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Everything posted by D.Draker

  1. Are mostly huge arse-kickers. no way he fits one of those into a slim case.
  2. A modded driver for 600 series might not work, yes, I'm Captain Obvious. 500 had a huge increase in their TDP, they aren't quiet. He wants quiet. I had a 560 Ti, I couldn't wait to get rid of it. One could fry eggs on the cover. I don't even mention about the noise on the allegedly "silent" model made by MSI.
  3. While I feel you, I can't imagine a scenario where you sit and stare at the back of your beautiful PC with that ugly adapter sticking in your face for longer than 30 seconds. Then another solution might include purchasing a dedicated, slim GPU with HDMI. Something like nVidia 400 series have drivers for Win2000. Just make a better research on the forum for exact models.
  4. Nothing wrong with a desire to have a quality product. Of course it's always advisable to purchase the ones that have a good, gold coating.
  5. The ones you buy on Ali-express or E-bay, maybe. Those that came with your videocard are good. That said, I'm talking only about known brands of GPU. Never had any troubles with them. Only one case of a weird discolouration when I used a very long HDMI cable with it. And as for the inability to enter BIOS during post, HDMI is designed that way. HDMI isn't designed to be used with monitors, DVI, VGA and DispalyPort are. HDMI is more like when you want to connect your PC to a high-end receiver or a huge TV to watch 2160p James Bond or X-files. Besides, there's no electronics inside of those adapters.
  6. The AI is stupid, it confuses "the US" with "the USA", I bet those who develop it are of no English, French or German origin. Go ahead and ask it about the climate to make us laugh. It will tell you no changes observed, lol. P.S. (edit) Also, many decades ago, I noticed one fact, those who have troubles with articles, be it definite, or indefinite are mostly Russians, maybe Ukraine, smth like that.
  7. Which USA do you mean, in particular?
  8. You mean the one on the 95th engine? LOL, don't, keep that gem to yourself. Dude, we are talking about the browser on 118th engine, and it already struggles. Wanna be useful? Tell the readers what's going on, and how to deal with it. I've moved away from it, anyways. https://msfn.org/board/topic/186346-i-moved-to-centbrowser-i-feel-happy-about-it/page/5/#findComment-1277527
  9. Time flies. Weren't there an adaptor from DVI to HDMI? I remember they were popular in that Era. Welcome.
  10. I'm not sure I follow, either. You want to say you honestly believe that those others, still left there, fulfil their obligations?
  11. You're welcome, as for Vista, the guy in the topic you linked, wrote it worked with the early i3 series. Pentium you mentioned is a newer chip.
  12. XP will work with DESKTOP Haswell CPU/GPU. but not Haswell Refresh *like G3470 or the such.
  13. It "seems" wrong. Last year, I had found a browser for Vista users, shared it here, which you aren't, so why posting? You are on Win10 as far as I can recollect, so, obviously it wasn't intended for you! And it was good for its time, not anymore. But probably the developer will read and listen. Loosing D.Draker, loosing the reading of his private e-mail, all of that would be a huge loss for him. So I hope he will read the post and finally update, and other Vista users will benefit, too. See how kind and caring D.Draker is?
  14. The browser is actively supported with security patches, it didn't "die", no matter how you wish it to. It's just the problem of such rare engine updates, which is probably fine for users in China with their restricted and censored internet, but not for MSFN website with its super frequent updates.
  15. No. https://msfn.org/board/topic/182660-intel-hd-haswell-drivers-modded-for-vista/#findComment-1198948
  16. How much improvement we are to expect? Approximate percentage?
  17. By 2003, I was really tired of the previous OS UI. That was my excitement, on the other hand, Longhorn's UI was also not my favourite,
  18. Explanations, this pile of garbage quits working even on MSFN, and no updates seen on the horizon.
  19. I'd say, it comes as no surprise after a quarter of century. What about Fujitsu-Siemens, Fujitsu, or just Siemens? You don't consider them? It'd be a perfect choice, as of they have lots of thin clients.
  20. @Dave-H,sorry to be of bother, I can't seem to find how to edit the title. I would've wanted to edit from: "I moved to CentBrowser, I feel happy about it." To "I moved to CentBrowser, I don't feel happy about it anymore." Or (for your choosing) "I moved away from CentBrowser, times have changed, the engine became outdated." Thank you, Dave.
  21. Took some time to dive deeper in AV1, and it sucks. they don't bring anything new to the table, the codec lacks the depth of the famous H265 8bit,
  22. I was under the impression it does';t, unless you explicitly specify. You want to tell it does it silently? Well, then I'm against this. Kind of anti-feature if it does it without consent.
  23. It's a mobile chip, even if by some miracle you find drivers, they won't work because of the power saving techniques like "Optimus".
  24. Those who use Vista, sit on Nvidia, all up to GTX Pascal will work, and I personally made ported drivers, but that would be off-topic to talk about here, just some things to consider.
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