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360 Extreme Explorer Modified Version

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On 4/12/2022 at 1:48 PM, msquidpl said:

How to fix broken fonts and bad rendering in MiniBrowser? They work perfectly in the new Mypal 68.




I am currently using the old design of the elektroda.pl forum, and not only is it better and easier to use, it displays correctly in MiniBrowser 87. I will not write to the system administrator of the forum, it is a waste of his time for one XP user :)

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Any idea why a video won't play on streamm4u.com? My Russian 1216 build won't pass the "secure connection check" (it worked a few weeks ago) and the later builds load the site but won't play videos or load thumbnails. I assume it's some blocked javascript or something.

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1 hour ago, Hunterw said:

Any idea why a video won't play on streamm4u.com? My Russian 1216 build won't pass the "secure connection check" (it worked a few weeks ago) and the later builds load the site but won't play videos or load thumbnails. I assume it's some blocked javascript or something.

360Chrome v13 - play in Incognito window, without extensions,

DCBrowser play videos, if in uBlock allow iamcdn.net, hellabyte, hellacdn, embedcdn, player-cdn.com

...Basilisk Moebius 55 play videos, if in uBlock allow hellabyte, hellacdn, embedcdn, player-cdn.com

- and JS allowed.

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On 8/13/2022 at 5:28 AM, msfntor said:

360Chrome v13 - play in Incognito window, without extensions,

DCBrowser play videos, if in uBlock allow iamcdn.net, hellabyte, hellacdn, embedcdn, player-cdn.com

...Basilisk Moebius 55 play videos, if in uBlock allow hellabyte, hellacdn, embedcdn, player-cdn.com

- and JS allowed.

Hello ...

Yeah, I know I'm a bit 'out to lunch' most of the time (working on it - work in progress).


I use 360 without extensions and locked down in large part thank to our friend D.Draker (sending well wishes to you and family - all be right with your soul)

V12 have never been my 'cup o tea'.

I was hoping at some point we would see and update for DCBrowser - I like it and it still works fine most of the time, but sometimes not, and have to use V13.

Is is even possible to get it past 75.0.3770.100?

I have both that and the previous build and see updates on the site but it appears to only be for windows 7 and up.

Thank you for the hard work and what a pity these fine browsers have become an afterthought.

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35 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

I was hoping at some point we would see and update for DCBrowser

- me too. DCBrowser is my primary browser.:cool:

Then I use old B. Moebius 55 version from 20210130, the cause I've described many times .....

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4 hours ago, Anbima said:

I use V11 and have a problem on the following page:

Proceed as follows:
Select make
Select model
Click "Show results"

The result should be output in the middle on the now opening page. But it is not displayed.

How can I fix the problem?

You have already asked this once.  You need a user script per your own solution here  --  https://msfn.org/board/topic/182993-360-extreme-explorer-arcticfoxie-versions/?do=findComment&comment=1224207

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As NotHereToPlayGames told you, the site referenced fails to function properly in 360EEv11 because it requires the JS feature called "the Object.fromEntries() method", which was first implemented in Chromium 73 (while 360EEv11 is Ch69-based):


... hence the link to your previous post of Aug 18th (but you've also asked this on Aug 4th and Aug 6th and Aug 17th ) ...

Missing "methods" can be polyfilled (please search what a "polyfill" is) and polyfills (in essence, pure JS code written in a syntax compatible with previous standards that the deprecated browser supports) can be inserted in pages via UserScripts; you need to install first a userscript manager, like Tampermonkey (closed-source) or Violentmonkey (open-source, it's the one I use, but v2.13.0 will be the last properly supporting 360EEv11) and write a simple userscript containing the polyfill code...

If you're not bothered to even learn how to compose a VERY SIMPLE userscript (that works selectively on shop.brink.eu or, even, globally in the browser), this tells us that you probably like to be "spoon-fed", which won't make you appear very "attractive" in these places... ;)

Another way to inject code (a polyfill in this case) is via an extension, but I suspect you writing one from scratch just for that would be "totally out of reach" for you...

An obvious solution to your problem(s) - without needing you to learn "very complicated" things - would be updating to a later version of 360EE, v12 (Ch78-based) or v13/13.5 (Ch86-based); on the plus side, many more "recent" sites will be better supported; on the minus side, your (probably old) H/W might not bode well with them...

A sort of "spoon-feeding" solution would be to install below extension:


It isn't available as a .CRX file, but you need to install from zip while being in (extension) Developer Mode (or you can convert the zipped source into a CRX via the browser itself and then install that CRX); the extension provides polyfills for Object.fromEntries and several other methods missing in Chromium 70...
Most of the rest of your eventual questions can find answers if you type them in your browser's Search Bar... :P

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On 8/13/2022 at 10:28 AM, msfntor said:

360Chrome v13 - play in Incognito window, without extensions,

DCBrowser play videos, if in uBlock allow iamcdn.net, hellabyte, hellacdn, embedcdn, player-cdn.com

...Basilisk Moebius 55 play videos, if in uBlock allow hellabyte, hellacdn, embedcdn, player-cdn.com

- and JS allowed.

It did not work. I am unsure how to toggle javascript also. I tried adding code in preferences but nothing changed.

Right now I am thinking maybe an older hummingbird build will have to do.

hummingbird streamm.png

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On 8/13/2022 at 11:35 AM, Hunterw said:

Any idea why a video won't play on streamm4u.com? My Russian 1216 build won't pass the "secure connection check" (it worked a few weeks ago) and the later builds load the site but won't play videos or load thumbnails. I assume it's some blocked javascript or something.


8 hours ago, Hunterw said:

It did not work. I am unsure how to toggle javascript also.


Hi @Hunterw,

Today, I've (on Chrome builds) with https://ww1.streamm4u.com/  - Just a moment... "Performance & security by Cloudflare" "Checking if the site connection is secure" only... Basilisk Moebius 55 works (but doesn't play videos), pass checking and then I've this home page.

To toggle easily JavaScript, I use (in my all browsers) Script Blocker Ultimatehttps://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/script-blocker-ultimate-n/onedokhafbakmhkblnokgjcliehfognj?hl=en  - then on your websites click (if you wish): "Ad/Remove domain whitelisting" green button ...

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On 8/26/2022 at 12:08 AM, VistaLover said:

this tells us that you probably like to be "spoon fed", which won't make you appear very "attractive" in these places... ;)

On 8/26/2022 at 12:08 AM, VistaLover said:

A sort of "spoon-feeding" solution would be to install below extension:

Absolutely great! muaha.gif  Spoon-feeding!  bebechaise.gif faim2.gif

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