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win32 last won the day on September 30 2023

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About win32

  • Birthday 05/24/2001

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    Vista Ultimate x64

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  1. You would get the equivalent of a nightly build or one of these automatically-built snapshots: https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-browser-snapshots/index.html
  2. Are these issues only in 5015 and not in 5012? In 5015 I made changes to the SRW locks, enabling them in shared mode.
  3. Yes, the page above is the official Supermium website. And the account was flagged for "spamming". as I found out when trying to export the repository directly from GitHub to GitLab. The repositories were not deleted, but they are hidden from public view along with my account itself. At the time of this incident, I had built Chromium 124-based Supermium and it worked on XP (x86 and x64). But I still had a few deficiencies to correct before even a pre-release, specifically graphical glitches with GPU enabled, some upstream UI bugs, plus other outstanding bugs reported recently. Other features such as a UA/UACH spoofer and UI customization were being worked on as well. I reiterate that there is no malware in Supermium, progwrp, its installer and its uninstaller.
  4. The win32ss account on GitHub was flagged for an unspecified reason. I am going through the appeal process to restore it, but I will make sure the repository surfaces somewhere else such as GitLab even if GitHub does accept the appeal.
  5. Yes, the timebomb's logic is a little off in that it only checks that the year is 2024 or greater, and that the month is August or greater.
  6. It turns out that it is supposed to be a commercial product: https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/29#issuecomment-1821936051
  7. I also haven't been able to find any connections opened to Chinese IP addresses, much unlike 360 Chrome. The "expires in one year" is a restriction in the application itself. If you try running the browser in August 2024 or later, it will silently crash. However, there is a logic error in the timebomb so it will run for the first seven months of the following years. However I think a patch for it would be technically a crack as it is proprietary software with restrictions on launching.
  8. Supermium moves to the stable branch (version 119/120) at the end of this month when the next release will be made. This should reduce the number of upstream-inherited bugs. GDI rendering should be perfected for this release as well and there will be an option to disable prompts for "unsafe downloads" (and avoid having a sample of the downloaded file possibly being sent to Google). The GDI option in particular will have improved rendering of remote fonts over Vista-level DirectWrite.
  9. I have been able to compile C++ 17 sample code with LLVM 16.0.5 and 17.0.1 in the VS2010 IDE. After installing LLVM and selecting the LLVM v100 toolchain from the project properties, I had to do the following things to make it work: -first, the VC++ 2010 and Windows 7 SDK headers were freaking out at the C++17 syntax. So I took the headers from VC++ 2022 as well as the Windows 11 SDK's UCRT headers and placed them in "Additional Include Directories". -Then, I went to the LLVM section of project properties and added the following compiler options: ``-Wc++17-extensions `` and ``-fms-compatibility-version=19``. This enables support for C++17 and allows the use of the built-in types that the new headers expect. -Linking is complicated. The LLD linker cannot be used due to various issues so we must use the VC++ 2010 linker. This works to an extent, but there will usually be missing functions that the linker is unable to resolve. I built libs containing various functions such as __std_terminate,and a delete operator, which should be placed in "Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies" (https://github.com/win32ss/win32ss.github.io/raw/main/images/msvcrt10_cpp17_x64.lib and https://github.com/win32ss/win32ss.github.io/raw/main/images/msvcrt10_cpp17_x86.lib). -Furthermore, if you are using msvcrt*, the VC++ 2010-supplied msvcrt.lib has baked-in directives that block it from being used where _MSC_VER is not equal to 1600. Clang will make it 1900 when -fms-compatibility-version is set to 19. This means that the directives must be patched; by opening up msvrt.lib in a hex editor, searching for all instances of /FAILIFMISMATCH:"_MSC_VER=1600" and changing 1600 to 1900 (zeroing-out the whole string may also work). *newer ucrt libs were attempted, but there were issues with the linker not recognizing CFG. This would require rebuilding the runtime to remove CFG references.
  10. Hello everyone. I just finished re-adding GDI to Supermium. At first it would only work in --single-process mode, but I got it working in standard mode by ensuring that FontCache objects have the Skia GDI font manager when GDI is enabled. Then I want to fix TLS, readd D3D9 DXVA support, and link Supermium against a DLL with implementations of many newer functions. I have fixed my PMs if you are interested.
  11. Hello Win32 ,

    I am trying to port your Supermium to natively run on XP/2K3.

    It cann't send you private messages here in MSFN, Can u kindly  reach me or provide alternative method to contact you?

    Regards Dibya



  12. Hi, I have a question, can the extended kernel for Vista support languages other than English? since I would like to place it in Windows Vista Business x64 SP2 Spanish

    1. Cockatiel


      Extended Kernel works just fine on Vista Ultimate x64 SP2 Ukrainian, so it should work on your Vista Business x64 SP2 Spanish (except for language bar, but that can be fixed by installing Keyman Desktop and downloading files for your keyboard layout)

    2. D.Draker


      Yes, works on French, too.

  13. Yes, the DirectWrite in there is good enough to make some fonts load in Supermium, but I don't believe the media foundation or Direct2D parts are compatible.
  14. KB4499184 is a preview (read: beta) of the May 2019 update. I assume that comdlg32 is the source of the problem since that's where the dialogs are located. I'll see if I can reproduce this.
  15. I am, but I haven't been able to respond because there was no home Internet access for a few days here.
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