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Ximonite last won the day on November 29 2020

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About Ximonite

  • Birthday 09/14/2003

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  • OS
    Windows 2000 Professional

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  1. Oops That was the last thing in my clipboard before I tried to (but didn't actually) copy the forum link.
  2. As of recently, MSFN is in a dire state and the amount of time we have left here is unknown. If you want to stay up to date on any projects of mine, I recommend you visit EclecBoard, which is a forum created by a friend of mine. Even if you're not specifically interested in my works, you should still check EclecBoard out, since they have been getting many new members recently.
  3. Yes, I recommend BlackWingCat's kernel for now, but I'm aiming to have development versions of the major KernelXE upgrade I have mentioned from time to time here available for people to test in the next few months.
  4. I am fairly close to being able to test keyed events and have lots of smaller additions ready to test. I hope to have a technical preview KernelXE available sometime in June and a full release done before September. I also plan on making a page on my website for KernelXE because I don’t want KernelXE to suddenly become unavailable because of something happening on MSFN, like server maintenance.
  5. Here is a working link for it. https://mega.nz/file/8kckyRhA#jEP0wP56a5Cu19nUHbh6MrStRMtOEjLMBHV2TZSWb30
  6. Are you installing KernelXE lite over full KernelXE? That's definitely bound to cause problems cause BlackWingCat ntdll. Also, I plan on adding the newer version of devmgr.dll to full KernelXE. It's not needed in KernelXE lite cause it's made to install on top of BlackWingCat's extended kernel, which already contains the new devmgr.dll
  7. You can install KB2479629-v3 and KB2508429-v17. Those are the important 2 WildBill updates that are required.
  8. I am definitely still working on KernelXE. The main thing I'm doing that's taking so long is adding keyed events. Keyed events are very tied into existing ntoskrnl code and it's gonna take a while to adapt existing stuff to work with them. Lots of stuff uses keyed events, so when this is done, it will be very good for Windows 2000 users. Here is a list of ntdll functions that use them: RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive RtlAcquireSRWLockShared RtlReleaseSRWLockExclusive RtlReleaseSRWLockShared RtlRunOnceBeginInitialize RtlRunOnceComplete RtlRunOnceExecuteOnce RtlSleepConditionVariableCS RtlSleepConditionVariableSRW RtlWaitOnAddress RtlWakeAddressAll RtlWakeAddressSingle RtlWakeAllConditionVariable RtlWakeConditionVariable TpAllocPool TpAllocTimer TpAllocWait TpAllocWork TpDisassociateCallback TpPostWork TpReleaseCleanupGroupMembers TpReleasePool TpReleaseTimer TpReleaseWait TpReleaseWork TpSetPoolMinThreads TpSetTimer TpSetWait TpSimpleTryPost TpWaitForTimer TpWaitForWait TpWaitForWork I'm planning on adding all those functions and the kernel32 functions that rely on them. January has been very busy for me, but I hope that February is lighter so I get more time to work on KernelXE.
  9. Try profiling it with Dependency Walker and post the log. You could also try installing Visual C++ 2019, which might help, since it can load concrt140.dll
  10. You probably shouldn't have a download link to the whole OS. That might be bannable.
  11. ??? I definitely remember this being your project. I just did a few quick things so you could look around in IDA and figure out the basics.
  12. Which version of UMDF are you trying. UMDF 1.0 doesn't have this file and it isn't included in Windows 2000. Definitely not. I'm pretty sure it isn't even possible on XP.
  13. Hello. I have a Dell XPS M1210 that I am going to install Windows ME on. There is space for a Dell Truemobile Bluetooth module and I am planning to buy one. I want to know if anyone has any experiences or info that could be useful so I don't waste my money on an incompatible one. There are 3 different ones I could buy: Dell Truemobile 350 - Bluetooth 2.0, Uses Toshiba drivers Dell Truemobile 355 - Bluetooth 2.0, Based on Broadcom BCM92045MD Dell Truemobile 360 - Bluetooth 2.1, Uses Toshiba drivers
  14. I was just saying how I like the rounded edges. Not saying you mentioned it. Interesting. No squares here with Firefox 78.6.0 on vista. I do get those types of squares on Discord sometimes though.
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