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Jody Thornton

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Jody Thornton last won the day on April 26 2023

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About Jody Thornton

  • Birthday 04/08/1970

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    Windows 8 x64

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  1. Thanks Dixel. It does work in Supermium so at least I'm covered on the Vista notebook.
  2. This is the site I wish I could use on ESR 115 https://my.canadalife.com/sign-in
  3. I'm divided on how I feel about that. I like the idea of extending a browser that still works the way I like, however some sites I use for health benefits through work do not work on ESR 115, even when spoofing a user agent. Well, I guess we'll see.
  4. Maybe! https://www.neowin.net/news/mozilla-wants-you-to-like-firefox-over-chrome-edge-with-extended-windows-7881-support/
  5. OK so let's can the "it's my gut feeling" nonsense. It's DEFINITELY faster. I wasn't qualifying it technically in any way at all. I'm just saying that compared to the v122x release version on a notebook with a measly 2 GB of RAM and a Centrino Duo CPU, the pre-release made major gains in rendering, loading the application, and responsiveness. I'll tell ya, I remember taking all sorts of flack back in the day about dissing those sticking with XP, and standing up to all the anti-FUD crowd. The only reason I mention this is that here on MSFN, everyone now just seems so angry, contentious, disagreeable (different from disagreeing by the way) and just plain bitter, and I just get nicer and more easy going. I've become more "live and let live". Just accept what I said at face value, and move the heck along. Who cares about whether I credited win32 or not, or who cares if I tested with my gut or facts. It's Faster! We're done here. Sheesh! Everybody just relax. Of course, I just know I'll be the one made to appear "out of line" here. Sigh!
  6. I'm running Supermium on Vista Home Basic, as aforementioned. I moved to the v124x Pre-Release. Holy Smokes! The speed increase of loading the browser and rendering is phenomenal. I'm really enjoying it on this old Inspiron 1420 Notebook. Yes I wish I had something more with the UI of one of @Notheretoplaygames 360-ish builds, so I could place tabs under the address bar. But that's really small potatoes. I tip my hat to @win32 for a job well done. Supermium performs outstandingly, especially on this pre-release build.
  7. Hey Folks! Is the a way to have square tabs (like Edge did when they first went Chromium)? I saw a way to do it, but there are weird gaps between the tabs. No hurry at all. Using Supermium on an old Vista Basic Dell Notebook that I keep at my girlfriend's. It's quite nice.
  8. Meh! Some have thanked me for exposing it. That's fine though. I'll leave it be. I think many people feel that once Tobin left, all the toxicity was gone from the Moonie Forum. However people like moonbat are the most toxic, and Moonchild is very disingenuous. I take pride in point stuff like that out. But again, I'll refrain from posting this stuff any more.
  9. Wow! The Pale Moon team has to be so nasty (especially Moonbat) towards New Moon users. https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=31168
  10. Unfortunately, Tobin abandoned the Interlink project. To be honest, I can't make heads or tails of what he's doing with BinOC.
  11. Just to revisit DreamMial Pro. Is it still available? And is it free? There seem to be a lot of shadier looking download sites for it, but I'm weary of those. The previous link for the latest version seems to error out on me.
  12. Yes but we're not all coders. I see people putting putting in all sorts of request here all of the time. MSFN developers, while admittedly of their own kindness, do this because they know there is an audience for it. It builds expectation, plain and simple. In other words, I'm going to feel at all poorly about my wishes when I see other making requests left, right and centre here - ALL THE TIME.
  13. Oh neither do I. Although I have seen stranger changes of heart, so I never say never. Besides, some of the best things I've ever achieved I had to apply pressure to get. It was worth it. No, you don't win 'em all, but you do win some.
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