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    Windows 10 x64

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  1. @JFX Italian translation update WinNTSetup 5.3.2 italian.zip
  2. @JFX Italian language update WinNTSetup 5.3.0 italian.zip
  3. @JFX In first post about latest version is reportretd 5.3.0 beta4 (instead beta5).
  4. @JFX Italian language update WinNTSetup 5.3.0 beta4 - Italian language.zip
  5. WinNTSetup 5.3.0 beta 2 - Italian language update WinNTSetup 5.3.0 beta2 italian.zip
  6. @JFX WINNT Setup 4.3.0 Italian language update WinNTSetup 4.3.0 beta 1 italian language.zip
  7. @JFX New italian language update Thanks. WinNT Setup 5.2.6 italian.zip
  8. New italian language file. Pelase use it for next release. WinNTSetup-italian-2021.11.23-13.45.44.zip
  9. @jfx Italin language update. 100% translated. 1040.zip
  10. @JFX Thanks for the update. I would check the Italian tarnslation. Where can I find the english master DLL to check number of strings/dialog/etc? What's the file name of english dll?
  11. @JFX Strange Isuue in GUI Seems that not all strings in WinNTSetup GUI are included in language file. Some menu options seems get automatically by Windows OS syem in native language. Please check screenshot. My system is Windows 10 64bit Italian. I rename 1040.dll as 1040.dll.old and started WinNTSetup. The menu are all in English except some strings that remain in Italian. The Italian language is not available and seems that WInNTSetup get these strings from Windows OS. Could you please include these strings in language file? Thanks.
  12. @garf02 Did you get the master english string list directly from main application .exe?
  13. @JFX Some issues abbout GUI Type error in translation User string space is not enogh. Move field about user/password on the right and icnrease space for text string "Group" string aligned on center on drop down list Screenshot about explanation and changes after.
  14. WinNTSetup 4.62 Localization issue (with italian). When with Windows 78/10/etc you open an installtion file browse dialog appear a striung "Images (*.iso;*.win;*.swm;*.esd)" that is not translated. Please add to the language file DDL. In Italian is "File immagine (*.iso;*.wim;é.swm;*.esd)" Thanks.
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