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About yoltboy01

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    Windows 8.1 x64

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  1. Latest Firefox works on Windows 7 with VxKex HOWEVER it crashes a lot, especially when you download a file. It works without any problems on Windows 8.1+
  2. Yeah that's sad tbh. They could have supported 8.1 till 128 tho. The compatibility isn't broken
  3. No (for the XP part): Install One Core API on XP if you want to use higher Firefox versions
  4. I mean... even if they don't extend the "official" support, we have plenty of options for 7/8.1 As stated in many different posts, the latest Firefox (128 ESR!) works on both 7 and 8.1 with some modifications. Back in the days of XP/Vista this would have been great news, as there weren't any Extended Kernels for them in 2017/2018 but now that we have some projects that extend software support, I really do not care anymore about official EOLs. XP : OneCore API Vista: Extended Kernel 7: VxkEx 8.1: Mostly some tweaks to installers
  5. It would be a great decision if they would upgrade Windows 7/8.1 users to Firefox 128 ESR for another year (won't happen probably)
  6. I made a lot of posts on Windows 8.1 and software compatibility. In terms of Firefox, all you need to do is to lower the system requirements of Firefox.exe with CFF Explorer from 000A to 0006. There are no additional functionalties needed. So it still natively supported on Win8+ Office 365 (the latest beta 2407) works on 8.1 with an edit to Registry. No compatibility issues. I hope the compatibility won't be broken till the end of this year, so that consumer versions of the upcoming Office 2024 can also be installed on Windows 8.1 (they will be supported till 2029) Chromium based apps tend to create bigger issues on 8.1
  7. Is there an explanation on how to install Office 2016 on Windows Vista with Extended Kernel?
  8. That‘s just crazyy. I mean a few years ago I thought 52.9 was our last way to go on Vista and now 125 (73 versions above) works
  9. That‘s a good start and tbh I don‘t see any reason why the LTSC version should have the same system requirements after all, as LTSC is already stripped down. Back in the days of Windows 7, there was a version called „Windows Thin PC“ which received updates till 10/2021. The purpose of that version was to have a stripped W7 version for companies using older hardware. It‘s basically the predecessor of what‘s now called LTSC. In general, these versions should always have lower reqs. What I was talking about was lowering the specs for Home users OR introducing a „Basic“ „Lite“ „Starter“.. version
  10. Well, I cannot say that I wasn‘t surprised. Microsoft apparently opened the Beta channel again for Windows 10 22H2 users. I really don‘t get this company anymore. They promote full-screen pop-ups for upgrading to Windows 11, even on non-supported devices and state that EOL for W10 will be October 2025, without any (free) extension. Nonetheless, they constantly add new features to Windows 10 and afterwards wonder why people don‘t move to Windows 11. Personally, I‘m glad that Windows 10 is still being kept alive as I prioritize it over Windows 11 but I won‘t pay ESU for it. They should extend support for another 3 years for free or lower the specs for W11 Source: blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2024/06/04/opening-the-beta-channel-for-windows-insiders-on-windows-10/
  11. So, long time no update on Browser support for Windows 8(.1) I just tested the latest versions of Firefox (edited with CFF Explorer) and Opera (with DWrite.dll from W10) and that's what I found out: - Firefox 128 Nightly works on Windows 8.1. This version is going to be the next ESR branch, which means that we will be able to browse the web safely for another year (EOL: August 2025) without the need of an Extended Kernel what so ever EOL was Firefox 115 Proof: imgur.com/a/firefox-128-windows-8-1-GSvRMpu - Opera 112 (based on Chromium 125) works on Windows 8.1: Opera isn't as leightweight as it was anymore. I'm not a fan of that browser, however it still works with the same method that was already discussed a year ago (--no-sandbox). I don't think any other Chromium based browser is still working on 8.1. In fact, when it comes to Chromium, Windows 7 users are definitly having an advantage with VxKex. They can install the latest Chrome or any Chromium Embedded Framework Programs (e.g Spotify) without disabling the sandbox. EOL was Opera 95 Proof: imgur.com/a/opera-112-windows-8-1-wOrVyOx
  12. I'm sorry man I totally forgot to do that. I was in the middle of an intense exam phase. I'll try that out
  13. Firefox 127 - Windows 8.1 imgur.com/a/baIjICO Only one version left till the next ESR Release. If Mozilla doesn't introduce any function from Windows 10+ in later 127 builds or 128 the next version will be supported for another year (late 2025). Apparently, Windows 7 users are having a huge advantage now as VxKex allows installing the latest Chrome/Firefox. For 8.1, you can use Supermium or (I wouldn't recommend it) the latest Opera (based on Chromium 124). It works with --no-sandbox and DWrite from Windows 10 as well as changing DiscardVirtualMemory -> Virtual Alloc.
  14. VxKex has just been updated to version 1.1 and now supports the latest browser versions! (Firefox, Chrome)
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