Today, I broke rockstar launcher artificial block. Since I can't link you anything, you need to do the modification yourself. Get your hands on rockstar games launcher version 1-0-83 and install it. DO NOT open it! Make the folder read-only and restrict yourself and all Administrators from write permissions. Delete launcherpatcher.exe and run the launcher.exe, let it install socialclub and if for some reason it gets stuck on installing social club, just download the latest one and install it. We are not done, now you'll see an error complaining about missing dependencies. Download CEF explorer and locate social club folder. open socialclubhelper head into import directory and select user32.dll change adjustwindowrectexfordpi to adjustwindowrectex. and that's everything. To be able to play gta v for example, you need to locate playgtav.exe before the artificial block, even versions from 2020 works since the are just a stub.