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  1. As I tried to differentiate above, stupidity of a healthy person is the result of mainly three different components: Intelligence, knowledge (education) and experience. The intelligence component consists of a genetic and a non-genetic sub-component. A person's intelligence cannot be explained by genetics alone. It has to develop in their ontogenesis. Depending on the genetic predispositions, however, it can develop better or worse. But, apart from all chemical and physical influences such as nutrition and many other environmental parameters, the learning process of a person is the key to get the maximum of this development which only ends by death. And this varies greatly from one individual to another. Therefore, an infinite number of types of stupidity exist.
    4 points
  2. Ok! In any case, you both are adults and when the cards have been laid openly on the table, everyone is responsible for their own decisions or actions. Therefore, I believe, time will tell.
    3 points
  3. When they say just get over it, this makes it worse. The past does indeed shape us but doesn't have to define us. I'm grateful overall and as a result of the trauma made me the kind and honest and true humble guy I am.
    2 points
  4. What user agent are you sending in DCB vs v13.5 vs v13 vs v12? Because that website does a simple substring test from this one .js file -- https://st.deviantart.net/eclipse/browser-support.min.js?20220218
    2 points
  5. The advantage of using LegacyUpdate though is that you do not need a proxy to access the site. You can just go the site, install it, and then it will be working.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Absolutely so, people have fought for freedoms that I never take for granted. I wish I knew what to say as I see your bored. I think I had too much action today - sensory overload and I hardly did anything Lol, but oh well, hope you will enjoy a good game perhaps. I remember when I looked forward to Saturdays night to party until 4AM in New York City, but that was mid 90's, and now, I've turned 180 into loner city. You'd never believe it, I was once very social and now ... I'm ok, I guess and I can take bored. My life is so boring and mundane. Just, I don't know really. I'm about ready to turn in early so see you in the AM. Yeah in bed by 10 now. Take care, D Hope everyone is alright.
    2 points
  8. I have different versions of the extension Custom Buttons. Some days ago, I tested it in Serpent 55 and I could install the original version without any problems. Furthermore, my custom button "Toggle CSP" for switching a specific Boolean variable worked in Serpent 55, too. Nevertheless, thanks for the tip! I will also make my offered version of Custom Buttons compatible with Serpent 55. And, as I already said, I will post it in my thread "Extensions and custom buttons for UXP browsers - Corrections, modifications, adjustments, and special recommendations" soon. I've been a bit handicapped for weeks with the after-effects of a Covid infection, unfortunately. So I haven't posted anything more about my custom button yet. I'm just tired and limp at the moment. But, I will post it as soon as possible. Cheers, AstroSkipper
    2 points
  9. The latest Notepad++ version (v8.4.7) breaks Vista compatibility by using a Windows 7+ API call (CoGetApartmentType - OLE32.DLL). So except if Vista EK already supports this call, the last version that can run is v8.4.6.
    2 points
  10. Some thing I have been work on in my very little free time. You know "Browservice" project right? He made a software that pushes endless stream of JPEG images to the browser that contain a website rendered by Chromium engine. Complete with fake address bar and front end JavaScript to capture keyboard and mouse. The idea sounds so ridiculous, so crazy, but it actually works on almost every OS and almost every old browser. Problem of "Browservice" is it doesn't feel convincing. IE constantly downloading images and status bar goes crazy (it appears that the memory leak exists). Also very slow when website has a animating. I did something similar but using RDP. Only for IE5 and IE6. Should work Win98/ME/2000/XP<SP3. I develop in XPSP2 IE6 and WinME IE 5.5 for now. Since it's ActiveX control, I am inside of IEXPLORE.EXE and have full control (that's how drive-by downloads installed spyware and virus back in the days). I use the power to intercept the menu, toolbar, address bar, status bar, etc. IE becomes only a bit of GUI under my control. All commands are redirected to remote server running Chromium engine there. RDP has the feature "Virtual Channel" to send messages (WTSVirtualChannelOpen etc.) My implementation so far browsing experience feels 99% like using real Internet Explorer because RDP protocol is much faster and get clipboard support, access to local hard drive, sound, video streaming, etc. for free by Microsoft. Unfortunately still very early in development. Downloads not yet work. History not yet work. Popup window not yet work (very difficult). But I hope that in a few months from now good old Win9x and Win2000 can join a modern Internet again. Backend in C#. Frontend in Visual Basic 6 with OLEEXP and patched SSUBTMR (just to prove it can be done, but it is painful). Maybe you will say that's the fake screenshot. Okay, you can do it. I don't have the argument at the moment. But soon I hope to show it running on real hardware.
    1 point
  11. I feel sorry for your multiple traumas... I hope the aftermath will heal with time... But you are not stupid, far from it, fortunately! Me: "It's nothing, you're lucky." You: "Oh really !? thanks for letting me know." - yes, cause 12 kHz tinnitus is barely/hardly audible, and will fade with the age, because with the age we lose the hearing for the highest frequencies.
    1 point
  12. My dad had a quite high rank in our local gov. and was very proud of himself. The man with strong ties... All relatives were so proud and cherished him! He was always NOT satisfied with my achievements, I'd even say he was a low opinion of me. He never shared any of my beliefs/points of view. I left my parents when I was 15? 16? or so. Yes, they stil continiued to give me money, also I worked myself. We never shared any common ground with my parents. My dad even missed the holiday, when I graduated from the university. He was drunk, which was kinda weird, 'cause he was not a drunkard, I guess he just found himself a reason not to come ! I'm so glad a you had a fantastic father and very sorry for your loss !
    1 point
  13. Thank you for the nice compliment !
    1 point
  14. I am not a medical doctor or psychologist and can say little about such symptoms. Any form of trauma naturally has an effect on the brain. In my consideration of stupidity, I have excluded physical or mental suffering as well as illness and refer to the stupidity of a healthy person. Perhaps I should have mentioned this as a prerequisite! Very negligent of me! Anyway, your symptoms have nothing to do with stupidity. PS: I will correct that in my previous posts.
    1 point
  15. If I can confirm that the wrappers will allow me to add the functions without breaking applications, then those functions will return. But have you tried 64 bit DX11 applications and games? If those don't work then it must be something else.
    1 point
  16. In my versions, open 360Loader.ini while 360Chrome is not running and add whatever useragent you want in the Parameters line. I use: --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36" Make sure the entire useragent string starts with and ends with a quote (")
    1 point
  17. Here's a GDI (ie, DirectWrite is disabled!) Chromium v103 both in x86 and x64 -- https://github.com/GTANAdam/GDIChromium/releases
    1 point
  18. 10 minutes of fascinating deep-sea animals | Into The Deep
    1 point
  19. Unsure. I have always felt uBlock to be an inferior product and I use uMatrix (and intentionally an older version by choice). uMatrix blocks most of them by default because they tend to always be "third-party" or "sub-domain" .js files. ie, this one is at st.deviantart.net instead of the page you are visiting which is www.deviantart.com.
    1 point
  20. @msfntor Add ||https://st.deviantart.net/eclipse/browser-support.min.js?20220218 in uBlock > My filters, removes nag message on deviantart.com . @NotHereToPlayGames Is it possible to block all .js files that contain "browser-support" in the name, on all websites in uBlock? What would be the proper way to do it?
    1 point
  21. It is strange, maybe it is something "peculiar" to Server 2003 that prevents a particular partition ID to be shown, anyway good to know . With gdisk you can change he partition ID to a "normal" volume and then format it as FAT, can't you? But DOS won't ever be able to access it (being on a GPT style disk), so it would be only an exercise in futility, unless you enter the rabbit hole (which is veeeery deep) and use something like grub4dos to map the extent in real mode to a virtual disk, not really worth it unless you have some queer needs to semi-hide that volume (a plain RAW image file would do the same with less complications). From the little I know about that MS reserved partition, it is only used by some windows versions (probably not even 2003 and 7, more likely 8+) as a sort of cache when resizing (other) volumes, so I believe it is OK to just remove it and make the volume start earlier. Anyway there is something else that is "uncommon", it seems like that MS Reserved partition starts on sector LBA 34 (i.e. right after the protective MBR+GPT header+GPT partition table, 1+1+32) whilst normally any Vista or later Windows would align to 1 MB, i.e. first partition would always start on sector LBA 2048. Your "main" partition is starting on LBA 262178, so that one seems fine is also NOT MB aligned, it is entirely possible that we are used to see also the MS reserved partition MB aligned because it is mostly the second partition, after the UEFI boot one, but in itself it is ignored by the "force to MB alignment" algorithm, another interesting thing to know.. To be "kosher", it would IMHO be advisable to have the large partition start on LBA 2048, though it is not like there will be any bettering in speed or performance that could be noticeable, but probably some software that expects MB alignment might not "like" the current offset. Personally (but mind you besides being a grumpy bastard I am an old one) the sheer idea of having such large volumes is pure folly and I would personally divide that 4 TB into much smaller volumes (and I wouldn't normally even touch 8 TB disks) but for data storage/backup such huge volumes may be fine, only when (if) you might need to make dd copies or attempt to recover data from them it will take about forever. jaclaz
    1 point
  22. Ask your doctor to do a blood test for heavy metals, then to find a solution to ged rid of these. Good water is ozoned, not fluorided or chlorinated... And we too use a water filter for drinking water, by Brite
    1 point
  23. You could always set uBlock (since you're a fan of uBlock) to block any .js file with the name "browser-support".
    1 point
  24. I tried it (Legacy Update) on Windows 2000 SP4 on a VM and it worked great. And yeah, I prefer the original WU, but LU does the job of updating.
    1 point
  25. I am on Vista SP2 32-bit (build 6.0.6003) for which, as you might know, there's no Extended Kernel (yet?) , and I can confirm that Notepad++ v8.4.7 [32-bit x86] has become Vista-incompatible, for the reason outlined above by @AstragonQC :
    1 point
  26. Doesn't this work if I'm French and served in the French military ? I mean we are NATO, no ?
    1 point
  27. I don't know, I guess anymore. Need to clean up tomorrow. People here are pigs and don't know that meaning of the word, and my OCD and I have a very different idea of clean. I'm not watching Jim Carey and so happy. He prefers to stay unmediated and deal with is illness his own way. Sorry if I made no sense, wouldn't be the first time. Hope you are well and our posting helped somebody reading to (at least) know they are not alone.
    1 point
  28. Well I'm just me, but not always positive, but in-between, I'm real and true though, you know that.
    1 point
  29. Sadly, chlorinated water and Fluoride is the normal for me. I use water filter for drinking water but have to bathe in it. Some believe (Myself included) the danger is Flouride, as it Calcifies The Pineal Gland (our direct line to the healing energy from the planet and erase our spirit) Was awful today and glad to be home but I feel quite muddled and disjointed. Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity: Tremors – Involuntary shaking of fingers or muscles. <--Yes Headaches. <--Yes Infertility for men or women. (NA) Mental “fogginess” feeling confused. <--Yes and Yes Anxiety and depression. <--Yes and Yes Deteriorating eye health. (Not thus far) Memory problems. <--Yes Poor kidney function. (Not that I'm aware) Intestinal and digestive problems. <--Yes Tingling sensations and weakness in the hands, feet, and/or around the mouth. <--Yes Poor immune function – recurrent infections or having an autoimmune disease." <-- NO - I usually get over a cold in a day
    1 point
  30. This stunningly beautiful jelly was seen during Dive 4 of the 2016 Deepwater Exploration of the Marianas expedition on April 24, 2016, while exploring the informally named "Enigma Seamount" at a depth of ~3,700 meters. Scientists identified this hydromedusa as belonging to the genus Crossota. Note the two sets of tentacles — short and long. At the beginning of the video, you'll see that the long tentacles are even and extended outward and the bell is motionless. This suggests an ambush predation mode. Within the bell, the radial canals in red are connecting points for what looks like the gonads in bright yellow.
    1 point
  31. I followed your links and downloaded the Custom Buttons extension. Its install.rdf file tops out at Firefox 48, so to install it in either Serpent version, you need to modify that, since Serpent uses the Firefox app ID. I changed it to 55.* and it installed OK in St 55. I'm presuming the same change will let it install in St 52 as well; I'll test that later if I get some time. The only odd thing I found was that I had to restart Serpent 55 twice before it was ready to go. Next, I went to that link, but this is all I saw: So yes, it appears you've created the necessary custom button, but there's no code, no link, nothing to test in Custom Buttons at that post. Anyway, it's no big deal. I was only "asking for a friend," but can't remember who, because the original question was from My Browser Builds part 3, and now that that thread has been closed, the board doesn't let you quote from it as easily (no "Quote" prompt shows up when selecting text) so I just copied it and pasted into a quote block.
    1 point
  32. Of course! It was so obvious! Why didn't anyone think of that before? But seriously, thanks @luweitest for not only finding the preconditions that trigger this bug, but also digging into the commits to find out what changed and how to reverse it!
    1 point
  33. I already test it with my pristine Server 2003 VM and it just works fine. But, I think normal WU v6 is enough for me
    1 point
  34. I‘m sorry guys but I‘m very confused right now. This topic was intended for the future of Chrome on Windows 7 and possibilities of running newer versions soon but I quite don‘t get what you are discussing here right now. It has nothing to do with the upcoming EOL
    1 point
  35. Thank you; I'll try.
    1 point
  36. Ignoring everything else in this thread! But regarding uninstalling Edge - try this -- https://winaero.com/how-to-uninstall-and-remove-edge-browser-in-windows-10/ or https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/uninstall_edge.html or https://www.tomsguide.com/how-to/how-to-uninstall-microsoft-edge
    1 point
  37. In 1958 Mao Zedong ordered all the sparrows to be killed because they ate too much grain. Read more: https://t.co/OWkhr3VL7U
    1 point
  38. Turns out you can use ProxHTTPSProxyMII to be able to make MEGAsync work again. Here's the proof: My proxy settings: And here's MEGAsync window: Edit: I also tested uploading a file:
    1 point
  39. To transfer files between Android and PC I used Linux and the MTP protocol over a USB cable. However, I created a 7z archive beforehand, because MTP is a very capricious protocol. It doesn't show some files and skips copying them. This is very frustrating when it comes to captured photos and videos. Sometimes I would transfer the archive via Bluetooth to a Nokia pushbutton (110 kbytes/sec speed), and then the Nokia would connect via USB to a PC (where the PC has full access to the FAT32 file system on the phone's memory card). But this is a very inconvenient way. More precisely: PC (USB) > Nokia (Bluetooth) > Android. Vise versa doesn't work. UPD: Once I transferred an archive from a smartphone to a tablet via Bluetooth. And then from the tablet to the Internet cloud (password protected). On PC I downloaded from the cloud.
    1 point
  40. For larger transfers i run Samba Filesharing Server on my Android devices and connect to them from my PC. It can be easily turned ON/OFF, so you don't expose your devices in untrusted networks. For smaller things, or when i can't be bothered to reach to the PC, i use the transfer functions in X-plore or FX on the mobile and connect to the Windows admin shares (C$, D$, etc.). Make sure to disable SMB2 when adding a PC running XP. For transfers between my mobiles and foreign PC/mobile, i just use bluetooth (but it is slooow) or a flash drive through USB OTG.
    1 point
  41. https://www.coolmuster.com/android/transfer-files-from-android-to-pc-using-usb-cable.html https://www.wideanglesoftware.com/support/droidtransfer/how-to-connect-your-android-phone-with-a-usb-cable.php for PC to PC something like this https://support.plugable.com/t/winxp-to-winxp-transfers-via-usb-2-0-windows-easy-transfer-cable/5359
    1 point
  42. As a windows XP FTP client I can suggest (good ol') LeechFTP (discontinued/not updated since many years, but simple and working): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LeechFTP https://www.leechftp.de/index.html don't worry, the program is in English by default, and it should work even on 9x/Me and NT/2K) If you want a different approach (mounting the FTP server as drive) I can recommend FTPuse: https://www.ferrobackup.com/map-ftp-as-disk.html jaclaz
    1 point
  43. New build of post-deprecated Serpent/moebius for XP! * Notice: This repo will not be built on regular schedule, and changes are experimental as usual. ** Current moebius patch level should be on par with 52.9, but some security patches can not be applied/ported due to source milestone differences between versions. Test binary: Win32 http://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk55-win32-git-20221029-b62d8ad16-xpmod.7z Win64 http://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk55-win64-git-20221029-b62d8ad16-xpmod.7z repo: https://github.com/roytam1/basilisk55 Repo changes: - ported from UXP: - Issue #2019 - Do not dispatch keypress event for non-printable keys. (74b3ce90d) - Issue #2019 - Follow-up: Adjust content spellchecker to use keydown (3142f9546) - Issue #2019 - Follow-up: Make autocomplete and satchel listen to keypress events in the system event group (7ac438f6a) (4618c0f96) - import from UXP: Issue #1375 - Don't mark nodes in the shadow tree as orphan nodes (ea0a08fca) (cf3a5ad4f) - import from UXP: Issue #1829 - Follow-up: Mac-specific shortcut key for closing the developer tools toolbox window should not be excluded from other platforms (4f95caf7f) (c921b96bf) - import from UXP: Issue #58 - Remove leftover rust build files from /js (d1345b1da) (a4d6bc409) - import from UXP: Issue #1793 - Follow-up: Fix incorrect media query (825fb3a20) (095ccd723) - ported from UXP: Issue #21 - Remove panning/tab animation performance measurements (362a84565) (4e85a4882) - ported from UXP: - Issue #2022 - Part 1 - Fix transparent windows on MacOS 13 Ventura. During the BaseWindow creation contenView is nil on Ventura... So create a NSView with the requested dimensions and set is as the contenView. (e73a2fb0f) - Issue #2022 - Part 2 - Add Ventura version detection. Also add Monterey and Ventura to the graphics driver blocklist. (7a82ec576) (7304d9f1c) - ported from UXP: Issue #1824 - Remove dependency on libdemangle. (b19541f1d) (3e587eac4) - import from UXP: [No issue] Hold some strong references on nsRefreshDriver (1139e11f3) (d499b04e3) - import from UXP: - [XPCOM] Fix Base64 off-by-one issue and safeguard against this mistake in the future. (3fccd404) - fill static_assert() message added in rev 3fccd404 to fix build (a6338cae) (729f9af85) - import from UXP: [WebGL] Implement webgl.max-size-per-texture-mib (42d1d20ef) (b62d8ad16)
    1 point
  44. A guide to install Microsoft Update manually Here is a complete guide to install Microsoft Update in Xp: First you need to download these files: http://download.windowsupdate.com/v9/microsoftupdate/a/selfupdate/WSUS3/x86/Other/mucltui.cab http://download.windowsupdate.com/v9/microsoftupdate/a/selfupdate/WSUS3/x86/Other/mucltui_en.cab http://download.windowsupdate.com/v9/microsoftupdate/a/selfupdate/WSUS3/x86/Other/muweb.cab Replace at mucltui_en.cab with your language. For example: mucltui_de.cab for German. Open the archives. Copy muweb.dll from the archive muweb.cab to system32. Copy mucltui.dll from the archive mucltui.cab to system32. Copy mucltui.dll.mui_? from the archive mucltui_? to system32. Register only the 2 files muweb.dll and mucltui.dll with regsvr32. Configure IE: Add the pages http://update.microsoft.com http://www.update.microsoft.com and https://www.update.microsoft.com to the Trusted Sites and set the security level to high. If it is not available, click Reset first. Call up this page now and follow the instructions: http://fe2.update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/default.aspx?ln=en If the Check for Updates button doesn´t work, close IE and click on Microsoft Update in the start menu. Don´t forget! You need httpsproxy or ProxhttpsProxy otherwise you will get error 0x80072EFF! Only tested under XP! Have fun trying.
    1 point
  45. The unattend if not perfect, there have been times that certain characters in the XML cause a problem with the parser. Take a look at the generated unattend.xml in c:\windows\panther to see if your commands survived parsing. First is to add into your ps command something like Write-EventLog. Because while you can see in the setupact.log in the UnattendGC folder whether or not the command is executed, you cannot see anything further. To see if the command is run at all, just have it write to event log. If that works then you know there is something wrong with your line item. Second is to have a .cmd file in your Commandline and then inside of the .cmd you put in your powershell commands. Or alternatively, you can call powershell and have your commands in a .ps1 file. A thing to remember as well is that the FirstLogonCommands in the xml has two conditions: - it runs under the context of the user account that is the first to log into Windows after OOBE. If this account does not have sufficient priveledges, it may fail because messages will be suppressed or will appear in Session 0. (You can see indications that this happens in Windows on the regular because you can sometimes find an event with text like "tried to show the user a message but failed" or something like that (I can't remember exactly) where a dialog box is generated in a session other than the one the User runs in. - it runs via the 32bit cmd.exe. This is usually only an issue when trying to write to specific parts of the registry, but could potentially cause issues beyond that I am not aware of.
    1 point
  46. There, the Mega link is updated. Enjoy Since this update repository is now a bit more generic and not necessarily NT 5.x oriented, I'm not sure if the topic should be moved. I'll leave it up to the moderators to decide it. Also, I don't know how to put a link in spoiler tags, but I think they would be appropriate for the repo link. If anyone wants to tell me how to do it, I'd appreciate it.
    1 point
  47. Thank you very much for this! Your work is really helpful to the portuguese software preservation/retro gaming community. Sadly most of these updates were lost time and this is the only place where we can find them as of now. A few weeks ago I also found this Portuguese Multilingual User Interface Pack for Server 2003 64 here: https://vl463l.s.cld.pt It also installs on XP 64 but only translates some UI elements while the rest stays in english. Not sure if it's worth something or if you already got it but it's here. Feel free to add it to your updates repository. Once again, thanks very much for providing us this rare updates in the Camões language :D
    1 point
  48. To everyone: sorry for not updating this thread when I said I would. I'll be going through my external HDD and uploading all of the updates I have onto Mega. This includes the Windows ME updates provided by @RoboSkirt (seriously, much appreciated!) and some (not all) Windows 95 and 98 updates in Portuguese. I manage to scavenge a lot of them through archive.org and a heap of other collections. These include: Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2 Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 Windows Media Player 6.4 Windows Media Player 7.1 Windows Media Player 9 You get the picture. I've also got Windows POSReady 2009 updates, since that has also gone EOL in the meantime. Windows 2000 also includes a whole lot of Hotfixes not released on regular Windows Update.
    1 point
  49. Hi greenhillmaniac, A few years ago (February of 2011, so a few months before the windows v4 site shutdown) I retrieved Windows ME updates in order to install them on a machine that had no internet connection. On the other day I stumbled across these while looking for a file, so if any tuga is interested in this, here they are in their PT-PT glory: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/n4cqwuen0b68b/winmillennium-updates Cheers
    1 point
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