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Everything posted by D.Draker

  1. D.Draker

    White flash

    No plans! Ophthalmologists need work, try to understand.
  2. Hello, folks! Either of you get this message when using third party downloaders? Simply playing one video at a time, I don't get this message, so it's not related to IP. Details. https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/10128
  3. Don't underestimate the competence of the French intelligence services: DGSE, DGSI, and the DST.
  4. Durov completed training at the military faculty of St. Petersburg State University in the propaganda filed, served as platoon commander in the Russian Armed Forces, Senior Lieutenant.
  5. Whoever makes MPC-BE intentionally gimps down the hell out of Vista. MPC-BE places artificial blocks, while MPC-HC doesn't You proved it to yourself. DXVA checker says 10bit - yes, supported, at the same time MPC-BE refuses to play 10bit on Vista. The same with HD sound, why? OMG, why? The dudette that makes MPC-BE takes everything from MPC-HC, then blocks certain functioning on Vista. Evidently, he has a strong disdain to Vista.
  6. Old quads have a very low speed FSB (front bus, not the KGB), one can overclock them to hell, it won't help gaming on Win10. Win10 itself eats up the whole bandwith with numerous processes,
  7. I don't even have to login anymore, they just let me in. Everyone knows D.Draker.
  8. And you were right! The word is stolen from Italian, "Telegramma" (means letter in English), Durov's curators clearly had a very poor imagination and far below average marketing skills. It's frequently the case when one is on state service. Right, why bother? The funding will come anyways.
  9. Which player do you use, PowerDVD, by any chance? I remember it blocked DTS-HD on Vista, also MPC-BE did the same! And MPC-HC works fine with DTS-HD MA and all 10-bit accelerations! MPC-BE is pretty much glitchy garbage. https://forum.cyberlink.com/forum/posts/list/15/43436.page
  10. And those? Claims to be "signed". https://retrosystemsrevival.blogspot.com/2020/04/intel-usb-3031-for-windows-vista788110.html
  11. I have no problems accessing Amazon Music from Centbrowser (it has a flag block CH). https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/831
  12. Agree, but then again, you'd need DX11 because to run old games and adopt them to even 2006 era monitors (like 1920x1200) you'd need something like dgVoodooCpl, and those demand DX11. This is the only way to run the XP era legend Sacred Plus 2004 (for example). Checkmate. lol
  13. @Sampei.Nihira for the 13857163618319817th time gave an article, a very dubious one, even the author wrote he didn't check himself. When asked, @Sampei.Nihira didn't provide any proof of what he claims (as usual), instead he told Karla to trust his word (as usual, in a rude form) . At least today he didn't write to "shut up". As for the topic, there's a tracking app in Supermium/Thorium, it's an old Googel invention, we (You, Dixel and I) axed it off 360 and Chrome a long time ago.
  14. Fantastic translation! @AstroSkipper is fluent in French! I'm very proud of you, @AstroSkipper. As for the second part, Durov is a French citizen, probably not everyone knows. So he'd br extradited to France anyways, most likely. https://www.lemonde.fr/en/france/article/2023/06/26/the-telegram-founder-s-mysterious-french-passport_6037748_7.html "Pavel Durov, the head of the controversial messaging app, was granted French citizenship in 2021..."
  15. Yeah, but XP can't do neither DirectX10 nor DirectX11, so it's irrelevant. Throughout the last 10 years (or even more) most good games are DX11 only. I remember I played Hellgate: London in 2006-2007, it already had DX10, and the downgraded DX9 version for XP didn't look as good as the Vista DX10 version.
  16. I think Durov already started talking, it's just we don't see the full picture because of the nature of the investigation, they tell us about 000.1%, and now he needs to avoid drinking russian tea.
  17. Don't you dare to "period" members, especially women. Evidently, you didn't read the article you yourself linked to. "This has been around since at least 2016." My solution from 2013 is different, and I explained it in details (with the screenshot). People just don't trust you word anymore, you've been caught too many times posting disinfo, misleading articles and so on. I posted the screenshot, what stops you to do the same? The author of the article wrote "should", it's all in theory. "The question has arisen that in this case, the extension should be blocked – but I have not tested this." Of course, because the author suggested a very dubious way to block via GPO, which resets when one starts a new profile! Why didn't you mention that? Huh?
  18. UK isn't in EU for a quite long time. Remember Brexit voting results? A very beneficial (again) result for whom? Right, Russia. As for those extradition threats, I'm not surprised, honestly. GB just behaves like it always did, the Master of our Universe. But are those purely British intentions, aren't they just mimicking the old times? That said, don't forget the amount of money invested in UK by Russia's oligarchs. Are there any British (Western) funded media left? I'm afraid, not. From what I observe, yes I read British newspapers - UK sings Russia's songs. Example, Guardian has a billionaire Russian owner >link<. BBC can be renamed to VOR (Voice Of Russia), the same goes to the German DW. How Russian state funded Telegram is any different? It worked on the international market with only one goal - help Russia destroy the West and make money on those illegalities. I'm sure our Chief Prosecutor knows what she does. France has one of the best Intelligence services, by the way.
  19. I tried, but not the Ryzen, I tried nVidia, they worked, but no Aero effect, and very glitchy, unstable. Besides, you'll have problems with signing because it requires edits to .sys file.
  20. The charges against Pavel Durov have been published by the French authorities: What is of interest to Telegram users, I'll translate. - Complicity - Administration of an online platform to allow an illegal transaction in an organised band (gang, as in for organised crime, bandits). - Refusal to communicate, at the request of the authorised authorities, the information or documents necessary. You all are very welcome to seek for better translations. Source: French Security Researcher Baptiste Robert His verified account: https://www.x.com/fs0c131y
  21. Hello to you, too! Have a good day, enjoy your stay!
  22. It is because Chrome won't let you. But then again, it's there - regardless. And the "method" to detect it, whaht they suggest, of course does't work.
  23. It's there at least from 2013, I knew about it all along, wrote about it on the forum (along with @Dixel), and I always deleted it from resources.pak, all of those "methods" to use "policies" are crap. chrome will revert all those. The only way is to cut it out physically. Screen from the latest CentBrowser, as an example.
  24. @ED_Sln use --disable-component-update https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/829
  25. Nothing odd, simple data mining by the Russian FSB. I hope you didn't give them yours.
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