When I try booting any of the disk I put on there they show an error about not being able to find the setup/installation files. For some reason Win 95 - ME will still work if I type "setup" (D:\WinME\setup for Windows ME installer) and continue normally. Windows NT 4.0 doesn't boot at all and when I attempt editing the iso and add the I386 for WinNT to the root folder it will boot but BSDO when setup starts. Windows 2000 and XP both boot but fail to start at all giving me a "insert Win 2000/XP disk into drive A:" error and I can't find a way to fix that at all. I use UltraEdit (Version and Oracle VirtualBox (Version 4.3.30 r 10610 64-Bit) on Windows 10 Tech Preview 64-Bit (Build 10270) to build/test the ISO. Message me for images/files if you need them. If anyone has any ideas please help or suggest another method of combining these disk to a DVD Iso or USB drive. Guide I used: http://www.magiciso.com/tutorials/miso-create-multi-os-cd.htm Link to images of the errors/iso: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9uFvN9K3tPWfnpmTVJ1VnkzdThQQTNjZ1NuUE53WFdZdk1jQWFTVUtocGZYY3E5Z0lTMms&authuser=0 P.S.: If I posted this to the wrong forum section, just feel free to tell me where it should be or move it there if possible.
  4. Hi all, So I am trying to install ME on a 2004 (I think) desktop and everything goes swimmingly until the last stage of setup, where the system would normally reboot and configure the start menu, control panel, etc. Here it just freezes ("Completed updating files, continuing to load Windows... *blink blink blink*") I have discovered through trial and error that I am able to start into safe mode successfully. When I do this, if I remove ACPI BIOS from the device manager, the system will boot up normally and get to the desktop. However, when I do this, it does not detect ANY of my peripherals (USB, CD drive, graphics card, etc.) and does not even display anything as an unknown device. (I also tried manually installing Plug and Play failsafe BIOS with the same result.) I don't pretend to know much about ACPI but from my research here and elsewhere I see a lot of people recommending disabling it. I don't really care either way as long as I get a working system where I can use my hardware devices. (So far I have tried disabling it in the registry, BIOS and by using the "/p I" setup switch but none give a clean boot.) So my question is, I guess, if anyone can shed any light on this, or suggest what I can try in order to get the system working normally? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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