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Latest Version of Software Running on XP

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On 6/30/2020 at 5:47 PM, Dibya said:

Anyone want latest Audacity ? I compiled from source 

Maybe someone should start a new thread "Community builds for XP" or something like that. That would make it much easier to find the new builds.


Or, alternatively, can they get uploaded to some other location than file sharing hosting? those links will dissapear, you know.

On 7/4/2020 at 12:29 AM, gerwin said:

On my Windows XP SP3 Posready system: this v3.3 cannot show the toolbar + the document tabs are all white and show no document title?

For me, the title of the files aren't displayed and the settings are not saved in the program's folder but in the Application Data of the user's profile... :unsure:

3 hours ago, FantasyAcquiesce said:

Oh crud...WPS Office no longer works on Windows XP!

The problem is in the wpsmain.dll file. If you replace it with the old version or patch xompie, then the office will start. The ksomisc.exe error still appears, but it does not affect the work, it can be deleted, without it there is no error and everything seems to work without problems.


  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/4/2020 at 12:29 AM, gerwin said:

On my Windows XP SP3 Posready system: this v3.3 cannot show the toolbar + the document tabs are all white and show no document title?

v3.1.2 works fine for me.


bars code was related to d2d1.dll but here goes to toolbar

the vs2019 (with upgrades) creates a lot of sse commands , the cpu might not support them ?

Posted (edited)

Out PotPlayer v.200730 1.7.21278 (July 30, 2020):






+ Added the ability to make shortcuts of main menu work in playlist, bookmark editing, subtitle browser, etc.

+ Added the ability to reflect the time displayed on skin according to playback speed

+ Added filter function into bookmark editing

+ Added the ability to rename font only in a**/SSA subtitle style processing

- Fixed an issue that could not play due to an error in a specific system

- Fixed an issue where subtitles were duplicated in certain subtitles

- Fixed an issue that did not play certain Dash/HTTP live streaming

- Fixed a slow problem in playing with 10-bit AV1 codec

- Fixed an issue that screen did not appear when playing certain MP4 files

- Fixed an issue where certain SSA/a** subtitles appeared strangely



Edited by Sampei.Nihira
On 7/30/2020 at 3:29 AM, user57 said:


bars code was related to d2d1.dll but here goes to toolbar

the vs2019 (with upgrades) creates a lot of sse commands , the cpu might not support them ?

Thanks. I just tested it and the toolbar is showing and working now. Nice work!

I don't know if the SSE question was directed at me, but my XP systems support SSE (Sandy Bridge/ Ivy Bridge).

On 7/6/2020 at 5:40 PM, Snear said:

Maybe someone should start a new thread "Community builds for XP" or something like that. That would make it much easier to find the new builds.

Actually there's: https://forum.doom9.org/showthread.php?t=175829

Which is why I told @Dibya to upload his new Audacity build there so that I could update the post (I didn't have to re-compile it myself this time since he did all the work), but he didn't reply... He's probably busy, but I'll tell him again: please, upload it there and I will add it to the main post.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, is there some newer unofficial build of MPC-HC player than 1.7.13 (2017) or LAVfilters newer than 0.70.2?

I found an (seems to be good enough) alternative PotPlayer: http://potplayer.daum.net/

It still supports XP in 2020 and seems to be often updated.

I also reccomend to install Strongene Lentoid HEVC Decoder


for those with old VGAs without HW H265 decoder. This codec is ~2x faster on CPU than LAVfilters/FFDshow! It should support also OpenCL decoding on GPU but probably only on ATI/AMD cards didn't work on my GTX 670 as GPU load was seen only ~8% If someone knows about working OpenCL/CUDA hybrid H265 decoder that works on nvidias let us know.


Yeah, we've been using PotPlayer for years now and it's a very good player as it relies on Open Codecs which still support XP.

As to unofficial LAV Filters build, there aren't any... at least not that I'm aware of...


I may've asked this before, but can someone help me get Pot Player working?

I've tried on 32-bit XP and 64-bit XP, and in both cases, it complains that some DLL has been modified, and it won't start.  My impression is that, at least on 32-bit, it should "just work."  Is that correct?


37 minutes ago, cc333 said:

I've tried on 32-bit XP and 64-bit XP, and in both cases, it complains that some DLL has been modified, and it won't start.  My impression is that, at least on 32-bit, it should "just work."  Is that correct?

This has been a longstanding problem on Windows 2000 and Server 2003 x86, since the beginning of 2019. And the error message given when running the installer on an unsupported OS states that 2003 is a supported platform!! XP x64 was working last I checked (so sometime last year), but there have been various complaints about this issue on XP x86.

I didn't know assembly back in them dark days, but I do now. So in PotPlayer x86 1.7.21280.0 (as identified by the DLL's version number), there is the following code in PotPlayerMiniXP.exe (which may be renamed to PotPlayerMini.exe in the program folder):

00401734 loc_401734:                             ; CODE XREF: wWinMain(x,x,x,x)+116�j
.text:00401734                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_5]
.text:00401737                 call    unknown_libname_3 ; Microsoft VisualC 2-11/net runtime
.text:0040173C                 lea     edx, [ebp+var_230]
.text:00401742                 push    edx             ; wchar_t *
.text:00401743                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_5]
.text:00401746                 call    sub_402450
.text:0040174B                 movzx   eax, al
.text:0040174E                 test    eax, eax
.text:00401750                 jz      loc_4019FF <---------------------------------------    The problem. It calls the error code
.text:00401756                 push    8               ; size_t
.text:00401758                 call    ??2@YAPAXI@Z    ; operator new(uint)
.text:0040175D                 add     esp, 4
.text:00401760                 mov     [ebp+var_24C], eax
.text:00401766                 cmp     [ebp+var_24C], 0
.text:0040176D                 jz      short loc_401789
.text:0040176F                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_230]
.text:00401775                 push    ecx
.text:00401776                 mov     ecx, [ebp+var_24C]
.text:0040177C                 call    sub_401A90
.text:00401781                 mov     [ebp+var_288], eax
.text:00401787                 jmp     short loc_401793
.text:00401789 ; ---------------------------------------

So change that jz loc_4018FF to jmp 401756h (for those with IDA).

If you just have a hex editor, search for the following sequence of bytes:

0F 84 A9 02 00 00 6A 08 E8 3F 1D 00 00 83 C4 04

change it to:

EB 04 A9 02 00 00 6A 08 E8 3F 1D 00 00 83 C4 04

And then, for the first time in 19 months:


It will work on all other platforms.

For the regular PotPlayerXP.exe, change:

0F 84 4D 02 00 00 6A 08 E8 35 1D 00 00 83 C4 04


EB 04 4D 02 00 00 6A 08 E8 35 1D 00 00 83 C4 04

For PotPlayerMiniXP64.exe, change:

0F 84 39 03 00 00 B9 10 00 00 00 E8 4D 20 00 00


EB 04 39 03 00 00 B9 10 00 00 00 E8 4D 20 00 00

PotPlayerXP64.exe, change:

0F 84 33 03 00 00 B9 10 00 00 00 E8 4D 20 00 00


EB 04 33 03 00 00 B9 10 00 00 00 E8 4D 20 00 00

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