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Everything posted by AstroSkipper

  1. @roytam1 I have just checked all releases starting after the end of July 2024. The Speed Dial issue "ReferenceError: nsIWebNavigation is not defined" definitely started with the release New Moon 28.10.7a1 (32-bit) with the build ID 20240922132822 (palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20240928-d849524bd-uxp-716b990183-xpmod.7z). And the Tab Utilities issue also started with this release. Both extensions seem to produce this ReferenceError issue due to the same code change made in the identified release and break the session (re)store. So, you have to check only the most recent (custom) changes. Hope this will help you.
  2. @roytam1 Now we know that after this New Moon 28 release from the end of July 2024 the issue started to occur. So, it actually must have been a custom code change made by you as @UCyborg reported that the issue does not occur in Pale Moon. I am sure you will find the culprit and revert or fix it. Thanks in advance! P.S.: I will later check from which release exactly this issue occurred for the first time.
  3. tried older build date july, and yet-to-be-released new build. That's exactly what I reported before. In older releases of New Moon 28, this issue didn't occur. I have just tested New Moon 28.10.7a1 (32-bit) with the build ID 20240718150512 (palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20240720-d849524bd-uxp-8fbf81bb8a-xpmod.7z), and the issue does not occur. That means there must have been a recent code change which makes this issue happen in New Moon 28.10.7a1 (32-bit) with the build ID 20240922132822 (palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20240928-d849524bd-uxp-716b990183-xpmod.7z).
  4. The issue happens in New Moon 28.10.7a1 (32-bit) with the build ID 20240922132822 (palemoon-28.10.7a1.win32-git-20240928-d849524bd-uxp-716b990183-xpmod.7z). Which browser version did you try?
  5. Homepage of Speed Dial: http://speeddial.uworks.net/ Speed Dial https://addons.thunderbird.net/en-us/firefox/addon/speed-dial/ Direct link via archive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/20170821014254/https://addons.cdn.mozilla.net/user-media/addons/4810/speed_dial- Tab Utilities 2.1.2: https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/tab-utilities-phoenix/ Session Manager https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/session-manager/ All extensions can also be found in the Classic Add-ons Archive (CAA): https://github.com/JustOff/ca-archive/releases/tag/2.0.3
  6. Thanks for your confirmation! If this issue only happens in New Moon 28 and not in Pale Moon, then there actually must have been a change to the UXP browser code which is causing it. Especially as in older releases of New Moon 28, I didn't notice this issue.
  7. If anyone is wondering why I am bothering to post the issues with these extensions here, then the answer is very simple. I think the Speed Dial, Tab Utilities and also Session Manager extensions are important and worth keeping. I have been using them for years and would hate to see them go. This thread is dedicated to legacy extensions, and I hope that there is some way to make these particular extensions fully functional again. Be it that code changes are made to the UXP browsers or that the extensions are fixed.
  8. @roytam1 For reproducing this issue, please read this post here: https://msfn.org/board/topic/183923-extensions-and-custom-buttons-for-uxp-browsers-corrections-modifications-adjustments-and-special-recommendations/?do=findComment&comment=1273327 Thanks in advance!
  9. I can't really say whether the problem also occurs in Pale Moon (32-bit or 64-bit ), as I don't use this browser. It was also just a guess. In any case, the Speed Dial and Tab Utilities 2.1.2 extensions in the latest New Moon 28 32-bit release definitely break the session restore function on my Windows XP system. The Session Manager extension only generates some errors in the Browser Console but is still working so far. @UCyborg For reproducing this issue, it is simply enough to only use either Speed Dial or Tab Utilities. So, for example, disable Tab Utilities and Session Manager, start latest New Moon 28 (32-bit), close some tabs and restart the browser. Then you should actually notice that the already closed tabs are still there which means the internal session (re)store does not work anymore if Speed Dial is enabled. You should also see the error message "ReferenceError: nsIWebNavigation is not defined" in the Browser Console when closing tabs from the current browser session. The more tabs you close, the more error messages you will get. At least, that's what I observe in dirty or clean New Moon 28 (most recent version) profiles on my Windows XP 32-bit computer. And I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one affected by this issue. Maybe, other members may also confirm this issue.
  10. I can't really say whether the problem also occurs in Pale Moon (32-bit or 64-bit ), as I don't use this browser. It was also just a guess. In any case, the Speed Dial and Tab Utilities 2.1.2 extensions in the latest New Moon 28 32-bit release definitely break the session restore function on my Windows XP system. The Session Manager extension only generates some errors in the Browser Console but is still working so far.
  11. Regarding Speed Dial I found a ReferenceError in the Browser Console: ReferenceError: nsIWebNavigation is not defined[Learn More] speeddialOverlay.js%20line%201595%20%3E%20eval:42:13 This error message is generated every time I close a tab. And here is a screenshot taken from NM's Browser Console: And I got this message after resetting Speed Dial and browser restart: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsIPrefBranch.getCharPref]" nsresult: "0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://speeddial/content/speeddialOverlay.js :: startBackgroundLoad :: line 1770" data: no] (unknown) So, the culprit seems to be the JavaScript file speeddialOverlay.js. The main problem with Speed Dial is that when tabs are closed, they are there again after a restart. The current browser session is therefore not restored as it has always been. Same applies to the extension Tab Utilities 2.1.2.
  12. First of all, the extensions don't show any error message pop-ups. However, I didn't check the console. Next time, I will reinstall Speed Dial and check the console messages.
  13. Although your question is of rhetorical nature, I just want to understand what happened. The reported extensions worked for many years properly. So what is the cause for their sudden breakage?
  14. To me, these two statements contradict each other. Not at all. UXP browsers are evolving, but many old extensions are not. Conclusio ultima: These old extensions must be adapted or can otherwise no longer be used. Same applies to old, complete themes which are no longer compatible.
  15. @roytam1 Do you have any information about changes in terms of the session (re)store function in New Moon 28 made in the recent past? Two old but well-known extensions do not work any longer in New Moon 28. The extensions Tab Utilities 2.12 and Speed Dial interfere with NM's session restore which unfortunately makes them unusable. And even the Session Manager extension does not work as before. It has now to be configured in another way to make it work again in recent browser releases. BTW, I already mentioned a session restore issue here: So, another question is under which conditions will the "Restore Previous Session" entry be enabled and not greyed out?
  16. Personally, I do not use any complete themes in UXP browsers but they have always been responsible for problems. Without regular theme updates, they don't really make sense. And these no longer exist. When using the most recent releases of UXP browsers without these problematic extensions I reported in my previous posts, the internal, native session restore function is actually working properly. So you don't have to stick with old UXP browser versions.
  17. Same applies to the extension Speed Dial It makes the internal session manager unusable in New Moon 28. Even the Session Manager extension can no longer help. So, it seems that the changes to the browser code are sending further, old but well-known extensions into retirement for good. The Tab Utilities,the Speed Dial and partly the Session Manager extension are no longer fully compatible with New Moon 28 (and also most probably with Pale Moon).
  18. Tab Utilities Phoenix 2.1.2 seems to have been interfering with the native session manager in New Moon 28 for some time. The current session is no longer restored correctly after (re)starting the browser. When disabling Tab Utilities Phoenix, the native session restore function seems to work again as before. Can anyone confirm this?
  19. Yep! But this toggle button does not work on playlists in New Moon 28 when using the VORAPIS V3 frontend. At least not for me. Whether it works in the original YT interface, I can't say as this modern interface is totally unusable on my Windows XP computer.
  20. Not tested by me: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/454587-youtube-always-loop-playlists
  21. When using the TURBOLAUNCHER script, you are automatically using the "long", full version of the VORAPIS V3 userscript. The TURBOLAUNCHER script is a launcher which processes and launches the actual VORAPIS V3 userscript. The advantage is for example the processing which is first done before finally loading the complete script for execution in the browser. That's why @UCyborg could execute the replaceALL command before then using this modified version of the userscript locally. So in the end, you are always using the script Vorapis.user.js, only in different variants depending on the code inside the launcher script. Another advantage is that you are always using the most recent version of the VORAPIS V3 userscript without the need to manually modify it. As long as the browser or the userscript have not been fixed, the modified TURBOLAUNCHER userscript is currently the best option for using the VORAPIS V3 frontend in UXP browsers in terms of the already reported issues.
  22. I never got the remaining time displayed on the video player. How would that normally work? Usually, I only get the time already elapsed and the total time. I should mention that I am never signed in to my Google Account when playing YT videos in New Moon 28. Edit: I found a working script to retrofit the remaining time on the video player in New Moon 28: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/19120-youtube-remaining-time
  23. Due to my hardware specs, I can't run 1080p videos on my Windows XP computer, neither in browsers nor in external players. My comment refers to medium qualities up to 480p. But I also use this extension or a script version of h264ify to ensure avoiding unwanted codecs. And I disabled too demanding codecs via prefs.
  24. For using this modified script, the @updateURL should be removed as the modification will be overwritten again with the next script update. I use the original script to receive regular updates and to see how the script develops. And all videos I tried to play worked without any problems in New Moon 28. No crashes and no resets after a few seconds as it was before. In any case, YouTube videos are working fine again in UXP browsers and especially in New Moon 28.
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