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JFX last won the day on October 25 2022

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  1. SAB tires to start ImmersiveShellController before sending Local\ShellStartupEvent, this can't work in a WinPE. It's ok with a tiny twinui.pcshell.dll, but maybe SAB could ignore this check if: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MiniNT key exists.
  2. WinNTSetup has an option to save drive letter assignment. If this not works for you, than manually backup the registry value of your Z: under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices.
  3. It is the same syntax as the ini file uses: WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -sysPart:HDD0:1 -tempDrive:Z: -sysLetter:C: -bcd:EFI -silent -setup
  4. Yes, seems there got something wrong with the rar creation. WinNTSetup 5.4.1 - added missing LANG folder - bootice language files prefer MUI names - disabled multicore apply for x86 version. - removed system menu integration
  5. See first post as usual. Merry xmas and a happy new year to all.
  6. WinNTSetup 5.4 - support for Windows 24H2 and Server 2025 - added arm64 and x86 versions - language files prefer MUI names - support for RTL languages - use only one DISM session - fixed Windows 7 ESP drive mounting - updated Windows 7 USB3 drivers instructions - new disable defender tweak includes Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
  7. The NTFS permissions comes from the WIM file. MinWin apply only changes the admin rights (MinWin\Default\Options.ini --> AdminAccess = 1) EDIT: I'll disable AdminAccess in next version, it's useful to test and modify MinWin installation, but should not be default.
  8. Did you make any progress on this? Sounds like the USB disk becomes inaccessible during boot. Did you tried different hardware to boot the USB disk? Is there any difference with official Windows To Go setup?
  9. No, it does not touch this value. 0x1C - is the default on Windows 10/11, so I wonder why you have a different one.
  10. WinNTSetup_x64.exe NT6 -sysPart:Q: -tempDrive:Z: -sysLetter:-C: -bcd:ALL -silent -setup
  11. Yes, the currently running system has the correct data in \DosDevices\Z:. The offline system has invalid data in \DosDevices\C:
  12. Mountpoints are calculated, but if you want to do it manually Look up the data of the new partition under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices and add it to the offline systems registry \DosDevices\C: value. I doubt that. VHDs are unique, you need to updated the BCD for every new VHD.
  13. Fixing mountpoint of system drive is always done, there is no special command line switch needed.
  14. Than maybe something is wrong with the WIM files you have.
  15. @ibay770 WinNTSetup has reach EOL status. You could use it's command line options to automate these steps. @hhui Access denied error is very common with wimgapi or Dism, WinNTSetup already use Trusted Installer rights to overcome some of them. You could try wimlib (top right window icon --> WIM API --> wimlib) for apply instead.
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