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D.Draker last won the day on July 21

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About D.Draker

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    Vista Business x64

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  1. Pros - a somewhat light, with the most needed customisations, like removing the ugly profile button and the ability to have a really clean UI Officially works on old OS, the release version of Win 7 (2009) for example, works on Vista with a couple of tweaks, works on Win 8 from 2012. No problems with excessive brightness or fonts! Cons - very seldom engine updates. Thoughts?
  2. It's only apparently, apparently is being the keyword in that sentence. One Core API doesn't allow extensions, for example, not to mention it's glitchy as hell!
  3. Cancel that! Nailed it down to an update I installed for one game, removed it, everything is fast again. Moving onto another 15 years cycle.
  4. I don't think so, what if I wanted to write I'm against using cracks, or tell it may even be unsafe? What then? What you suggest is called censorship, and I don't live in a place without the free speech rights.
  5. How do we know it's the original project, and not a fake one, like in the recent case with the warnings about fake Supermium?
  6. Dear Dave, you're, as usual, right, and this is a very good example of what you've just told. https://msfn.org/board/topic/178137-mozilla-firefox-5291-esr-works-on-windows-xp/?do=findComment&comment=1269639 Words torn out-of-context is a total disrespect, not to mention the mockery part. On behalf of all members, I want to thank you for being a marvellous moderator!
  7. Upon trying to access this site I get: ERR_SSL_UNRECOGNIZED_NAME_ALERT https://forums.laptopvideo2go.com/forum/208-geforce-r367-series/
  8. I guess it doesn't depend on whether the moderators want these words to be blocked, or not. It's up to the platform devs.
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