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Found 24 results

  1. Notice: These projects have no affiliation with any upstream community code sources or organizations. Please direct all support or related questions to here. "Serpent", "New Moon", "MailNews" are generic debranded names and they are subject to change in the future. Archive directory names and archive filenames will only be changed once generic debranded names are not used in the future. Latest changelog is available here as well: http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser for people who can't register here, there is another place you can create post for asking/help besides in github and blog: https://forum.eclipse.cx/viewforum.php?f=33 Serpent/UXP browser (MCP reforked 52ESR as new base), and NM28XP releases: https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/page/130/#findComment-1277857 Binaries are moved to here: (I'm lazy to edit all previous posts) https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/?sort=date&order=desc BOC and hyperbola related binaries: https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/page/130/#findComment-1277858 Binary list: https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/?sort=date&order=desc ------------------------------------- Serpent/moebius browser (deprecated by MCP, forked by me), and also 26.5 as playground : https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/page/130/#findComment-1277859 https://msfn.org/board/topic/177125-my-browser-builds-part-1/?do=findComment&comment=1150716 ------------------------------------- And NewMoon 26.5 and K-Meleon 74 with Goanna 2.2 (newmoon-26.5) for vanilla Win2000 build: https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/page/121/#findComment-1275928 https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/?do=findComment&comment=1266992 ------------------------------------- NewMoon 27 build: https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/page/121/#findComment-1275926 ------------------------------------- K-Meleon browser with Goanna/Tycho engine: It has its own sub-forum in K-Meleon official forum! http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/list.php?19 Latest build: https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/page/121/#findComment-1275927 ------------------------------------- Firefox ESR 45 with TenFourFox fixes for IA32/SSE-only machines: https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/page/121/#findComment-1275929 Firefox ESR 38 ported to VC2010 for older processors and older XP: https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/page/121/#findComment-1275930 https://msfn.org/board/topic/185966-my-browser-builds-part-5/?do=findComment&comment=1267456 K-Meleon Original cross-post is here: https://msfn.org/board/topic/177125-my-browser-builds-part-1/?do=findComment&comment=1147803 ------------------------------------- ArcticFox XP win32 test build: https://github.com/rmottola/Arctic-Fox/releases ----previous post---- https://msfn.org/board/topic/184051-my-browser-builds-part-4/
  2. Pros - a somewhat light, with the most needed customisations, like removing the ugly profile button and the ability to have a really clean UI Officially works on old OS, the release version of Win 7 (2009) for example, works on Vista with a couple of tweaks, works on Win 8 from 2012. No problems with excessive brightness or fonts! Cons - very seldom engine updates. Thoughts?
  3. Recently read about this one, it appears to be one of the more interesting forks of Mozilla Firefox. More knobs in settings, sidebar, keyboard shortcuts; among other things, there's a knob for tab bar below toolbars, some update settings controllable through GUI like in old Firefox versions (there's no "Never check for updates", but the option to choose to install them is there), JPEG-XL support enabled by default, knob for turning on userChromeJS script support... There's also Web Apps feature, I guess equivalent to Chromium's "install website as app". Available x86 and x64 builds for Windows, x64 and aarch64 builds for Linux and a version for macOS (guess whatever's current in the Apple world). Homepage: https://floorp.app/en Downloads: https://floorp.app/en/download Installation instructions: https://docs.floorp.app/en/introduction/installation/
  4. Can be checked here: https://browserleaks.com/ip "Fingerprinting TLS Clients with JA4 on F5 BIG-IP What is JA4? JA4 is a subset of the larger JA4+ set of network fingerprints. JA4+ is a set of simple network fingerprints for a number of protocols that are intended to be both human and machine readable, and replaces the JA3 TLS fingerprinting standard from 2017 (Salesforce is no longer maintaining JA3). Currently, JA4+ includes JA4/S/H/L/X/SSH, or JA4+ for short. JA4+ Fingerprints JA4 — TLS Client JA4S — TLS Server Response JA4H — HTTP Client JA4L — Light Distance/Location JA4X — X509 TLS Certificate JA4SSH — SSH Traffic More fingerprints are in development and will be added to the JA4+ family as they are released." https://community.f5.com/kb/technicalarticles/fingerprinting-tls-clients-with-ja4-on-f5-big-ip/326298
  5. Notice: These projects have no affiliation with any upstream community code sources or organizations. Please direct all support or related questions to here. "Serpent", "New Moon", "MailNews" are generic debranded names and they are subject to change in the future. Archive directory names and archive filenames will only be changed once generic debranded names are not used in the future. Latest changelog is available here as well: http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser for people who can't register here, there is another place you can create post for asking/help besides in github and blog: https://forum.eclipse.cx/viewforum.php?f=33 Serpent/UXP browser (MCP reforked 52ESR as new base), and NM28XP releases: Binaries are moved to here: (I'm lazy to edit all previous posts) https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/?sort=date&order=desc BOC and hyperbola related binaries: Binary list: https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/?sort=date&order=desc ------------------------------------- NewMoon 27 build: ------------------------------------- Serpent/moebius browser (deprecated by MCP, forked by me), and also 26.5 as playground : And NewMoon 26.5 and K-Meleon 74 with Goanna 2.2 (newmoon-26.5) for vanilla Win2000 build: ------------------------------------- K-Meleon browser with Goanna/Tycho engine: It has its own sub-forum in K-Meleon official forum! http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/list.php?19 Latest build: ------------------------------------- Firefox ESR 45 with TenFourFox fixes for IA32/SSE-only machines: ------------------------------------- K-Meleon Original cross-post is here: ------------------------------------- ArcticFox XP win32 test build: https://github.com/rmottola/Arctic-Fox/releases ----previous post----
  6. my website (computer-central) is under development it's a tech related website dedicated to legacy windows (and now linux users) and preserving there history and the link is now updated to https://computer-central.godaddysites.com/ this will be my new permanent home for anything windows (or linux) related so stay tuned for more updates it is still a work in progress but more will be added throughout the year
  7. We mostly talked about QupZilla version 1.1.5 in the past. I have now tested newer versions again. Yes, it does not meet fast development and is basically obsolete. It can be interesting for the KernelEx 4.5.2 user to have an alternative for Firefox 9.0.1 or 10.x with RT's Network Security Services nss update. Qupzilla 1.3.5 runs with Javascript disabled. In my opinion, today 1.8.9 (last XP version, but 2.0.2 runs on my XPSP3, too) isn't much better in terms of website display either. Its OpenSSL (LIBEAY32.DLL, SSLEAY32.DLL) is nearly unusable, but I can simply update that version by replacing these files. Newer versions support important cryptographic protocol TLS 1.2, too. I tested that on two machines. On the first with KernelEx core updates 25 (Kext disabled), I use OpenSSL (1.0.2u), on the second with KernelEx 4.5.2, I can use version (1.0.2L) or alternatively - I think it was -, in any case, however, LIBEAY32.DLL, SSLEAY32.DLL: e.g. https://www.dll-files.com , https://www.npcglib.org/~stathis/blog/precompiled-openssl/ , https://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/Archive/ History and Bookmarks work. The tests are with the portable version (portableapps.com launcher). Disable Javascript in the settings.ini. [Web-Browser-Settings] allowJavaScript=false Path Portable: ...\QupZillaPortable\Data\PROFILE Unfortunately, I did not find some old versions like 1.1.8 or 1.2 anymore, even on archive.org for the possibility to try an older dll of Qupzilla to enable JS. Presumably Javascript of those old browsers brings quite little. https://github.com/QupZilla/qupzilla/blob/master/CHANGELOG https://qupzilla-portable.en.uptodown.com/windows/versions https://qupzilla.en.uptodown.com/windows/versions KernelEx mode: Win2000SP4 https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/QupZilla Portable/ The portable 1.3.5 already have Launcher 2.2.0, that doesn't work on ME/98. The Launcher can be replaced by the next older Launcher 2.1.2. Because I couldn't find any older versions, I built it myself with the PortableAppsLauncherGenerator 2.1.2 and NSISPortable 2.46.1. https://web.archive.org/web/20111121065924/http://portableapps.com/manuals/PortableApps.comLauncher/intro/quickstart.html https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/NSIS Portable/Additional Versions/ https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/PortableApps.com Launcher/PortableApps.comLauncher_2.1.2.paf.exe/download The successor of Qupzilla is Falkon browser. I assembled a first API list: Falkon.ini I started experimenting with DX10/11 , mesa, wine files, like dwrite.dll, libwine.dll, wined3d.dll. Apparently there are mandatory dependencies for Falkon here. For testing I have to enable among others [D3D9.DLL]Direct3DCreate9Ex, [msvcrt.dll]memmove_s=>ucrtbase.dll:, [KERNEL32.DLL]InitOnceBeginInitialize=o4e, CompareStringEx=z9e. I can't leave them on permanently because various errors result in other programs. I enable them for testing only. Is there a Falkon browser setting to prevent these calls similar to Firefox "layers.acceleration.enabled;false", "webgl.angle.try-d3d11;false"? Dooble Browser https://web.archive.org/web/20140214122603/http://dooble.sourceforge.net/ https://dooble.en.uptodown.com/windows/versions https://www.pcworld.pl/ftp/wersje/pc_122625/dooble-web-browser.html Dooble.exe files can be unpacked with 7Zip, too. 1.30 runs on ME/98. Extremely unstable with JS enabled. Javascript can be disabled in the Dooble.ini ([settingsWindow] javascriptEnabled=false). The profile name is ".dooble" and is in the program folder (...\DoobleBrowser\.dooble\Dooble\Dooble.ini). 1.43 (2013): Start it once. After the crash disable JS (see above). And try to start Dooble again. If this doesn't work, run it on XP and disable Javascript. Afterwards use the new profile on ME. On XP the profile name is OS user name (...\DoobleBrowser\-username-\.dooble). 1.43 crashes immediately with JS enabled. Updated: libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, libssl32.dll I can't find some Dooble versions anymore, also not on archive.org. KernelEx mode: Win2000SP4 QTWeb Internet Browser Development has been discontinued. But the Website is still online. Latest version 3.8.5 (2013). It already supports TLS 1.2. http://www.qtweb.net/ 3.8.5 runs on ME/98. Javascript must be disabled. Before you allow internet access you must disable JS, otherwise QT Web will crash. Or set JS in the registry to disabled: (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\QtWeb.NET\QtWeb Internet Browser\websettings) String enableJavascript to false. Portable version: Profile folder > ...\QTWebBrowser\QtWebSettings\QtWeb.NET > QtWeb Internet Browser.ini [websettings] enableJavascript=false KernelEx mode: Win2000SP4 Slimboat - latest version 1.1.54 (2015) It crashes on start. After a web search I have versions 1.1.17 and higher. I also found an older version 1.1.8 (2012) on my HDD. QtWebKit4.dll 4.9.3 can be replaced by an older version (e.g. of SB 1.1.8) to start without error. Don't take QtWebKit4.dll of 1.1.17 or newer. Configuration version 1.1.52 (2014), with older QtWebKit4.dll (4.7.4), libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll Problem - versions 1.1.53 and 1.1.54: Disabled SSL 3.0 protocol disables TLS 1.2, too! This is probably unwanted and a bug. Changelog 1.1.53: "Added option to disable SSL 3.0 protocol to avoid POODLE attack. SSL 3.0 protocol is disabled by default. If you wish to connect to legacy websites supporting only SSL 3.0, you can turn it on in Tools:options:security." Configuration: QtWebKit4.dll (4.7.4), libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll Javascript doesn't matter. Portable: The setup exe can be unpacked with 7Zip (no installation). Delete $PLUGINSDIR and $TEMP. Then create a file settings.ini in the SB program folder with entry [General] AppDataInProgDir=1 The profile folder appdata appears on SB start. https://www.afterdawn.com/software/network/browsers/slimboat.cfm/v1_1_17#all_versions The versions below (1.1.17 - 1.1.54) have the wrong name.. Slimjet = Slimboat https://de.dll-files.com/qtwebkit4.dll.html https://web.archive.org/web/20150211174715/http://www.slimboat.com/en/whatisnew.htm https://web.archive.org/web/20150211175203/http://www.slimboat.com/en/dlpage.php KernelEx mode: Win2000SP4 Versions 1.1.33 and higher require Kext or KernelEx core updates. KernelEx 4.5.2 users can try version 1.1.32. Not usable: Midori Browser doesn't quite fit in here. Version 0.46 (2012) works, but is nearly unusable. Apparently no https, no TLS 1.2 support. 0.47 comes with a new libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0.dll and Midori causes an error in that dll on start. Disabling JS doesn't help in this case. KernelEx mode: Win2000SP4 Anyhow Midori versions are available on archive.org. https://web.archive.org/web/20130707011718/http://www.twotoasts.de/ https://web.archive.org/web/20131201000000*/http://www.twotoasts.de/ Xombrero keyboard controlled browser (discontinued) - latest version 1.6.3 (2013) on sourceforge https://sourceforge.net/projects/xxxterm/files/ missing APIs (Hresult) [USP10.dll] ScriptItemizeOpenType= ScriptPlaceOpenType= ScriptShapeOpenType= It starts with error in libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0.dll like Midori! On XP Xombrero runs by replacing USP10.dll by the file of vista. But in my opinion it isn't really usable anymore.
  8. Notice: These projects have no affiliation with any upstream community code sources or organizations. Please direct all support or related questions to here. "Serpent", "New Moon", "MailNews" are generic debranded names and they are subject to change in the future. Archive directory names and archive filenames will only be changed once generic debranded names are not used in the future. Latest changelog is available here as well: http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser for people who can't register here, there is another place you can create post for asking/help besides in github and blog: https://forum.eclipse.cx/viewforum.php?f=33 Serpent/UXP browser (MCP reforked 52ESR as new base), and NM28XP releases: Binaries are moved to here: (I'm lazy to edit all previous posts) https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/?sort=date&order=desc BOC and hyperbola related binaries: Binary list: https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/?sort=date&order=desc ------------------------------------- NewMoon 27 build: ------------------------------------- Serpent/moebius browser (deprecated by MCP, forked by me), and also 26.5 as playground : And NewMoon 26.5 and K-Meleon 74 with Goanna 2.2 (newmoon-26.5) for vanilla Win2000 build: ------------------------------------- K-Meleon browser with Goanna/Tycho engine: It has its own sub-forum in K-Meleon official forum! http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/list.php?19 Latest build: ------------------------------------- Firefox ESR 45 with TenFourFox fixes for IA32/SSE-only machines: ------------------------------------- K-Meleon Original cross-post is here: ------------------------------------- ArcticFox XP win32 test build: ----previous post----
  9. Notice: These projects have no affiliation with any upstream community code sources or organizations. Please direct all support or related questions to here. "Serpent", "New Moon", "MailNews" are generic debranded names and they are subject to change in the future. Archive directory names and archive filenames will only be changed once generic debranded names are not used in the future. Latest changelog is available here as well: http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser for people who can't register here, there is another place you can create post for asking/help besides in github and blog: https://forum.eclipse.cx/viewforum.php?f=33 Serpent/UXP browser (MCP reforked 52ESR as new base), and NM28XP releases: Binaries are moved to here: (I'm lazy to edit all previous posts) https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/?sort=date&order=desc BOC and hyperbola related binaries: Binary list: https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/?sort=date&order=desc ------------------------------------- NewMoon 27 build: ------------------------------------- Serpent/moebius browser (deprecated by MCP, forked by me), and also 26.5 as playground : And NewMoon 26.5 and K-Meleon 74 with Goanna 2.2 (newmoon-26.5) for vanilla Win2000 build: ------------------------------------- K-Meleon browser with Goanna/Tycho engine: It has its own sub-forum in K-Meleon official forum! http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/list.php?19 Latest build: ------------------------------------- Firefox ESR 45 with TenFourFox fixes for IA32/SSE-only machines: ------------------------------------- K-Meleon Original cross-post is here: ------------------------------------- ArcticFox XP win32 test build: ----previous post----
  10. Placeholder (reserved for use further on).
  11. I'm on XPXP3 Recently I found that I am unable to do Google "Recaptcha". Don't see the images. I'm on the last version of Firefox that will install on XPSP3: 52.9 I see Firefox released version 81 on 22 Sept, so I guess Google decided to cut off 52.9, and thus screw everyone on XP. https://support.google.com/recaptcha#6262736 I see some topics here about "browser builds". These jump into a forest of detail without any introduction or overall explanation, sorry if I missed there is. Are any of these a patched/compatible Firefox that can pass for more recent versions that Recaptchas will work with? Is there a FAQ or how to do this?
  12. Hi everyone, I just joined and gave a little peek at the forum, and I must say that it is well done! I also state that I do not know English well and I could also make grammatical errors, I apologize in advance.Returning to us, during the quarantine I dusted an ibm netvista 6349 with an intel pentium 4, nvidia tnt 2 and 512mb of ram sdram, I have to say that when it comes to gaming with Windows 98 SE and various unofficial updates compatible with my language it works perfectly. A question comes up spontaneously, since I have installed a wi-fi card so I can "" "navigate" "" on the internet there are more updated browsers do not say to watch a 4k video on youtube but surf normally for example on wikipedia etc. etc. or has it made a better life in the internet? I state that I am new in the field of retro-computers and I apologize if I am a noob, thanks for reading.
  13. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/52.9.0/releasenotes/ June 2018 = 10,12% January 2020 = 8,22% June 2021 = 6,x% January 2023 = 4,x% June 2024 = 2,x% too late for crying... if you are not the market leader and drop support fox XP this is what might happen. (Moonchild staff is also responsible for this) if Safari ever give up and switch over to chrome .... only the UE can prevent this google monopoly https://www.techspot.com/news/83575-mozilla-lays-off-70-employees-revenue-declines.html
  14. By far the worst prob for old Win98 browsers in today's web is outdated https-encryption (SSL/TLS). Websites insisting to connect with modern TLS1.2 are completely BLOCKED, showing only error pages, usually this infamous one: Error code: ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap That desaster started only 1-2 years ago with Google's command to encrypt the whole public web with modern standards too, and things went downhill fast. Meanwhile half the internet is broken for old Firefox/Mozilla browsers! Amazingly, old Opera12.02 (needs KernelEx) is still holding up much better, it was amazingly advanced for its time, but now losing the uphill battle too. Lucky the people who can run the last Presto version (Opera 12.15?) Luckily, especially for Mozilla fans, rescue came from projects like Retrozilla, with TLS1.2, for pure vanilla Windows98. https://msfn.org/board/topic/174987-x/ And since a few years also from roytam1. Focussing mainly on Mozilla browsers for XP, but occasionally also a special build for older systems. Such a pity that he doesn't create own topics here for his fascinating Win98-browser updates. But hidden away in the middle of giant melting pot topics in the XP-forum that stuff just gets lost. Only just-for-fun hobby users of retro stuff (like himself) may stumble across it over there. So what do, to give notice of those gems to more regular users of old systems too? Which are HERE? Perhaps we can at least collect some links here, for real 9X users, to find that stuff easier. And there's probably more interesting stuff floating around out there somewhere, from other people, that could be added too. For longer discussions of single projects it would be better if anyone can create new separate topics around here, to keep that stuff together, then in THIS topic just post the link and a bit description.
  15. AOL users: you may be aware that AOL recently discontinued free access with the traditional AOL client. The only way to access mail for free is to access it using a web browser and going to aol.com. To continue using the client, you must upgrade to AOL Desktop Gold and pay a low monthly fee. However, AOL has now released AOL Shield (free) which is a "optimized browser for users on dial-up internet connections and/or older operating systems. AOL Shield is optimized for older operating systems like Windows XP and Windows Vista. It also has features that enable it to run on computers with a dial-up internet connection." For more information or to download, see this page: AOL Shield
  16. Notice: These projects have no affiliation with any upstream community code sources or organizations. Please direct all support or related questions to here. "Serpent", "New Moon", "MailNews" are generic debranded names and they are subject to change in the future. Archive directory names and archive filenames will only be changed once generic debranded names are not used in the future. Latest changelog is available here as well: http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser Serpent/UXP browser (MCP reforked 52ESR as new base), and NM28XP releases: Binaries are moved to here: (I'm lazy to edit all previous posts) https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/?sort=date&order=desc BOC related binaries: Binary list: https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/?sort=date&order=desc FAQ: Q: Having audio distorted when watching Twitter/etc.? A: Please try turning on "Firefox compatibility" in options dialog or either "general.useragent.compatMode = 2" or "general.useragent.compatMode.firefox = true" in about:config and reload the page. Q: Can't play H264 clips? (for PM27/KM76) A: Download following packages for your browser edition(32bit/64bit) and extract DLLs to same place as palemoon.exe lives. 32bit LAV dlls are in separated package (extracted from K-Lite codec pack 13.5.5) https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/lav.7z Just in case if you have an older processor which has no SSE instruction set support: 32bit NoSSE (ffmpeg 3.1.1 lite build) https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/lav-dll-lite-mmx.7z 32bit No ASM (ffmpeg 3.1.1 lite build, if build above doesn't work on your processor) https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/lav-dll-lite-noasm.7z 64bit LAV dlls are in separated package (LAV Filters 64bit 0.70.2) https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/lav64.7z Q: AV1 Support? (for UXP-based applications except mailnews) A: You need to enable "media.av1.enabled" in about:config Q: VP9 Support? (for PM27) A: VP9 works if async MSE option is unchecked and "Enable MSE for WebM Video" checked in options. Q: Extensions/Themes not working after updating binaries. A: If you encounter extensions not show icon, clicking options button of extension causing browser unresponsive, etc. please try following actions: 1.a Killing palemoon.exe process 1.b Copy whole extensions folder out of profile folder (to somewhere else for example, desktop) 1.c Restart browser without restoring previous sessions 1.d Goto about:addons page 1.e Drop XPI files from the copied-out extensions folder to about:addonss page One-by-One. 1.f After all XPI files are dropped and installed/updated, restart browser Q: Virus detected? A: Tell your anti-virus program to exclude palemoon.exe and/or plugin-container.exe. Some anti-virus heuristic engines (for example symantec's sonar engine) is too sensitive to palemoon.exe/plugin-container.exe network activities. Q: Where's your patches for compiling my own? A: Please visit the link above "FAQ:". Latest source patch files are named "sources_patches_YYYYMMDD.7z" in that page. Q: basilisk browser showing basic pages in GMail? A: set these to "ture" in about:config general.useragent.compatMode.firefox general.useragent.compatMode.gecko Q: How to change User Interface language? A: Please see this post: Q: Portable Loader? A: You can always use official portable launcher with my binaries, or you can use my simple portable loader written in NSIS: Q: How to install extensions/themes in BNavigator browser? A: Please check this post out: ------------------------------------- NewMoon 27 build: ------------------------------------- Serpent/moebius browser (deprecated by MCP, forked by me), and also 26.5 as playground : And NewMoon 26.5 and K-Meleon 74 with Goanna 2.2 (newmoon-26.5) for vanilla Win2000 build: ------------------------------------- K-Meleon browser with Goanna/Tycho engine: It has its own sub-forum in K-Meleon official forum! http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/list.php?19 Latest build: ------------------------------------- Firefox ESR 45 with TenFourFox fixes for SSE-only machines: ------------------------------------- K-Meleon Original cross-post is here: ------------------------------------- ArcticFox XP win32 test build: ----original post message belows---- Today's build with portable LAV libraries. Place LAV dlls (av*.dll) in same place as palemoon.exe lives. Official repo changes since my last build: -Clobber for Brotli/WOFF2 update -Fix some comments (no code change) -Enable Brotli content-encoding by default (https only). -Pull woff2 upstream update. -Update Brotli decompressor. My changes since my last build: - Upgrade Mozilla NSPR and NSS to 4.16 and 3.22 for (hopefully) faster AES operations 32bit: https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.6.0a1.win32-git-20171002_2-e68ab5b3d-xpmod.7z 64bit: https://o.rths.cf/palemoon/palemoon-27.6.0a1.win64-git-20171002_2-e68ab5b3d-xpmod.7z
  17. Which browsers are still actively supported? I mean security patches, not new features...
  18. Browsers for XP after the end of Firefox updates on September 5, 2018: -X Chrome: 49.0.2623.112 7abr16 = Firefox: 52.9.0esr end 5sep18 = SeaMonkey: FF 52.9.0esr based === Mypal: 27.9.4 19jul18 Pale Moon based https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal/releases === New Moon: Feodor2 patches based (Mypal) http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser Also versions -SSE2 and -SSE == Yandex: ruso! similar W8 == Maxthon: chino! 14ago18 = Opera: Chromium 5ago16, only updates of security and crash! -X Pale Moon: oct16, no XP -X Chromium: No XP -X Waterfox: only XPx64, 12jul18 -X Lunascape: 23may12 -X Qt Web Browser: 9sep13 -X Comodo Dragon: Chromium. No updates -X Ice Dragon: Firefox. No updates -X Vivaldi: Chromium. No updates -X Slimbrowser: 11oct17 -? Torch: multimedia Chromium -? Epic Privacy Browser: Chromium -? Tor Browser -X Cometbird: Firefox 1abr12 -X Midori: 30ago15 -X Safari: Mac, no Windows -X Basilisk: no XP -X Baidu: 12ago16 -X Chromodo: 5oct16 -X Cyberfox: no XP -X K-Meleon: no updates -X Slimjet: 7feb17 -X Avanced Chrome: no updates Are there any more than those on the list with the = sign?
  19. K-Meleon 76 beta 2 + update Gecko 38.3Fixed login managerFixed historFixed addon installationFixed injectJS return valueFixed about:preferencesReduce cpu usage when minimizedFixed -webapp and -profilesDir Fixed sessions undo not restoring scroll positionFixed kmeleon ask to save password even when set not toFixed gecko eating event (accel and other things not working randomly), may have side effectFixed save as page complete can fail with bad link in a page.Fixed xpi installationFixed crash when restoring a session with a badly formatted urlFixed open macro function not supporting unicode hostnameFixed can't scroll when selecting text with gestures enabledFixed memory leak when downloading faviconAdded: save as text (For translator, string 62271 added in kmeleon.dll)Added: Close empty tab after downloadFixed: session may not loadFixed: possible memory corruption when reading $URLAdded features from gestures2: draw gesture and command navSearch/ID_NAV_SEARCH (search selected text)
  20. It's good to find this site as I'm hoping solutions will be available. I have a XP desktop (SP3) and Firefox ESR 52.2.1 is presenting with connection errors to common sites such as Outlook.com/ LinkedIn/ Yahoo and others. Your site came up in a google search and after reading Monroe's thread titled 'Browsers Still Working with WinXP in 2017' it was clear I was not alone in this situation. I would upgrade to a new machine/software but that is not possible at this time if you get my meaning, so I'm trying to see what can be done to preserve internet access. I tried SWiron and Sea monkey but they would not install on my OS. I DL'd 98SE's archive of Opera in hopes it will install and run on my machine. If anyone reading this has some suggestions, I'm open. Thanks to the persons behind this site and I hope to hear from you.
  21. I'm trying to access Business Objects XI for my work on my Vista laptop. It says it requries Internet Explorer 11 but the last version that worked on Vista was Internet Explorer 9. Is there a workaround to get IE11 running on Vista? Or are there any other browsers using the Trident 7 layout engine that might support running Business Objects on a Vista machine? Lunascape, Avant, Maxthon or Sleipnir? Which would be best? I've heard Maxthon has funny ideas about user privacy.
  22. http://www.msfn.org/2016/09/20/mozilla-firefox-49-final/
  23. My computer is a 1 year old reconditioned HP which came with Windows 7. The computer is running a 64 bit OS and programs. Google Chrome worked properly until 3 weeks ago when after Microsoft and Google updates were automatically installed, I began having problems, especially with Outlook.com on Google Chrome only! The problems: The Print and copy functions failed followed at that time followed 2 days ago by a fading and distortion of the monitor screen to the point where I thought my 1 1/2 year old LED monitor was failing. But once I uninstalled Google Chrome, all these problems were resolved and currently I am using IE11.0 without any problems and the computer works fine in all other ways. I did re-install Google Chrome and the same problems returned. It appears per the Google Chrome 2014 installation page that this version of Google Chrome is incompatible with Windows 7 64 bit professional. Google Chrome is my preferred browser, so any suggestions or recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks, tlcmd
  24. Hey, everybody! Advice on this is subject scattered through several threads; I felt it deserved its own. What 98/98SE-compatible browser is best for YouTube? I'm currently running a 450MHz Pentium III with 256MB of RAM. IE6 & K-Meleon are what I'm using. Haven't installed KernelEX. Thanks in advance!
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