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i think it was possible to get 1050ti working by manually adding the device in the inf files, but the performance is very limited.2 points
New build of Serpent/UXP for XP! Test binary: Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.7.win32-git-20210116-4b450ac-uxp-515814277-xpmod.7z Win64 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.7.win64-git-20210116-4b450ac-uxp-515814277-xpmod.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom IA32 Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.7.win32-git-20210116-4b450ac-uxp-515814277-xpmod-ia32.7z source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32 NM28XP build: Win32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.2a1.win32-git-20210116-5ac4ef4c7-uxp-515814277-xpmod.7z Win32 SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.2a1.win32-git-20210116-5ac4ef4c7-uxp-515814277-xpmod-sse.7z Win64 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.2a1.win64-git-20210116-5ac4ef4c7-uxp-515814277-xpmod.7z Official UXP changes since my last build: - Issue #1705 - Part 1: Rename nsChangeHint_CSSOverflowChange to *ScrollbarChange. (e16ed489a) - Issue #1705 - Part 2: Add a ShowScrollbar enum to be used in ScrollReflowInput. (4681e04dc) - Issue #1705 - Part 3: Rename ScrollbarStyles to ScrollStyles. (0e6a9cc60) - Issue #1705 - Part 4: Add scrollbar-width CSS keyword to CSS parser. (65da2431f) - Issue #1705 - Part 5: Implement scrollbar-width:none for all target platforms. (c05bca316) - Issue #1705 - Part 6: Remove scrollbarbutton min-{width|height} rule from theme. (764e13c91) - Issue #1710 - Check for triggering principal URI in FTP subresource check. (c0db767c2) - Issue #1705 - Part 7: Implement scrollbar-width:thin on Windows. (382fe423e) - Issue #1705 - Part 8: Implement scrollbar-width:thin on GTK. (ecc771848) - Issue #1705 - Part 9: Implement scrollbar-width:thin on Mac (cocoa). (59ef3f4ed) - Issue #1624 - Fix slot access intrinsics for objects with > 16 reserved slots (7023db88c) - Issue #1705 - Part 9b: Revert overzealous changes on Mac (cocoa). (0939fde1a) - Merge pull request 'Add scrollbar-width CSS spec' (#1707) from 1705 into master (515814277) Official Basilisk changes since my last build: - [SSUAO] Update overrides for YouTube (734d737) - [Tabbed browser] Pref detach&tear-off of tabs. (4b450ac) Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build: - [SSUAO] Update overrides for YouTube (f50a12e7c) - Issue #1845 - Pref detach&tear-off tab handling. (16479d842) - Update about box repository information (5ac4ef4c7)2 points
There are many reasons Windows 7 is an objectively superior OS to Windows 10 and why I will use it until I die. This is one of them: Naturally, Windows 10 users won't get this notification. That would, you know, actually improve the UX, so that would be anti-Windows 10. Guess you'll have to wait for the Sunday paper to tell you what you missed.1 point
The WidevineCDM (v1.4.9.1088) inside official Basilisk as well as in Serpent 52.9.0 has been broken since August 14th 2019 (!), because evil Google , the current owners, have de-authorised that deprecated version from receiving decryption licenses (i.e. keys) from sanctioned WV lic-servers... WidevineCDM has always depended (in Firefox-type browsers) on system provided patented decoders (IOW, WMF), thus it used to require at least Vista SP2 with Platform Update Supplement (PUS); when one visits a WV test page with latest Serpent 52 in Vista+, e.g. https://bitmovin.com/demos/drm , you sadly get: And the above is the good scenario ; some heavily DRM'd sites like the Spotify Web Player (https://open.spotify.com/browse) won't load at all once they discover you have a broken WV browser implementation... After the demise of v1.4.9.1088, Google have moved on to releasing WV series 4.10 (dropping the initial 1 in version numbering); Moonchild Productions were tracking WV v4.10 implementation in (practically only) Basilisk in UXP issue #962: https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/962 But time went on... and on... and on... without a solution in sight... To add insult to injury, Google had retained Vista SP2 support in WidevineCDM up to (and including) v4.10.1196.0 (SHA-2 file sig of Oct 9th 2018), which was also revoked on 2019-08-14... Later 4.10 WV versions ALL call the KERNEL32 function TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive which doesn't exist under Vista SP2... So, all hope is currently lost for Vista SP2 users to have a future working WV implementation inside St52 (32-bit) - I'm leaving any Vista ExtKernel references out of the picture here, as we're nowhere even close to a fully functional x86 edition yet; but I feel the ExtKernel is OT for this discussion... If, and that is a very big IF, MCP somehow manage to port a working WV 4.10 implementation in Basilisk, then that would mean that Serpent 52 users on Win7+ could also profit... But, most sadly (but not unexpectedly, if you ask me), the above scenario won't ever happen: Dropping in-browser DRM from the platform @roytam1 : By the look of things, they'll be removing all EME supporting code from their tree (having removed a long time ago support for the deprecated Adobe Primetime CDM ); "we", OTOH, have kept support for Adobe Primetime inside Serpent 52 for the sake of very few users on Windows XP who prefer to use that CDM as a h264+aac decoder instead of the ffvpx patched library; @dencorso , do you still fall within that category? 1. What is the opinion of Serpent 52 users here? Is AP CDM still needed in 2021? 2. If the majority deems yes, will it be easy enough for you Roy to selectively remove ONLY Widevine supporting code (which should be purged one way or another, if it has no applicable uses anymore...) ?1 point
Well, if you use these parameters, on the next normal check you may get those "cleanup" messages. And since you run the check on the system drive, it won't be able to do it right away and will ask you to schedule the check for the next boot... For now, run chkntfs /D , then chkdsk c: /f /x , then reboot. After this avoid running chkdsk manually for a while unless you have a real reason to do so. Use the PC normally and see if these cleanups appear again.1 point
1 point
Thanks for the explanation, @VistaLover I guess NM28 will stay mostly unused here as long as NM27 works fine for me... Ctrl-TAB is limited to 6 previews as can be seen from your screenshot. For now i've adopted the Tab Groups extension, the only thing i don't like about it is that the grid covers the whole Serpent window, but i'll get used to this.1 point
This looks suspicious. I've never seen these parameters be used automatically, only when i manually include them out of curiosity. Start regedit and check the value of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\BootExecute1 point
Yes, I installed with the online installer. I figured out what was going on, I immediately disabled the FlashHelperService, and without it, that error appears. But I don't really want to keep it running, even in the description it says that data is being collected. Flash Player更新辅助服务,确保使用最新版的 Flash Player 软件。会向重庆重橙网络科技有限公司发送匿名使用Flash相关数据以帮助改进 Flash Player。 Translation: Flash Player update ancillary services to ensure that the latest version of Flash Player software is used. Will send anonymous Flash-related data to Chongqing Zhongcheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. to help improve Flash Player. I checked that it works with this service also on Windows XP.1 point
NM27 (Tycho ~ Mozilla 38 platform) and NM28 (UXP ~ Mozilla ESR 52 platform) profiles are, in essence, non-interchangeable; I had always preached in the past in these forums that the only safe/sane way to upgrade to NM28 (from NM27) is to create a fresh pristine NM28 profile and then selectively transfer items from the NM27 one... If you won't adhere to that advice, then be aware that the profile-upgrade-process works only one-way (27->28); once a NM27 profile has been touched by NM28, it is rendered in many aspects corrupted for NM27 use... As others have said, the workaround is to launch via command-line arguments: NM27: "path-to-palemoon.exe[27]" -no-remote -profile "path-to-NM27-profile" NM28: "path-to-palemoon.exe[28]" -no-remote -profile "path-to-NM28-profile" Paths to profiles can be absolute or relative to the respective .EXEs; just to be on the safe side, I'd use absolute paths... If you don't include the -no-remote switches, then you won't be able to launch both; but I strongly discourage simultaneous running of both versions - and accidents do happen, so back-up profiles regularly... ... But you are forgetting that they are different applications, more specifically St52 uses Australis while NM28 doesn't (and this is app-specific code you're requesting to change...). To elaborate some more, the infinitely wise Mozilla devs () first crippled the browser.allTabs.previews Firefox feature, see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=844952 and its many duplicates, and then, in a fashion we've been very accustomed to during the massacre that led to Quantum, they were unable to fix back, so they axed the pref altogether, along with supporting code: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=670684 While this isn't exactly what you asked for, in Serpent 52 you can enable the pref browser.ctrlTab.previews (default is false) and by clicking CTRL+TAB you get a graphical preview of 6 of your (many) opened tabs: ... but when you select "Show all XX tabs" (29 in my screenshot), this will only trigger the "List All Tabs" drop-down menu (which, incidentally, doesn't include pinned tabs ) ...1 point
https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/windows-finger-command-abused-by-phishing-to-download-malware/ It is interesting to note that Finger.exe is also available in Windows XP. The exe is in the "System32" folder. This type of attack will probably never affect our OS. But considering the rarity of use of the Finger.exe command, it might be interesting to consider blocking it. Adding a rule to block the connection in your firewall has the same effect. P.S. For OS after W.XP, for example w.10 x64, the rules are at least 2 because you also need to lock the exe in "syswow64".1 point
It's indirect protection. If they change the method of attack it will be in vain. I personally prefer to use a direct block. I put a custom rule in NVT OSArmor that blocks Finder.exe: [%PROCESS%: *\finger.exe] In OSes later than W.XP it is easy to get a firewall hardening for the most abused commands via the tool below: https://hard-configurator.com/download/ LOLBin - Add If a rule is not in the list it is easy to add it.1 point
1 point
To my surprise, it does find all the updates, even for Office 2010!! Also offered are Visual Studio updates, Ultimate Extras and even Windows Live Essentials 2011!1 point
Probably not... except if hardcoding a full path to a specific profile in the commandline. But mixing up those default folders is probably a very bad idea. 1) What I'm doing with any Mozilla browsers if possible, is to use portable versions, with profiles inside program folder. 2) If not portable, am using the Profile Manager, to juggle multiple profile folders inside the same settings folder. So far I just let it ask me at every startup which of the profiles shall be used, but it has preselected the "last used" profile, and occasionally I click blindly too quickly, after having used a different browser version last time, and oops... ;-) Luckily no fatal disaster yet, my non-portable browsers seem all too old anyway. 3) A safe way, after having created multiple profiles with Profile Manager, is to hardcode a specific profile subfolder in the commandline for the browser start. 4) Another tricky way roytam1 has included in his special fx36 fork (firefox 3.6 with TLS1.2): the program folder contains a bat-file with a hardcoded path to profile folder in this same (program) folder. If starting the browser with this bat-file, it's like being portable :-) .1 point
you can't easily to downgrade profile from NM28 to NM27, this requires places.sqlite schema change this will require porting large chunk of code from NM28 to SP52, since NM28 is forked from FX24 UI, porting may cause UI breaking heavily, and I don't have enough time for porting and testing. only build config is changed, so something requires SSE2 will not work properly (for example, wasm)1 point
New NewMoon 27 Build! 32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20210116-d8dded16a-xpmod.7z 32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20210116-d8dded16a-xpmod-sse.7z 32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20210116-d8dded16a-xpmod-ia32.7z 64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win64-git-20210116-d8dded16a-xpmod.7z source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27 repo changes since my last build: - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - pointer style (1b00a7fb1) - Bug 1202650 - add a flagTemp on ARM. r=nbp. (04d3f2d12) - Bug 1204189 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Split shareable code to mips-shared in LIR-mips32. r=nbp (b9214b63d) (a2bd16578) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1194139 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Split shareable code to mips-shared in Assembler-mips32. r=nbp (38f4c4703) - Bug 1204191 - IonMonkey: MIPS: Split shareable code to mips-shared in Lowering-mips32. r=nbp (1eb444594) - Bug 1199565 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Clampped float32-to-int32 conversions should bailout on MIPS. r=nbp (b9acbf2a0) - Bug 1202222 - IonMonkey: MIPS32: Move compat functions to MacroAssemblerMIPSCompat. r=nbp (f179eb548) (74b984a1a) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1148070 - Change nsIClassInfo::getHelperForLanguage() to getScriptableHelper(). r=bholley (30d208d40) - Bug 1147951, part 3 - Remove unnecessary includes of nsIProgrammingLanguage. r=baku (79a91c51b) - Bug 1149807 - Remove some unused nsIProgrammingLanguage.h includes. r=froydnj (88a388df4) - Bug 1147572 - Remove implementation language field from DOM class info. r=jst (3491499e0) - Bug 1150197 - Remove useless null checks after allocating memory with new from xpcom/threads/; r=froydnj (8e8357735) (b81a32660) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1165768 (part 1) - Convert |sNPObjWrappers| to |PLDHashTable2*|. r=froydnj. (1df9c7f8d) - Bug 1165768 (part 2) - Convert |gContentListHashTable| and |gFuncStringContentListHashTable| to |PLDHashTable2*|. r=froydnj. (43bf74e9b) - Bug 1165768 (part 5) - Convert |gEntityToUnicode| and |gUnicodeToEntity| to |PLDHashTable2*|. r=froydnj. (e13d1085f) - Bug 1165768 (part 3) - Convert |sEventListenerManagersHash| to |PLDHashTable2*|. r=froydnj. (c756c05ce) - Bug 1165768 (part 4) - Convert |sAtomTable| to |PLDHashTable2*|. r=froydnj. (e83234de5) - Bug 1165768 (part 6) - Convert |gAtomTable| to |PLDHashTable2*|. r=froydnj. (945a7e60f) - Bug 1036454 - Failing assertion when calling resetUserPrefs because of mutating hashtable, r=bsmedberg (373ec8eaa) - Bug 1165768 (part 7) - Convert |gHashTable| to |PLDHashTable2*|. r=froydnj. (0968f7e57) - Bug 1160436 - Fix PLDHashTable::operator=. r=froydnj. (0a1896234) - Bug 1142277 - Fix leak in failure path in TestPLDHash. r=erahm. (65766cbb8) - Bug 1165770 - Add PLDHashTable2. r=froydnj. (1a0a07f03) - Bug 1168007 (part 1) - Add PLDHashTable::{Clear,ClearAndPrepareForLength}(). r=froydnj. (0dcfadf38) - Bug 1168007 (part 2) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsFrameManagerBase. r=froydnj. (46082d582) - Bug 1168007 (part 3) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsContentSupportMap. r=froydnj. (0049b814d) - Bug 1168007 (part 4) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsHTMLStyleSheet. r=froydnj. (2ddc6d4e0) - Bug 1168007 (part 5) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsTemplateMap. r=froydnj. (ab27b4cb9) (248e51791) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1098343 (part 1) - support 'sticky' preferences, meaning a user value is retained even when it matches the default. r=bsmedberg (f62f77e2d) - Bug 1098343 (part 2) - use sticky_pref to define devtools preferences that use different defaults on different channels. r=bgrins (539857891) (7ec3885c4) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - add missing static Pins (db6ef2abd) - Bug 1141815 - Remove nsIDOMCryptoDialogs interface and associated implementation; r=keeler (65d0ad36e) - bug 844351 - remove nsISSLErrorListener r=cykesiopka (e5b248bd9) (0aa27f0ac) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1164714 - Flatten security/manager/ssl/public/ directory. r=keeler (a8bc114b3) - Bug 1164714 - Flatten security/manager/ssl/src/ directory. r=keeler (9d7ba2f18) - Bug 958421 - XUL dialog for certificate is security/manager/pki/resouces is unnecessary on Firefox Android. r=snorp (8b53b4b0a) - fix mispatch of Bug 1101331: Modify directory structure of B2G.app (329bc5884) - Bug 1164714 - Move and flatten security/manager/boot/{public,src}/ into security/manager/ssl/. r=keeler (3e293453b) - Bug 1164714 - Fix unified compilation bustage on Windows. r=me (6d9ce3124) (c5bb92f0c) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1168007 (part 6) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsSecureBrowserUIImpl. r=froydnj. (a6bf60fab) - Bug 1168007 (part 7) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsCertTree. r=froydnj. (7a0114da5) - Bug 1168007 (part 8) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsCycleCollector. r=froydnj. (61936a5b9) - Bug 1168007 (part 9) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsCacheEntry. r=froydnj. (64940f663) - Bug 1168007 (part 10) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsDiskCacheBindery. r=froydnj. (cb9993d4c) - Bug 1168007 (part 11) - Use PLDHashTable2 exclusively in TestPLDHash. r=froydnj. (a871dfaa4) - Bug 1170416 (part 1) - Remove PL_DHashTable{Init,Finish,Destroy){} and PL_NewDHashTable(). r=froydnj. (c7def8fcd) - Bug 1170416 (part 2) - Merge PLDHashTable2 back into PLDHashTable. r=froydnj. (84783ae50) - Bug 1168027 - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsTHashtable. r=froydnj. (ded8e0d51) - Bug 1166598 (part 8) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsHostResolver. r=froydnj. (b05946f51) - Bug 1166598 (part 1) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsScriptNameSpaceManager. r=froydnj. (cb9a9405f) - Bug 1166598 (part 7) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsLoadGroup. r=froydnj. (f886096a1) - Bug 1166598 (part 2) - Use PLDHashTable2 in SpanningCellSorter. r=froydnj,dbaron. (67368e477) - Bug 1166598 (part 3) - Use PLDHashTable2 in nsCommandParams. r=froydnj. (c4ea9cf33) - Bug 1166598 (part 4) - Use PLDHashTable2 in RDFServiceImpl. r=froydnj. (26f9c3ab6) - Bug 1166598 (part 5) - Use PLDHashTable2 in InMemoryDataSource. r=froydnj. (d2e130043) - Bug 1166598 (part 6) - Clean up nsStaticCaseInsensitiveNameTable. r=froydnj. (eb8532cba) - Bug 1166586 (part 1) - Remove all uses of PL_NewDHashTable() and PL_HashTableDestroy(). r=froydnj. (fc7222f1f) - Bug 1129786 (part 1) - Instantiate RuleHash::m*Table eagerly. r=bz. (b95efc9aa) - Bug 1129786 (part 2) - Instantiate nsDOMAttributeMap::mAttributeCache eagerly. r=bz. (f15221fa8) - Bug 1166586 (part 2) - Convert some easy PL_DHashTable{Init,Finish} cases. r=froydnj. (a861a32c1) - Bug 1165206 - Tweak nsTHashtable's move constructor. r=froydnj. (92724c440) - Bug 1170069 - Use PLDHashTable2 in FontNameCache. r=froydnj. (150259ee5) - Bug 1170416 (part 3) - Remove the PLDHashTable2 typedef. r=froydnj. (0c8123b29) - Bug 1170416 (part 4) - Remove some unnecessary casts. r=froydnj. (5892abc55) - Bug 1165786 - Remove PLDHashTable::SetOps(). r=froydnj. (75075e448) - Bug 1170416 (part 5) - Remove PLDHashTable::IsInitialized(). r=froydnj. (9d6df3e68) (3f81116a9) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 751387 - Fix crash caused by out-of-bounds accesses in command line options handling. r=bholley (240670c35) - Bug 1162187 - Pass around AutoJSAPI instead of cx to give us more control over error handling. r=glandium (702954016) - Bug 1162187 - Factor out single line argument processing into a helper. r=glandium (56efce591) - Bug 1162187 - Use the AutoJSAPI machinery to handle xpcshell exceptions. r=glandium (162309001) - Bug 1162187 - Remove the custom XPCShell error reporter. r=glandium (523d84539) - Bug 1162187 - Remove ignoreReportedErrors. r=glandium (072f247a3) - Bug 1161590 - xpcshell needs to initialize graphics prefs so that GfxInfo::GetFeatureStatus can check preferences. r=ehsan (5a8415817) - Bug 1166243 - Remove build() function from js and xpc shells. r=bholley,r=efaust (8537f2259) - Bug 1182357 - Implement support for optional size_is for arrays passed from JS. r=mrbkap (0d22d3f34) - missing profiler parts of Bug 1092311 - Fix IndexedDB profiler markers and logging (a68567bbb) - Bug 1086999 - CSP: Asterisk (*) wildcard should not allow blob:, data:, or filesystem: when matching source expressions (r=fabrice,pauljt) (7757a92ae) - Bug 1105827 - Part 1: Add stub PermissionStatus implementation. r=baku (2bd4c1dd3) - Bug 635134 - Adds X11 run-time check for Gtk3 backend. r=karlt (7e9304f5e) - Bug 994541 - Enable BasicCompositor OMTC on linux. r=Bas (c9a266beb) - Bug 1105827 - Part 2: Add stub Permissions implementation. r=baku (751f5e9e6) - Bug 1105827 - Part 3: Implement Permissions.query. r=baku (a30a48cbe) - Bug 1105827 - Part 4: Add Navigator.permissions. r=baku (0d70fc5e6) - Bug 1174861 - Remove unnecessary Rooted from Prefable::isEnabled(). r=bholley (a0893081d) (debfadcca) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - reorder things (7f27ca9da) - Bug 1146235 - Part 1: Add support for an [Alias] extended attribute on IDL operations. r=peterv (1f27c692f) - Bug 1146235 - Part 2: Expose @@iterator aliases on XrayWrappers. r=peterv (8cce4e844) - Bug 1146235 - Followup to address review comment correctly. (33e275bda) (b9f1215b1) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1179718 - Add a CheckAllPermissions extended attribute to WebIDL. r=bz (ccaf27417) - Bug 1178513 - Add <extapp> element and interfaces to be used by ACL. r=khuey (146b766c7) - Bug 1184647. Cloning an image should ensure that the clone tries to load the src, if any. r=smaug (7e532fdb6) - Bug 1142717, part 1 - Remove unused forward declaration of xpc_GetJSPrivate. r=bholley (9ed60f8c9) - Bug 1037329 - Part 1: Implement SystemUpdate API. r=baku (b446efdb5) - Bug 1037329 - Part 2: Enable SystemUpdate API on b2g. r=fabrice (570fc0e98) - Bug 1142717, part 2 - Use nsRefPtr for obj in XPCWrappedNative::InitTearOff. r=bholley (6e262259e) - Bug 1142717, part 2b - Rename obj to qiResult in InitTearOff. r=bholley (ad76ada13) - Bug 1142717, part 3 - Make XPCWrappedNativeTearOff::mNative a smart pointer. r=bholley (7ad2c24b8) - Bug 1142717, part 4 - Add MOZ_COUNT_CTOR/DTOR for XPCWrappedNativeTearOff. r=bholley (67aeaf0c3) - Bug 1142717, part 5 - Eliminate XPC_WRAPPED_NATIVE_TEAROFFS_PER_CHUNK. r=bholley (251bd5478) - Bug 1184630 - Remove the unused XPCWrappedNative::LocateTearOff(). r=gabor (de125f7df) (8a5ab8848) - renew changes from rev 2570c3be2 after security/manager flatterning (6fcd6870b) - import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox: - Bug 1140131 - When XPConnect loads scripts (JS components or Cu.import), set the MIME type so that we don't load the exthandler service to guess it, r=bholley (0ab34e729) - Bug 1164982 - Record telemetry for GC max pause during animations; r=sfink (aab107db0) - Bug 1171305 - Remove lots of now-unnecessary null-checks involving XPCMaps. r=mrbkap. (7e64f2a60) - Bug 1170934 (part 1) - Remove PLDHashTable::{Init,Fini}(). r=froydnj. (554061e2e) - Bug 1170934 (part 2) - Fix the comment for PL_DHashTableRemove(). r=froydnj. (34ddb176b) - Bug 1171323 - Remove PL_DHashFreeStringKey(), because it's dead. r=froydnj. (4fd00ebe1) - Bug 1138848 - Modify OneCRL blocklist for subject / public key blocking (r=keeler, unfocused) (54b7f3d9d) - Bug 1173212 (part 1) - Remove some can't-fail tests in PLDHashTable. r=froydnj. (4b4642c4a) - Bug 1173212 (part 2) - Make PLDHashTable::Iterator work in chaos mode. r=froydnj. (17b6777fa) - Bug 1173600 (part 1) - Tweak PLDHashTable post-enumeration shrinking. r=froydnj. (a21ba3a63) - Bug 1173600 (part 2) - Move post-enumeration shrinking code into its own function. r=froydnj. (87f64a10f) - Bug 1174046 - Fix PLDHashTable::Iterator in chaos mode again. r=froydnj, a=philor (69ed3b9b1) - Bug 1158366: Remove nsIDOMHTML[BR|Div|Heading|TableCaption|Table|Title]Element.idl. r=ehsan (ccc80f0b1) - Bug 1167189: Add an infallible version of nsContentUtils::GetNodeTextContent. r=jst (5c464322a) - Bug 1169800 - nsContentUtils::ParseLegacyFontSize should check when the input string is just '+' or '-', r=dveditz (c5d5e870e) - Bug 1170328 - Mark nsIDocument::WarnOnceAbout() with const. r=smaug (41b39009c) - Bug 1139640: Change DOM property for -moz-osx-font-smoothing to match standard camel-casing algorithm. r=jdaggett (5f2eb6c59) - Bug 1140148 - Update mochitest manifests for Android 4.3 emulator; r=dminor (04a28ac92) - partial of Bug 1116187 - Disable failing mochitest-chrome tests for B2G (0ca9f0e25) - Bug 1157097 - Don't share a style context that will have its cached style data cleared. r=dbaron (d5adcb047) - Bug 1160724 - Part 1: Resolve a properly parented style context when looking up -moz-binding of a display:none XUL/plugin element. r=dbaron (599665d4d) - Bug 1160724 - Part 2: Test that we resolve a properly parented style context when looking up -moz-binding of a display:none XUL/plugin element. r=heycam (87fe13c8d) (d8dded16a)1 point
New build of BOC/UXP for XP! Test binary: MailNews Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20210116-355db4de-uxp-515814277-xpmod.7z BNavigator Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20210116-355db4de-uxp-515814277-xpmod.7z source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/tree/custom-older * Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15. -- New build of HBL-UXP for XP! Test binary: IceDove-UXP(mail) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/icedove.win32-20210116-id-eed0566-uxp-515814277-xpmod.7z IceApe-UXP(suite) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/iceape.win32-20210116-id-eed0566-ia-41157bf-uxp-515814277-xpmod.7z source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/icedove-uxp/tree/winbuild https://github.com/roytam1/iceape-uxp/tree/winbuild for UXP changes please see above.1 point
Find vmx86.sys in system32\drivers on the system you copied VMware from, then copy it to the Vista system.1 point
Windows 8.1 is a SFF/tablet/emerging market SKU, which could only be the reason why it was installed on that HP. As an example, in the US, that OS would not be allowed to be put on that hardware, as can be seen in the specs which primarily shows Windows 7. https://support.hp.com/us-en/document/c03364089 If you had purchased this PC new from HP and it came with this OS, then you would need to get the recovery media from HP. Otherwise, you'd need to get a new license for an OS, Windows 8.1 or otherwise for reinstall. Because Windows 8.1 with Bing is not a retail edition, the installation media is not made available to the public.1 point
1 point
This has got a little weird. I can play the sample videos, but actually not the "DreamScene Content". So I checked with my non-w7mfplated VM and it is capable of both. While with W7 media foundation, it only plays wmv content and not mpg content. The sample videos are wmv and the "dreamscene content" is mpg. That may be one of the main reasons why DreamScene for W7 wasn't well received, but need to check further. Update: installing K-Lite codec pack basic 15.9 has fixed the dreamscene issues.1 point
Since we're talking about media foundation, is your dreamscene working? Mine is broken. https://prnt.sc/w2q6om - Dreamscene encountered critical error.1 point
that what i thought. I don't care myself honestly, but still kinda bummer.1 point
I just checked and it is the media foundation replacement that kills it (one of the tests it does is "checking Windows media playback"; a system with updated kernel files but not media foundation ones has no issues.1 point
My best guess is that we replaced the media foundation with files from windows 7, but not 100% sure1 point
Oh yeah that's also true for me. But I got bsod instead of this message.1 point
The windows experience index no longer works https://imgur.com/JIYX3B0 I don't care about it but just to let you know1 point
Well, @Jaguarek62 was right when presuming people here would be familiar with any of the standard messages from any module of an NT-Family OS, simply because it actually is a reusable template commonly seen, as @asdf2345 nicely explained. Bear with me, please, your going like ... ... with all due respect and wishing to cause no offense but just state a known fact, just shows how people from the younger generations are more sensitive than us old timers. While you're right about the rules and all, you're failing to factor in the different generational sensibilities (we have members ranging from tweeners to 80+ years old, here at MSFN) : *nobody* here wanted to disrespect you nor offend you, and your participation is quite welcome, but older people like me tend to be seen as rude by younger people, nowadays, when, in fact, we just mean to be straightforward.1 point
It's not like they killed your dog or something, this is too much for a basic everyone knows the error message argument.1 point
How did I went off topic?? I'm asking about api missing in ntdll I really don't understand why are you so angry? I said sorry, didn't want to make you this mad. but I was not off topic. I really have no idea why this is getting so intense right now1 point
The English requirement on the forum is for text posts, not for screenshots. Our users are from all over the world and we have no expectation that the language on their computers is in English. If you see something in a screenshot in another language and you do not know what it says, you can use an OCR translator, or transcribe it yourself into a translator program, or worse case, just ask the poster to translate for you. Otherwise, ignore it if you do not want to go through the effort to try to help someone.1 point
1 point
windows 8.0 vanilla user here, no problems on ryzen 5 1600x, gtx 1060, seems super stable also for some reason ms supports 8.0 with the new edge chromium, so I use that browser as well1 point
Well yes, but last one is from january 2020 so you still need WUFUC to function. For example reliability updates to support new browsers: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4534297/windows-8-1-kb45342971 point
Except you can install wufuc and continue using windows update (no microsoft catalog updates, no manual search)1 point
This is actually about what I'm talking about. Just install .net 4.0 and everything will work like on the newer versions of Windows! Also I remember that osu! did not gave me this error in 2019. Weird thing1 point
I installed .NET FW 4.0 and 4.5.2 and the game can install completely. But when launching the game, a kernel32.dll error pops up which however does not prevent the running of the game. You can press OK, ignore the error and game on!1 point
It won't launch if .net FW 4.0 is not installed1 point
I don't think this is possible because there is only one download link on their website. Will test it later and revert to you1 point
I think the t530/w530 would do better than the t520/w520 because Ivy Bridge is 22nm and performs as well as Sandy bridge equivalents while using less power and also because Intel HD graphics 4000 is better than hd3000. If you hate the chiclet keyboard then you may be able to replace it with a t520 style 7row keyboard.1 point
1 point
I have a PC with Vista running bare metal. CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1500x (4 cores at 3.8GHz) (older AGESA so Vista works) 8GB RAM (2133MHz) GPU: 2 x NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 (SLI) HDD: 250GB Seagate Barracuda (with Vista on it) SSD: Kingston A1000 240GB (with Windows 8.1 on it) MOBO: MSI B350 PC MATE Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 x64 (Boxed copy) It runs very well. Only struggle is that I need a DVD to get SP2 and the USB drivers on it.1 point
There's something wrong , it shouldn't be that long . On my system it's like 11-16 seconds. I have Xeon X5440 and DDR3 16GB , HDD WD Raptor 500GB SuperFetch and indexing disabled , of course . Wanted to ask , in my event viewer I'm being bombarded with Terminal service messages because I removed remoting from ISO. How to stop it ? "Registering with ... The specified service does not exist as an installed service , retry in ten minute" Yes "minute" , not "minutes" . Seems like non native speakers working at MS... Edit: Perhaps your uptime is too long because of the updates ? Updates are evil , I have an absolutely clean SP2 , told ya. Oh , and SP1 loads even faster , like 6-7 seconds on my second PC. Windows 7 (without updates) loads much longer , don't remember the exact number, but much , much slower than Vista .1 point
My specs: Intel i5 8250U 8GB RAM 250GB SSD Windows Vista Home Premium x64 (German) I started using Vista in 2008, after our XP PC refused to start. Back then, I did not know that it was a driver error which led to the crash and not a hardware error (Nowadays I am the PC specialist in our family lol), so we bought a new PC. I cant remeber the processor but I know it had 2GB RAM and ran Business x32. Vista was very nice, we used it till 2013, before we upgraded to Windows 7. I remember that Vista did not support IE10/11 and Office 2013, which were the two major problems with it. We didnt use Windows 7 for a long time (I think only till 2014). In 2015 we upgraded to Windows 8.1, which was very fast in comparison to any other OS I had used before. When Windows 10 came out, our PC couldnt handle, so we made a fresh Clean Install of 8.1 and even nowadays it still runs veryy fine (we upgraded the RAM to 4GB)1 point
Yes, even I have experienced a little delay even on SSD, but I found Win7, 8.1 and 10 to be slower for mysterious reasons. Maybe the SSD is a little bit of a bottleneck as my A400 SSD has no DRAM cache. So I think a Samsung EVO SSD or Crucial MX500 SSD should further improve the performance and speed up boot time.1 point
I observed that installation of updates through pkgmgr on cmd causes the computer to stop restarting properly (the Microsoft corporation loading bar does not stop displaying and it prevents me from logging on). I think this can be fixed by installing Windows Update Agent 7.6, then restarting, and then installing all the updates.1 point
1 point
Because until @win32 will implement changes to 32bit kernel32 there is no way how to play roblox. Maybe virtualization? or dualboot? just don’t use Windows 101 point
You can use the pre-EOL updates from the repository provided by @greenhillmaniac or from another zip file provided by Josh Davidson over at Youtube with a tutorial to install all the pre-EOL updates. This method works ONLY for an online Vista image. I don't know about update integration. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/zCxW4DXvK_s Hope this helps1 point