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About ThomasW

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. I tried your advice Andrey, and what I got was this runtime error when trying to run the installer. My PC has a lot of weird errors (I fear hardware issues) so I wonder if this is reproducible for other people. This is the case for multiple unzipped downloaded installers from multiple servers, on Windows XP SP3.
  2. Hello all, Today I got back on my ThinkPad to visit Twitter. When they changed to their new interface, I had been getting pop-ups telling me that my Web browser wasn't supported, and while annoying, I could easily dismiss them. Attached to this message is what I was greeted with today: a hard block. Has anyone else gotten this? I was already sending the Firefox 52.9 user agent string; I tried others, and got the same result. Thanks, Thomas
  3. Has anyone gotten the YouTube live chat to work with any of these Windows NT 5.x-compatible user agents or strings?
  4. Does anyone here use the IceApe Suite with a synchronization server? There seem to be a few different types of servers for Mozilla suites, so I'm pretty confused. Any pointers appreciated!
  5. Hi there, No need to use old Firefox! Try Roytam's Basilisk! https://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/
  6. I'm intrigued by this hardware firewall thing — I just use the standard Windows Firewall, and I'm curious what the benefit of a physical one is!
  7. Indeed — the dental offices I've been to all do similarly — use software written for Windows (running in some Citrix program) on Mac OS X. The dental school I go to now apparently spends all their money on buying everyone brand new top-of-the-line Intel Macintoshes capable of the latest 3-D graphics so they can run dental and scheduling software written in 1995 for Windows 95. (The Citrix program they use provides the Windows 95 interface btw; not Windows XP)
  8. While I still don't understand why something known as a "Site-Specific-User-Agent-Override (SSUAO)" begins with "general.useragent.override", as of now, I am happy to confirm that this trick also works in Feodor2's Centaury! (build of Basilisk Web browser for Windows XP) Also, to be more specific, Discord (at least at this moment in time) is not at all bothered by reporting "Windows NT 5.1" as part of the user agent, and it will happily note that I'm using Windows XP! Feodor2 intelligently uses the "%OS_SLICE%" variable instead of pretending to be Windows 7 or something like the others seem to do for all the overrides (I wish they'd all follow his lead!) The full currently-working user agent string for those wondering: Mozilla/5.0 (%OS_SLICE% rv:61.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/61.0 Btw; I set that for both <discord.com> and <discordapp.com> since the old domain name is still used internally. Just reporting what worked for me; I haven't yet tested enough to know exactly what is strictly necessary!
  9. Hello to all! I have gotten a new 4 TB WD external USB HDD and have read this thread and whatever else I could find to figure out how to get it working. I found the WD Quick Formatter, and was glad to see the Windows XP compatibility option and I thought that would solve all my problems by doing what it does, I assume with the Master File Table and NTFS with its special sector size trickery. The next day, I found that besides using this for backups and general storage, my sister had all the home videos digitized which I wanted — on her MacBook. As many here likely know, the Macintosh OS X is capable of reading NTFS, and it does have built-in writing support, but it's disabled by default because it's apparently not good enough to be considered reliable. There are third-party programs for this which have free trials, but I don't think my sister would be willing to mess with all that for (what she would consider) a simple file transfer. All this said, it appears that my only option is the extended FAT! I have read that Windows XP supports this with a Windows Update. It just sounds so simple — a file system supported both by Windows XP+ and the Macintosh OS X, supports large volumes and files over 4 GB (which I know I have to deal with because of all these years of video footage) — I feel like I must be missing something here, because otherwise why wouldn't everyone do it? Also, if Windows XP will support exFAT with this Windows Update, does that mean it will properly format my new HDD to work with all systems by itself, and I won't need a Windows 7 system or the WD formatting utility program at all? Any clarification is much appreciated! Thanks, Thomas
  10. Oh definitely! I was just pointing out that SNI is another very common reason which seems much less discussed! I like what I see on your Website from my main Web browser; some really compelling copy, though it's blocking me from Internet Explorer — are you blocking all visitors over HTTP as well?! D: Seems rather contrary to the copy on your site! 🙃
  11. Unfortunately,I think it's often the lack of SNI perhaps even more than the TLS version that makes Websites deny Internet Explorer. It's the unfortunate difficulty of dealing with software that wasn't up to par even when it came out eleven years ago!
  12. @siria if it wasn't clear, I would think that the YouTube-dl program would work pretty well for your use case since it sounds like you're just looking to extract the videos from the page at this point. To find the available formats, use: "youtube-dl --list-formats %VideoURL%", or "-F"! [case sensitive] and then pick the one you want, e.g.: "youtube-dl -f 18 %VideoURL%" Did none of the alternative Invidious instances work for you? (that seems a lot nicer to me for casual viewing since it's a Website rather than a downloader program) The good thing about youtube-dl though is that it works not just on YouTube, but on practically any Website (unless they've seriously tried to obfuscate operations through tons of crazy JavaScript)
  13. Wow that's awesome ED_Sln — excited to try that once I get my system backed up properly!
  14. I don't think you really have to "force" anything — it's a very common way to set up Windows XP (and as you pointed out, in Windows Server 2003, it's actually the default! You can just switch to "Windows Classic Style" in Display Properties (and then make sure to switch color scheme from to "Windows Classic" or something else of your choosing [anything other than that cold, awful, grey "Windows Standard scheme"]!) For the login, you just go to the standard Webby Windows XP User Accounts control panel applet, click "Change the way users log on or off", and uncheck "Use the Welcome screen". Now you don't need to disable the theming service, but if you're using the classic theme, it makes sense to disable it in order save the bit of memory and maybe startup time since you won't be using it for anything! That's how I've run for years (and nothing of value was lost! The best and easiest way is to use the Services management console (in Programs > Accessories > Administrative Tools if it's not found in the Control Panel) Now if you really want to run classic Windows and obliterate the Fisher Price Luna theme, then you have to use the ineXPerience patcher. (Which is much less common, but absolutely essential on any of my systems! Clever solution with the blue login background elimination though if that works for you! I'm pretty sure I read of a more elegant solution somewhere before (a fairly simple registry entry I think) but I haven't yet dealt with that myself either. Good luck!
  15. Wow that's a good point; I remember those live previews working in version 1 now back one of the first times they switched me to it, probably in 2017! I just checked out Invidious, the alternative YouTube GUI, as suggested earlier, and was surprised to discover that it's shutting down in a month and the original/main developer is giving it up! Fortunately, since it's open source, even though the main/original instance is shutting down, there are a number of others. While there is a lot I like about it (it's *so* much faster and lighter than the new YouTube interface, probably even moreso for those with slower systems), it's unfeasible for me personally since you can't edit YouTube playlists, add comments, or upvote/downvote, quite like the NewPipe application for the Android OS.
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