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Everything posted by FranceBB

  1. Not really, when I'm at home nothing should be connecting to anything. The only other device in the network is my smartphone and that one is running Android 15. In theory the router shouldn't be exposing ports to the outside world, but at this point I'm beginning to think that it might just be doing that... Anyway, once I'm home I'll try to run some scans through the network just to make sure and I'll let you know.
  2. I looked at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc and I found a file called hosts, but it's completely empty (0 KB), so... I guess no?
  3. Hey guys, yesterday I was sitting at home, spending time on my PC before tuning to itv to watch a certain sporting event I don't wanna comment on / wanna forget really quickly. Anyway, I have Avast Premier 18.8.2356 from November 15th 2018, the last XP compatible version. I've been a long time Avast user as most people probably know and I'm totally happy with it as it's still receiving up-to-date virus definitions via normal updates and streaming updates. Anyway, the reason why I'm mentioning this is that I was pretty surprised to see a very unusual entry in the firewall that Avast reported as "Blocked": I really suck at networking, but seeing it like this it looks like someone or something tried to RDP into my XP! O_O Well, let's first say that I'm not dumb, so RDP is indeed disabled on my XP, so it wouldn't have led to anything anyway (probably), but this is pretty worrying. What's worse is that I can't see anything in the "Remote address", nor "Remote Port" or "Local address", so if it actually was an attacker, I don't even know who tried that. To make matters worse, I wasn't using a Public Wi-Fi or anything, I was sitting on my chair, at home, connected to my router. How is this possible? Is this a false alarm and the entry is a red herring? Or... perhaps... did someone actually try to RDP into my system? I'm confused.
  4. Yep. That and the fact that they're phoning home as if there was no tomorrow with lots of telemetry (and don't even get me started on the new Microsoft Recall spyware I mean "feature"). If we add to that the new CPU requirements, mandatory TPM 2.0, secure boot, UEFI and - on Professional/Enterprise editions - mandatory full disk encryption with Bitlocker, it just makes you not want to use Windows 11. On top of it, using Win11 on anything other than an SSD makes everything stutter. As for the new UI, I just hate the fact that they redesigned the whole explorer.exe, the fact they almost entirely killed the old Control Panel by moving (almost) everything to the new dumbed down settings menu, the new dumbed down right click etc... Why Microsoft, why...?
  5. Thank you Dixel! There's unfortunately one entry despite having unticked everything with the program posted before: I went on to check the registry at the path you highlighted, namely HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger but under WMI there's only Security, there's no "Autologger". Weird. O_o
  6. Well I got rid of them all (including the OS ones) and my XP is still going strong, so I don't really think there's any adverse effect in getting rid of them.
  7. Excellent program, I disabled the performance counters on everything. Thank you guys!
  8. To be fair, even if it's fixed now, I don't really care that much about having performance timers measuring stuff as I don't really look at them anyway, so the follow up question is gonna be: how do I get rid of them? You know, the less things I have in the background sucking up resources the better. I tried with CMD: DISKPERF -N but it says: Both Logical and Physical Disk Performance counters on this system are automatically enabled on demand. For legacy applications using IOCTL_DISK_PERFORMANCE to retrieve raw counters, you can use -Y or -N to forcibly enable or disable. No restart is required.
  9. Thank you both. I do have another XP machine laying around, but the other fix seemed a bit cleaner. Following the discussion linked by AstroSkipper, I 1) Headed to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\WmiApRpl\Performance 2) Deleted the First Counter, First Help, Last Counter and Last Help entries 3) Headed to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Perflib 4) Set Last Counter to decimal 1846 5) Set Last Help to decimal 1847 6) Rebooted It worked like a charm.
  10. Hey guys, every time I start my XP I get the following entry in the EventViewer Event ID: 3012 Type: Error Source: LoadPerf The performance strings in the Performance registry value is corrupted when process Performance extension counter provider. BaseIndex value from Performance registry is the first DWORD in Data section, LastCounter value is the second DWORD in Data section, and LastHelp value is the third DWORD in Data section. Then I get two info messages: Performance counters for the WmiApRpl (WmiApRpl) service were removed successfully. The Record Data contains the new values of the system Last Counter and Last Help registry entries. Performance counters for the WmiApRpl (WmiApRpl) service were loaded successfully. The Record Data contains the new index values assigned to this service. And when I reboot, the same thing happens. By reading on the web they all seem to suggest the LODCTR /R command from the command line, however on XP it seems to be returning a list of commands and in particular I can see: LODCTR /R:<FileName> restore perf registry strings and info using <FileName> So... the question is: what's "filename"? I tried to cd %Systemroot%\System32 lodctr perfci.ini and then rebooted, but it didn't work, I've got the same message back.
  11. I'm not sure about the registration 'cause I'm on Avast Premier which I renew every 3 years as it also covers my Android mobile phone beside XP for my family and I. Up until now, I haven't had any issues and it happily accepted the key every time. Even in this very moment, I'm with Avast. I'm not sure about the free version key, though, but if it doesn't work, try posting on the Avast forum or ask the support, I'm sure they're gonna help you.
  12. I watched the whole video and what he managed to pull off is amazing. I know that he started backporting .NET Framework 2.0 to Windows 95, but then he saw that he could get all the way up to .NET Framework 3.5 which is one release before .NET Framework 4 (the last XP Compatible one). Now, I don't have Windows95 as my first ever computer was with Windows98SE in 1999 which is the one I cloned and I still run - albeit in a VM. The thing with Windows98SE is that it only really supports .NET Framework 2.0, so the real question at this point is: can I use his installer on Windows98SE to make .NET Framework 3 and 3.5 work or am I going to screw the whole thing up?
  13. Yeah... it still baffles me to see phishing websites getting a perfectly valid certificate from Let's Encrypt. I mean, what's the point of having Certificate Authorities at this point if scammers can just get their ways around it...
  14. No problem on Chromium 108.0.5359.125 (Developer Build) (32-bit) on my Windows XP x86:
  15. Why don't you try OpenOffice instead? The last LibreOffice version compatible with XP is from July 23rd 2017, while OpenOffice is still XP compatible to this very day, in fact: https://www.openoffice.org/product/windows.html Here's the download page: https://www.openoffice.org/download/index.html Of course I didn't just limit myself to trust what they were saying on the website, I'm actually using OpenOffice on XP regularly and here you can see a screenshot with my XP running version 4.1.15 (i.e the latest version released on December 22nd, 2023. You know, between a project who deprecated XP years ago and doesn't really care (LibreOffice) and one who keeps actively supporting XP (OpenOffice) I'll always pick the XP compatible one
  16. It's not a lie, it is based on the original ReactOS implementation and also on Wine D3D for the DirectX10 and 11 implementation, which is totally fine and would be 100% allowed. The problem is that by limiting it to that it wouldn't have achieved much, so it also contains proprietary Microsoft dll which have been patched (hence modified) and backported to allow Windows XP to make use of them by Samuel. He has done an amazing job in doing that and he has been working on this for several years now, however this means that once One Core API is installed, it will replace system libraries and unfortunately MSFN has a longstanding stance against linking modified Microsoft dlls which is why RyanVM was created in the first place. By the way, if you search for posts from 2019 onwards from Dibya, Peter and I you're gonna see that we all know Samuel (heck we were even in the same chat) and we're all great supporters of his work.
  17. One Core API is written by Samuel, we know him very well and he has done an amazing job. Please note that Windows XP + One Core API is way closer to Windows 7 level of compatibility than ReactOS will ever be. Also please note that One Core API is largely based on reversing newer Windows functions, so you won't get far here by linking it (probably a mod will remove the link soon as it's not allowed ).
  18. ReactOS doesn't even have full Windows XP compatibility, let alone Vista and 7 one. Wine, on the other hand, evolved a lot over the last few years and that's the one having up to Windows 7 compatibility
  19. Not to wake an old thread, but has there been any progress on this? One of my XP installations is currently being virtualized on Virtualbox and indeed I'm stuck with AC97 at 44100Hz 16bit PCM stereo 2.0 routed all the way through to Pipewire/Wireplumber on Linux, upmixed to 5.1, upsampled to 48000Hz PCM 24bit and then delivered to my sound card and on to my subwoofer. That... kinda sucks.
  20. Yeah, I'm still going through all the errors in the Event Viewer and the plan is to fix them all one by one once and for all on all my systems (the physical one and the VM). Getting rid of those errors in the Event Viewer does feel good and I reduced them all to just 2 (affecting the system running in the VM) but I'll probably open a separate topic about those as I can't wrap my head around those... I mean they seem to be a bit cryptic.
  21. Thanks for letting us know, I updated too. About this, I've just noticed from the Event Viewer that I still have lots of crypt32 errors due to the Microsoft Certificate Updater running So I'm just gonna uninstall the Microsoft Auto Certificates Updater component given that not only it's no longer useful but it's even "harmful" in the sense that it would be throwing lots of errors for every time it tries to update the root certificates (and fails) in the background, so I invite anyone who still has this component to go "add or remove programs" -> "windows components" and remove it
  22. Guys, chill, I mean it, don't worry about me. I swapped the RAM and I haven't had any bluescreen ever since, so all is well what ends well and yes, it was a problem with the RAM after all, so thanks to everyone who pointed that out. I'm happy with the answer, we can safely close the topic.
  23. Correct. The reference contact person is Weolar and the builds are provided by him to the companies who purchase the extended support afaik. I'm very very very lucky to be one of the people that receives those builds, but of course they're private and I cannot share them, however they do have some bugs. Anyway, they run just fine on Windows XP SP3 x86 without the need to use One Core API.
  24. Not exactly the best solution, but when I wanna download something from YouTube I use JDownloader2 which is running using Java and it's cross platform. It's still updated regularly and it still runs on the latest XP supported version of Java just fine. This is not an accident, but rather a nice coincidence given that JDownloader2 is cross platform and therefore supports all OS capable of running Java, including a wide variety of Linux distro which are running a very old version of Java, which is why it still works perfectly fine on XP at every update. As for the FFMpeg libraries it uses, I'm of course using Reino's fork that he regularly publishes on Doom9 and that have been already mentioned in this thread. As for things I wanna watch on my PC without downloading them, with M108 (the chromium fork), all videos work, including VP9 ones and AV1 ones as they're royalty free codecs whose decoders are included/embedded in chromium however they all run via software decoding due to the nature of the XP compatible versions of chromium. Nonetheless, for anything up to 1920x1080 60p software decoding on a quad core is fine. I don't of course expect it to be playing 4K or 8K footages via software decoding on a puny 4 cores CPU, but realistically most of us probably have a FULL HD 60Hz display anyway, so we're gonna be more than fine for the time being.
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