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  1. Pros - a somewhat light, with the most needed customisations, like removing the ugly profile button and the ability to have a really clean UI Officially works on old OS, the release version of Win 7 (2009) for example, works on Vista with a couple of tweaks, works on Win 8 from 2012. No problems with excessive brightness or fonts! Cons - very seldom engine updates. Thoughts?
  2. So, after fiddling with chrome.dll, I was able to edit out most of the values ClientHints API sends to servers. But the API shows as working, I think it's a good result.
  3. 360 Extreme Explorer Screenshot of the browser: (360 Extreme Explorer, Ver: 13.0.2250.0, "Chrome" Theme) Modified Version download links: v9 --> (Updated 22/03/23) Version: Based on Chromium: 63.0.3239.132 v11 --> (Updated 22/03/23) Version: 11.0.2251.0 Based on Chromium: 69.0.3497.100 v12 --> (Updated 22/03/23) Version: 12.0.1592.0 Based on Chromium: 78.0.3904.108 v13 --> (Updated 22/03/23) Version: 13.0.2250.0 Based on Chromium: 86.0.4240.198 (Updated 22/03/23) Version: 13.0.2310.0 Based on Chromium: 86.0.4240.198 Archive with all versions --> https://archive.org/details/360EE_Modified_Version See: https://retrosystemsrevival.blogspot.com/2019/05/360-extreme-chrome-browser.html https://web.archive.org/web/20210925152949/https://xpforever.miraheze.org/wiki/360_Extreme_Explorer Note: The changes I made are so many that maybe some little errors related to translation and/or the building of the modification notes can be present so please tell me if you find any. Also, if you want to propose something else, please be aware that I do not have a lot of free time and that at any moment, I could be gone for a while for whatever reasons (I do not intend to be rude with this comment, feel free to speak yourself). If anyone wants to help, it will be truly appreciated. Kafan Mini-Browser Another Chinese Chromium-based browser that seems to be pretty much like a standard Chromium build. Official Page --> https://browser.kfsafe.cn/ Forum --> https://bbs.kafan.cn/forum-298-1.html Screenshot of the browser: Modified Version download link: v1 Version: --> (22/03/23) Version: --> (22/03/23) Based on Chromium: 87.0.4280.66 Folder --> https://archive.org/details/360EE_Modified_Version Observations: - On startup the browser will connect to the website of the search provider selected as default because of the search bar provided on the new tab. - Browser crashing when inserting a USB drive? --> Disable the "Enable new USB backend" flag in "chrome://flags/" (Thanks to @realisty). - Only natively compatible with XP-32bits. It can be used on XP-64bits thanks to @Matias Groen (see XP x64 folder). - Very heavy for old computers. - Doesn't have NPAPI support. Original download link (you can unzip the EXE file with 7zip): http://browser-download.kfsafe.cn/MiniBrowserSetup.exe (currently down) Internet Archive alternative link --> http://web.archive.org/web/20221201234530/http://browser-download.kfsafe.cn/MiniBrowserSetup.exe DC Browser A Chinese Chromium-based browser. The only version compatible with XP is v4 (Chromium 75). Official page --> http://dcbrowser.cqttech.com/home Screenshot of the browser: Modified Version download link: v4 --> (Updated 22/03/23) Version: Based on Chromium: 75.0.3770.100 Folder --> https://archive.org/details/360EE_Modified_Version Observations: - On startup the browser will connect to the website of the search provider selected as default. Similar to Mini-Browser. - All default extensions were removed (the PDF Feature and Screen Capture will not work). You can get them out of the browser's interface through the settings. - Doesn't have NPAPI support. - Has DRM support (Win7+) --> https://bitmovin.com/demos/drm Original download link (you need to install to get the browser files, fortunately you can set the location of the installation): http://file.cdn.cqttech.com/dcbrowser/DCBrowser_1261_4.0.7.22.exe Patcher to retrieve the translation function for all browsers modified --> https://archive.org/details/360EE_Modified_Version Usage: - Inside the "trans_patch.7z" there is a "trans_patch" folder. Extract it. - Copy and paste the folder in the same place the browser executable file is. - After that, enter the folder and execute "trans-patch.bat". - A command-line interface will show up. Depending on the browser you are trying to apply the patches a small question will be promted on CMD. If everything goes correctly the program will show you at the end "Press any key to continue". Press any key, open the browser and check if the translation function was restored. After all that you can delete the "trans_patch" folder. It should work without errors. If anything else happens tell me. Thanks to all the following for the information I could gather for the modification of these browsers: @Windows 2000, @VistaLover, @Sampei.Nihira, @win32, @DragonSC7601, @redapple0204, @blackwingcat, @404notfound, @Cixert, @thebuildone, @ArcticFoxie, @Dixel, The Russian Repackers, @dmiranda, @we3fan, @athlonxpuser and @Greyfox77 I really hope this can help someone, Cheers. - Humming Owl
  4. Someone needs to write a good CH spoofer, otherwise game over. As it's slowly but surely becomes the new UA replacement. https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/779
  5. As we all know, starting with Chrome 122 (Final release), they can't be forced off via the known cmd flag. Members are welcome to post their ways of dealing with 'em. Probably, someone already knows a crx extension? I tend to edit each Chrome browser manually, but it's not convenient for most of the users. Also, it has some disadvantages, sometimes leading to a unique fingerprint, In all, we need a working fake CH switcher.
  6. "While touted as an alternative to TCP, QUIC poses several security concerns for network operators. Standard network security appliances cannot easily identify QUIC traffic, which makes this network protocol vulnerable to cyber criminal activity." "Why do Network Security Teams Not Like Google QUIC? Despite its perceived positives, QUIC could inadvertently have a negative impact on network security. That’s because security appliances like firewalls and network sensors typically are not able to access information they had previously relied on with legacy TCP sessions. This creates a ‘black hole’ that hackers can exploit. Here’s the main problem: Standard network security devices can’t determine the QUIC application protocol, viewing it like layer 4 UDP traffic. While browsers and supported web servers can differentiate between QUIC traffic and other traffic, standard network security like firewalls can’t. This means firewalls are less effective at detecting incoming threats, putting network security at risk. To complicate the challenge for cyber threat hunters, Google revises its protocol frequently, and threat detection tools must catch up with these ever-changing standards. There are other issues. QUIC, similar to TLS 1.3, applies its encryption at the transport layer and not in the higher layers. Hence, it encrypts all transport information, which can virtually eliminate the attack surface that TCP offers. Plus, it’s increasingly difficult to measure and analyze QUIC traffic using reporting tools because, again, firewalls and standard network sensors don’t recognize it.  This is a plus for consumer privacy but causes significant challenges for those responsible for protecting our communications networks." source. https://netquestcorp.com/google-quic-and-network-security/
  7. As we already know, QUIC brings nothing but troubles! This wonderful solution to fix video playback worked for me as well, and I want to share. Tried all the standard solutions, reinstall, disabling hardware acceleration, clearing the cache, none of it worked. Then I found the following solution: edge://flags/ and setting Experimental QUIC protocol to disabled. Everything is now working perfect for me now. sourced from Reddit users. https://www.reddit.com/r/edge/comments/12u35dr/youtube_video_streaming_stutter_in_edge_possible/
  8. As most of you already know, chrome dropped support for RTM 1507, and possibly others (needs to be tested), despite the official statements, "To use Chrome browser on Windows, you'll need: Windows 10 ". They may edit any time, so make copies. The lies is well within their usual behaviour. The discovery was made by @yoltboy01. Ladies, please gather the remains of your will and stay on-topic, be polite and respectful, stick to the facts. All have a nice chat.
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