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Jaguarek62 last won the day on February 20 2022

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About Jaguarek62

  • Birthday 06/21/2001

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    Windows 8.1 x64

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  1. this is really interesting.. and yes on windows "10" build 9888 it works without --no-sandbox flag, just needs the virtualalloc hack. will definitely try the widevine method you mentioned. really cool.
  2. Actually yeah, I have been forced to use windows 11 to watch netflix etc.. DRM does not work under supermium or firefox
  3. I don't know, I got ublock origin working in chrome 114 on windows 8.1 as that is the last chrome version I'm able to run. on windows 10 9888 all extensions work just fine
  4. I know that we have supermium browser and that it works flawlessly, I myself use it on daily basis, but I was bored the other day and discovered, that the newest chrome works on Windows "10" 9888, so how hard is it really to fix it for 8.1?
  5. I tried patching firefox nightly build, but I'm missing something and I don't have enough experience to debug this any further unfortunately, but it seems to attempt to launch.
  6. It's in beta phase atm, but the end of updates is near
  7. I was able to bypass even the newest version of the launcher, social club and confirmed that battleye anticheat is working on windows 8.1. It just simply does not run on Windows 7 unfortunately. https://prnt.sc/zZb6Cdgzm0la
  8. Hi, Today, I broke rockstar launcher artificial block. Since I can't link you anything, you need to do the modification yourself. Get your hands on rockstar games launcher version 1-0-83 and install it. DO NOT open it! Make the folder read-only and restrict yourself and all Administrators from write permissions. Delete launcherpatcher.exe and run the launcher.exe, let it install socialclub and if for some reason it gets stuck on installing social club, just download the latest one and install it. We are not done, now you'll see an error complaining about missing dependencies. Download CEF explorer and locate social club folder. open socialclubhelper head into import directory and select user32.dll change adjustwindowrectexfordpi to adjustwindowrectex. and that's everything. To be able to play gta v for example, you need to locate playgtav.exe before the artificial block, even versions from 2020 works since the are just a stub. https://prnt.sc/2Ucu5Np45BM5
  9. There IS a way to bypass that. I discovered a method myself, though I never shared it anywhere, cause I don't want rockstar to close that loophole. https://prnt.sc/aEyLJ1GypD5b
  10. for me it is stuck at "installing updates" https://ctrlv.cz/VWKw
  11. it works for me on 8.1. latest beta client
  12. there is only balanced and from what I've seen it has to do something with modern standby
  13. only balanced is shown in classic control panel. even after I ran the command
  14. yeah well that's not happening, we just began to phase out windows 10, because the support is nearing the end. The funnies thing about that is that we have 3 windows server 2012 r2 running the surveilance system, remote desktop etc..
  15. Unfortunately, I can't do much with the bloat. we have teamviewer running in the background with teams,outlook,edge and onedrive. There are some dell programs and I tried to get them removed, but ultimately was not allowed to do so. It seems to be related to the cpu frequency though, cause the cpu is underclocking to 1.1-1.8 Ghz and the temperature is around 40-58 degrees so I don't quite get it.
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