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  1. Being inhospitable toward new members who ask questions is not the way to keep an obscure forum online. Welcome @kiza124
  2. Season 1 of the Netflix series Wednesday is now available on Blu-ray and DVD. Unlike the Addams Family sitcom of the 1960s, I would describe this show as a drama, or perhaps comedy-drama since I do get a few laughs from Wednesday’s outrageous remarks. It was very successful and there will reportedly be a Season 2, but no date has been announced yet. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AWlVOMWt10
  3. Statements such as “TikTok is actually getting banned in the US” (the title of a March 20 post) are quite premature. The bill passed by the House was just another ultimatum (sell TikTok within the specified time or else we will ban the app), and cannot become law unless it is also passed by the Senate. If the Senate fails to act this year, we might have a different president who says he is opposed to the TikTok bill. The latest news here in the U.S. is that the Federal Trade Commission has been investigating TikTok: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/26/biden-administration-tiktok-data-practices-00149139 A link in that article reports that the European Union is also investigating TikTok: https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-goes-after-tiktok-over-addictive-design-minors-protections/ As I pointed out above several months ago, India has already banned TikTok and many other Chinese apps.
  4. The last possibility appears to be Kaspersky 18: https://support.kaspersky.com/us/common/compatibility/15479
  5. Businesses will continue to use Windows, consumers will continue to use smartphones, and MSFN members will continue to use old hardware as long as possible.
  6. I felt like I had to watch Oppenheimer in view of all the Academy Awards it won earlier this month, but I was rather disappointed by the film. Why did filmmaker Christopher Nolan include brief sex scenes that caused Oppenheimer to be rated R in the U.S.? My theory: To discourage parents from bringing children to a very dull 3-hour movie that might give them nuclear nightmares. No wonder that Barbie (which I have not seen) made more money when the two films were in competition last summer. Call me a science fiction fan, but I still think Nolan’s best film was Interstellar starring Matthew McConaughey (2014). Here’s a link to an Oppenheimer trailer anyway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYPbbksJxIg
  7. Blu-ray drives and players can play your old DVDs too, so if there is a need for new hardware, then Blu-ray is advisable no matter how many DVDs you own. (Of course drivers might be a problem for those devoted to legacy versions of Windows.) For old TV shows from the analog era, there may be little if any advantage to the Blu-ray format. I have DVD sets of Twin Peaks (1990-91) and Dark Angel’s first season (2000-01), no thoughts of replacing them with Blu-ray at all. In some cases, recent movies include a Blu-ray and DVD in the same package (e.g. Dune: Part One, at least here in the United States), but in most cases the formats are sold separately. Blu-rays are now more common than DVDs at retailers in the U.S., but you could order a DVD if you wish. I still sometimes buy very cheap DVDs on impulse at Walmart or Barnes & Noble. Walmart just dumps $5 DVDs into a bin for shoppers to rummage through, whereas Barnes & Noble tries to keep their stock organized and their DVDs are often just as cheap.
  8. I haven’t seen Wonka, but I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it! I believe you are younger than most of us here at MSFN, and I’d like to hear what you thought of Wonka’s young star, Timothée Chalamet? One member seems to believe he is “weak” and untalented. I will concede that he looks rather young to become the Emperor of the Universe (which is where the Dune films are headed), but he is certainly the reigning king of the box office right now thanks to young moviegoers. As was first pointed out by Denis Kimathi of Collider and repeated in numerous other articles, Chalamet has broken a box office record that was previously held by John Travolta by starring in two top-grossing films in less than 8 months: https://collider.com/timothee-chalamet-actor-record-dune-2-wonka/
  9. In English, we have two absolutely different meanings for “weak” and “untalented,” but at MSFN we have at least three accounts that do not know that, as I pointed out March 15. You are not going to convince me that my enjoyment of a recent movie was an error on my part, nor is there any point in discussing the talents of recent movie stars with someone who does not watch recent movies. Meanwhile, today will probably be the day when Dune: Part Two surpasses $500 million at box offices worldwide. That is very good for a post-pandemic film that is not an Avatar sequel. (Of course I also saw the Avatar sequel at a cinema more than a year ago. ) https://www.gamespot.com/articles/dune-2-nears-huge-box-office-milestone-passes-first-movies-entire-run-after-10-days/1100-6521893/
  10. How can you say that is also your opinion if you haven’t seen the film? I am evidently the only person in this thread who has seen it, and I liked it! You could easily find positive reviews if you wished, but that is not your purpose - and you deliberately omitted column No. 3 from the Forbes article for obvious reasons: “3. There are too many famous people in these movies.” Is that your definition of a “weak cast,” too many famous people? Of course if you don’t watch 21st-century films (and you have stated before that you do not), then you might not realize how famous young actors such as Timotheé Chalamet and Zendaya actually are now - particularly among those in the 18 to 35 age bracket who actually buy most of the movie tickets. Old guys like you and I (I’m more than twice his age and suspect that you are too) can call Chalamet “weak” if we like, but money talks louder! His last starring role was in Wonka, which was released during the holiday season. I didn’t see it (not my kind of film, I’m just an old science fiction fan), but it grossed $628 million. Since you like to read Forbes, here’s an article saying that Dune: Part Two will reach $460 million by the end of this weekend, and its theatrical run won’t be over yet: https://www.forbes.com/sites/markhughes/2024/03/14/dune-part-two-topping-2021-dune-with-460-million-after-third-weekend/ As far as Hollywood is concerned, Chalamet is now among the world’s top box-office draws, and I wish him all the best. I haven’t given much thought to Zendaya, but I did like Rebecca Ferguson (and even Erik Kain writes that she is “perfect as Lady Jessica”). It sounds like no one here is likely to go to a cinema, but I’m sure that some of you will eventually watch these new Dune movies in the comfort of your homes, and you just might enjoy them’
  11. Unfortunately I have only limited time for accounts that are only here for the sake of argument. First of all, Dune: Part One and Part Two do not comprise a “remake” of the shorter and less successful 1984 film, but rather a new and better adaptation of the bestselling 1965 novel by Frank Herbert. I have read the unfavorable review you suggested (at least the first one that is included in the quote above). He gave the film a grade of C (average in the U.S.), but I fail to see how it supports your remark about the casting? The review you suggested states that the Emperor is “played by a badly miscast Christopher Walken, whose natural affectations distract from a movie that’s in desperate need of a more grounded presence.” I have no argument with that! However no one else is described as “miscast,” so citing this review appears to have been self-defeating on your part. I suppose that’s a specific casting criticism? According to the same unfavorable review mentioned above, and immediately following the sentence about Christopher Walken, “Florence Pugh, by contrast, strikes the perfect balance between strength and survivalism in her brief role as the Emperor’s daughter.” I hope this reviewer is right, because Irulan will be an important character in Part Three (having read the books). If you would care to attack any specific member of the cast (perhaps Timothée Chalamet as Paul?), I will be glad to explain why you’re wrong again!
  12. Maybe I can help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVVTZgwYwVo
  13. That text appears to have come from IMDb so you properly should’ve used the forum’s Quote function (if it even works at the moment). Also, Altman and Hurst were co-writers and Hurst also directed: They were not the stars, and the cast included a few women.
  14. Triple-posting and quadruple-posting is another definitive habit of yours, and not one of your links supports your contention that Dune: Part Two has a “weak cast.” I have searched the internet in vain for any film critic who might actually agree with you. Thanks to you, MSFN is now the “weak cast” capital of the internet, and you did it using only half of your accounts.
  15. Assuming “lotr” means Lord of the Rings, I absolutely agree with you! I generally like science fiction more than fantasy, but LOTR was my favorite fantasy series, both the books by J.R.R. Tolkien and the Peter Jackson films. I felt I was too old to read Harry Potter books when they appeared, but I think I have seen all the films. I wish someone who loved those books would comment on whether the films were good adaptations.
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