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360 Extreme Explorer Modified Version

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6 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

How would Proxomitron fix this?

The easiest route would be to visit the website via Wayback Machine, save the three .css files locally, then have Proxomitron inject your locally-stored .css instead of the server-served "modern" .css.

edit - but it may require "transpiling" the modern .css, save that locally, and inject it via Proxomitron.

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
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1 hour ago, VistaLover said:

...What if, like me, you don't own an Android device, either? :angry: :realmad: Damn you Google... :(

Not good news for us still using XP and Vista :(

Don't own and Android device either and don't want one either.

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18 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

The easiest route would be to visit the website via Wayback Machine, save the three .css files locally, then have Proxomitron inject your locally-stored .css instead of the server-served "modern" .css.

edit - but it may require "transpiling" the modern .css, save that locally, and inject it via Proxomitron.

Thanks, good to know that there is a possible workaround.
Personally I have Firefox 102 and Edge 103 on Windows 10 to fall back on with my multi-boot machine, so it wouldn't be worth it going to that trouble.
It's annoying, but I can put up with it. It's just good to know what the problem actually is!
The main problem will be when sites that I use all the time start failing in 360Chrome.
I've already found more failing in Firefox 52.9 ESR, the latest being https://forums.digitalspy.com which suddenly started just producing a blank white page unless JavaScript was disabled. This is a site I use all the time. Some functionality is lost with JavaScript disabled, but at least I can still read the forums there!
It's still OK in 360Chrome, touch wood!

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59 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

I've already found more failing in Firefox 52.9 ESR, the latest being
which suddenly started just producing a blank white page unless JavaScript was disabled. This is a site I use all the time.
Some functionality is lost with JavaScript disabled, but at least I can still read the forums there!

... FWIW, that forum loads and displays fine in latest Serpent 52.9.0 by roytam1:


itself a fork originally of FxESR52 (but now significantly distanced from...); time and again I've tried to convince you, Dave, to migrate from FxESR52 over to St52 (on your XP partition), but I understand your absolute need to have your desktop Firefox copy synced with your mobile Firefox is what still keeps you from doing so...
Anyhow, to each his own... :P

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Well I'll have to make the move sometime, but not quite yet!
When Firefox 52.9 ESR becomes unusable I will have to.
Frankly I'm surprised that Mozilla still allow 52.9 ESR to use Firefox sync, browser companies usually stop older versions using their syncing systems, citing security risks.

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8 hours ago, VistaLover said:

Chromium 86 (fork point of 360EEv13/13.5) is now 17 major versions behind current Google Chrome release branch

I think more like twenty. It's a new version every month now , lol. I understand one could easily lose count . Here it is. 

Chromium 105.0.5169.0


That's why I think it's better to create something like a universal launcher in a VM that imitates Win10 on Vista an not chase every new version and mod it.

As for 13.5 , it's obsolete for me in France for over than 0.5 year , at least. Can't shop , can't get discounts at my gym website , etc.

But when I politely suggested (not directly) maybe it's time to update the version , remember the reaction ? 

* I asked in another thread, not here.


Edited by D.Draker
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14 hours ago, D.Draker said:

* I asked in another thread, not here.

I remember and I also asked for updates even in this thread for DC Browser, but I haven't heard anything yet, but still anxiously waiting with bated breath ... still waiting to exhale lol...

Yes, same @hidao a lot of sites and 1 other forum won't log in, but Mypal68 seems to work when other browser won't. Even with low resources, should still be able to use V13.5 but as we can see its starting to fail, as well. I wonder it they could (magically) update for XP and Vista anymore.

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10 hours ago, rereser said:
5 hours ago, Dave-H said:

I guess they haven't got around to 'updating' that one yet!

Well, one thing that has to be said for sure is that LNER (or the people designing their web app, "omio"), are sworn enemies of older browser engines... :realmad:

Test URI: https://www.lnerinternational.com/?locale=en-GB

FirefoxESR 52.9.1: Blank tab, Web Console reports:

SyntaxError: invalid property id  app.4510a2428834b09c7e40.js:1:7838

Latest Serpent 52.9.0: Blank tab, Web Console reports:

SyntaxError: bad method definition  app.4510a2428834b09c7e40.js:7:1223

360EEv11 (Ch69-based): Blank tab, Javascript console reports:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token .  app.4510a2428834b09c7e40.js?build=f2ea66a8ffe78691ca992b0eecc3f062813a5a64:1

360EEv12 (Ch78-based)): Blank tab, Javascript Console reports:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '.' app.4510a2428834b09c7e40.js?build=f2ea66a8ffe78691ca992b0eecc3f062813a5a64:1

I believe both v11+v12 fail due to, among other, lack of Optional Chaining Operator (?.) support (implemented in Ch80) :angry: ...

It's only 360EEv13/13.5 (Ch86-based) that is able to render the LNER web app correctly; don't ask me for how much longer... :realmad:

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2 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Part of the problem here are Cloudflare servers for .css content.

Sure thing :yes:, especially for the "UK version" of LNER originally referenced (that does load mis-formatted); but in the case of the "international" version of LNER, older browser engines never go as far as loading CF CSS code :realmad: ; they simply "barf" early on (yielding blank tabs), due to the fact the infringing Javascript code contains no less than 84 instances of "?." (optional chaining operator) and no less than 19 instances of "??" (nullish coalescing operator) ...

BTW, latest St52 does support both of them, but the cause of breakage there is something else:

SyntaxError: bad method definition  app.4510a2428834b09c7e40.js:7:1223

Perhaps @roytam1 could be kind enough to share some insight on this... :dubbio:

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13 hours ago, realisty said:



anyone know how to enable html5 or use old plugin (silverlight) with chromium or firefox (mypal 68) 

on Netflix getting error: M7701-1003

see: help.netflix.com/es-es/node/27451


funny thing is Mypal 29.2.1 plays netflix but no newer versions


Any ideas to fix this issues ?


My Best Regards

In Mypal 68, you can check in about:config the variables media.mediasource.enabled and media.mediasource.webm.enabled if they are set to true. And there are three more variables beginning with media.mediasource. Maybe, it helps.

Cheers, AstroSkipper ecrire-ordi.gif

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