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Everything posted by D.Draker

  1. chrome://sandbox works, it's universal.
  2. Screengrab the error and post here. Unity can be made working without the need of that Kernel.
  3. It was exactly the same until win32ss shared the code with him so he could continue, otherwise Thorium was stuck at the last officially supported 109 for years. That tells us the guy can only move forward with someone else's code.
  4. Yes, but you only sent one, you gotta research the huge script British Gas has in .js. Otherwise, how do you explain the site works for @VistaLover on the same version??? I know, VistaLover took steps to block them.
  5. "Son" is a widely used figure of speech, esp. when someone is much older. What "knowledge" do you refer to? You post off-topic in the Win11 section. Your "knowledge" of those calculator OS isn't required to be posted here. Period. And be nice, why are you always so hostile? Better tell how long did you use Win 11 before posting?
  6. ClimetHints are requested via javascript from you, not sent from that side, lol.
  7. Supermium is about what, 47 percent brighter than Ungoogled?
  8. No, as per @Saxon and @VistaLover, v121 was the last one allowing to turn them off.
  9. So make it! You told us you have an acc.
  10. Oh really, then please post a screen of what you get here, https://browserleaks.com/javascript
  11. It only confirms what I already explained. Supermium transmits a lot of sensitive info, including the OS, whereas in Chrome 360 ClientHints are switched off. In CentBrowser and CatXP, too. So no problems with them.
  12. @VistaLover, show what you get at the "active variations".
  13. Yes I am, and from what we all know, Supermium broadcasts ClientHints, in addition to UA. So, maybe. https://browserleaks.com/javascript Sorry, multiquote glitched out on me after the last site update,
  14. No, one can safely tell - your Supermium is out-f the box, no mods, runs default, and can't handle that site.
  15. BTW, Dave you're being heavily fingerprinted. Look at the active variations. It's a guinea pig test they run on you.
  16. British Gas works fine with CatsXP, even on the oldish Chrome 114 from two years ago. I'm blocked on imgur, and moi limit here's up, so no screens.
  17. You mean Alexa, not relevant 'cause I always used Opera. And I skipped XP. (used only a brief time), and it was a terrible experience, similar to 11. But my grandmother, born in the very beginning of the 20th century, liked it. 1912-1913 smth, I don''t already remember. I wonder what would she tell about 11!?!??!
  18. You know what, you're absoluteness right! Despite being on Millennium for a long time, I paid very little attention to the primitive operating systems before Vista, those were designed for office slaves to serve as a calculator. Son, we have different priorities in life, it's very obvious. For me, life is all about fun and entertainment, so I chose the only one really high quality media capable OS - Vista. Windows 7/8 took a huge step back in the quality, and Windows 11 is the icon of primitivism.
  19. Unlike in your country Armenia, in France sellers are under certain obligations before the customers, for example: they can't refuse to serve basic needs items like soap, condoms, cosmetics, refrigerators, etc. As for the Chanel bags I was going to buy, unfortunately, they can because they belong to the luxury segment. So no, he can't put deadbolts because he registered as a seller and owns a website that he must maintain in accordance with the French laws. And if we speak about that site in particular, the laws of Quebec, which aren't that different because they are an off-spring from France.
  20. I strongly suggest you all simply ignore those dimwits. let their businesses go bankrupt. Enough of this nonsense. Recently, I was willing to spend several grands on a bag, yet I have problems with their site. I'll think twice now. And looks like they just lost a customer. In details. https://msfn.org/board/topic/186728-chanel-french-bags-website-err_http2_protocol_error-from-my-ip-blocked-from-vpn-too/
  21. He lied to you, the owner simply put the slider to the "maximum protection". Again, Cloudflare could care less what the owner chooses.
  22. The owner of the website determines what level of "protection" is used, not Cloudflare. Cloudflare simply gives the tools to the owner.
  23. Oh, I forgot to answer to the main question, The actual reason Windows 11 had failed is because @D.Draker purchased zero licences, whereas with Vista he bought dozens and dozens, maybe hundreds. Literally every PC I bought had Vista, and if we count the numerous gifts I made during that times, countless girlfriends were gifted with Vista computers, even my mother and father!
  24. Then there was a short break for Vista, looks like the engineers finally heard the complaints about the terrible XP and took it into the account, Yet they still somehow managed to insert the non-changeable white folders background ugliness into Vista. Then the terrible, slow, buggy, spying and bloated Windows 7 came out, and the real horror began, so Win 11 is the successor of 7, not Longhorn, therefore, I agree with @Rod Steel!
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