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  2. GT 710? Why? This is a weak graphic card. GTX 750 or higher are interesting.
  3. Has anyone observed new youtube efforts of enforcing ads? I surely have; legacy ublock origin (in Serpent 52.9) doesn't cut it anymore I had to block the forced ad message and the dim-screen pane - here's what I added in "My filters": www.youtube.com##body > ytd-app > .ytd-app.style-scope:nth-of-type(1) > .ytd-popup-container.style-scope:nth-of-type(1) www.youtube.com##.opened Please tell me, is there a better way?
  4. Good to do. No idea why AI overlord decided to dislike StartIsBack
  5. I want to share some parts of my project of Matrix client. I hoped that I will have a free time to create this, but did not. 1. An official Matrix client for Windows is Javasctipt code in Electron. 2. An official Matrix team uses Typescript then makes Javascipt code. I see that we should reject from Typesctipt and write an JS code directs. Unfortunatelly, they makes JS code unreadable. The first step is get JS ready-to-use code where all variable names are saved. 3. There are some browsers for Windows XP. We can use it instead Electron framework. These browsers like Mypal 68 works even better than Firefox 102. The official Element web version is JS fully, so any browser will compete this. We just compile browser as desktop client. The way to create an client as new software, without js is preferrable. But the method above is a possible alternative.
  6. Today
  7. No. It's not the same "series" / "branch". 360Chrome has a "Safe Browser", "Secure Browser", and "Extreme Explorer" variations.
  8. @JFX Issue on new version 5.3.5 (not present on 5.3.4) If I would create a new language file the program ask for filename about new dll file but didn't save the file. Thanks.
  9. That's because it is part of Windows 10/11. But old systems and WinPE are missing it.
  10. I just tried to go to the website to reinstall the software and got this message on chrome, just reported it as a false positive which you can do right here: https://safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/report_error/?hl=en
  11. would anybody pls tell me how come I already had offreg.dll in all sorts of folders (system32, syswow64, winsxs, et al.) without needing the reuploading? thanx in advance
  12. huge improvement (for me) in load time supermium r4. read: https://github.com/IDA-RE-things/Chrome-xp-api-adapter download: https://github.com/IDA-RE-things/Chrome-xp-api-adapter/releases/tag/v1.2 replace progwrp.dll v1.1.0.5010 that comes with r4 with the above progwrp.dll v1.2.0.5035. tested on xp sp3 only.
  13. In 14.1 If the video card does not support Webgl, you can add the Opengl32.dll file to the browser folder. The webgl software will turn on https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/4hr7voppxcxpqq8/opengl32.dll
  14. I forgot offreg.dll again, re-uploaded.
  15. You have the second revision, there is a driver for it for Win10 only. Therefore, if you want to continue using Win7, you will have to install an additional network card.
  16. As per https://superuser.com/questions/1738597/how-to-disable-all-chromium-animations, also adding the switch below may help. Will test. Thanks! --animation-duration-scale=0
  17. @Zorba the Geek Write your code in C/C++ then Disassemble them for injecting it, that what i did
  18. Hi Since ancient times I have been using this tweak to open PowerShell in the current directory. ( Shift +Right mouse click to see second "AsAdmin" line ) Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\Run_PowerShell] "Icon"="powershell.exe,-0" "NoWorkingDirectory"="" "MUIVerb"="@powershell.exe,-109" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\Run_PowerShell\command] @="C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -NoProfile -NoExit -Command \"Set-Location '%V'\"" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\Run_PowerShell_AsAdmin] "Icon"="powershell.exe,-0" "NoWorkingDirectory"="" "HasLUAShield"="" "Extended"="" "MUIVerb"="@powershell.exe,-109" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Directory\Background\shell\Run_PowerShell_AsAdmin\command] @="C:\\Windows\\system32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command \"Start-Process powershell.exe -verb runAs -ArgumentList '-NoProfile','-NoExit', '-Command', 'cd %V'\"" Looks like StartAllBack broke default "HasLUAShield" key behaviour in combination with "Icon" key This is SAB disabled And this is enabled When disabled, the second PoSh has a small shield, as expected
  19. I wonder if BIOS' PnP handles SATA cards correctly. for non-PnP device, windows handling them in a tricky way. you may hook the harddisk and card to another newer PC to see if it can be booted or not. see also: https://www.betaarchive.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=45422
  20. Probably add --wm-window-animations-disabled to reduce memory and CPU cycles.
  21. I also use --enable-rgba-4444-textures
  22. not completly. it has problems with toolbars.
  23. I thought they were supposed to work on seven and higher. But I have not tried in Win7.
  24. Thank you. The information appears useful. I shall better examine it later.
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