MemberAntonino's Achievements
hi again, here is another one of my latest findings, which I would like to share with u in the form of a tip do not get rid of \Windows\System32\ServicingUAPI.dll lest u should not be able to have a stable immersive cpl any longer I will tell u about any other must-leave-alone dll in a bit. well, here's another one of them coming up \Windows\System32\SwitcherDataModel.dll \Windows\System32\SettingsHandlers_Gpu.dll don't take them out lest u should get one of those nasty unknown hard errors on an explorer tag right at the start and all the ms:settings-connections lost (and the significance is no immersive explorer window) I hope that is all, but u never know. As a matter of fact, there follows a bunch of them to leave alone as well: \Windows\SysWOW64\d2d1.dll \Windows\SysWOW64\d3d10warp.dll \windows\syswow64\dlcoer.dll \Windows\SysWOW64\dpapi.dll \Windows\SysWOW64\gpapi.dll \Windows\SysWOW64\ncryptsslp.dll \Windows\SysWOW64\NetSetupApi.dll \Windows\SysWOW64\NetSetupEngine.dll \Windows\SysWOW64\ntasn1.dll \Windows\SysWOW64\rasadhlp.dll \Windows\SysWOW64\rasapi32.dll \Windows\SysWOW64\twinapi.appcore.dll \Windows\System32\ws2help.dll lest u want to see netsetman.exe totally unable to run properly. well, see u in a bit for other leave-alone dlls
left, right and center, I daresay
btw, I owe this one to jfx, and I apologize for not learning it any earlier than yesterday evening. I am alluding to the power of Sample.ini. In an era of constant quibbling as to whether it is better to reduce the windows iso a-priori by ChrisTitus' Microwin, by NTLite or by tiny10/11, I can guarantee you that JFX has always thought and acted ahead. Sample.ini contains all the a-priori deletions to do it more quickly and effectively - a radical dude like me has gone so far as to take out all of them, by deleting jfx's semicolons. Well, I have reduced all windowsapps to just 2 or 3 of them (the vclibs), which caused no hindrance to the system. what is more, the procedure can be carried out on an already minwinned system as well. the gain in recovered space is slightly less than 1gb. Attaboy jfx. btw2, I have just found out that u do not need the boot folder on c:\ if u boot thru the original bootmgr, whereas u can't do without it if u boot thru svbus, whether in filedisk or in ramdisk mode; of course u do need bootmgr inside ur c:\ no matter what (no doubt about that), as it will take over the process started by the bootmgr on d:\; also svbus, for that matter, takes over the process started by bootmgr on d:\.
everything ok if it does boot ok, which can be done even by simply assigning the desired drive letter (a posteriori, as it were). But if it does not boot ok, and it does not probably on account of that, how can I change the letter the way u suggested on an offline basis? Well, I'll be, I'm going to minwin the thing before adding ramdisk as z:.
Hi again, JFX, I need to set my temp-and-scrap ramdisk letter z:\, where I have juctioned stuff from c:\; my problem is that if and when I do get to reboot the system after minwin, the ramdisk defaults to i:\ instead of the desired z:\. what can I do to sort that out? Most of the time it does not eve comp0lete the boot process to the desktop, probably as a result of wrong temp location (it cannot find the z:\ drive indicated by z:\temp in the environment variables). this last concept also applies to whatever needs temps on z:\ even after it does get to boot to the desktop. what can I do to force the minwin version to assign z:\ on the ramdisk?
another caveat reminder - I do not remember exactly if I have already told u, but I can state and/or confirm that \windows\L2schemas must not be deleted if u want wifi. Let me see if it can be alternatively moved on some other drive and juctioned back to c:\ I will come back 2u in a minute or so. And yes, I can confirm that it can as well be on another drive and work just the same as long as it is junctioned back to c:\windows (its original location), which is particularly handy when u want one folder to serve various windows os's.
whatever is missing, u can retrieve it from the previous version, i guess. this is also true of ur settings that cannot be memorized for each and everyone of us across generalized upgrades. I guess it is up for each of us to do that too. For instance, when it comes to the remove dir inside minwin, jfx said to leave everything as it is, and add some mysoftware.txt file which should contain the info on what else to keep (!\...) and what else to delete (\...), so if anything goes wrong, we can limit our search for the error(s) inside this file, without the hustle and bustle of searching around.
I totally and thoroughly agree with Atari800xl in his wish for permanent happiness, improvement and the pursuit of a somewhat valuable "higher aims ahead" motto. I had the same fear it would end up like reboot.pro and other examples of info-tech sharing, socializing and learning that died out. along with a few of us, I am still ready to contribute to set the aforesaid websites back up again and fully associate with atari800xl in wishing everybody a merry xmas and a happy new year. a big thanx sure goes to jfx for keeping this thing alive with his updates and advice. btw, when I told King... I wish I could help him, I did so because that was what I really meant, as I ain't no expert, but just an enthusiast who was sorry he could not help. One more time, a happy holiday season to all.
attaboy where do we get it? In the meantime, a merry xmas and a happy new year!
poncheando started following Antonino
I wish I could answer u
anyway check with ramsey at zone94.com xp patch and you will know better.
the wimboot function is a wimb legacy, some sort of a collector (vhd) of pointers to a base wim file working simultaneously, as all vhd content practically points to it. the innovation of this latest mode u mentioned has the wim file in its own "belly" system volume information, if u wish. but exactly on the same wavelength as urs in the post aboe, even further strain would be placed on the cpu, at the cost of time as well. because it is much quicker in full-vhd mode. as for the os legacy, my friend virgus would pretty much sympathize with u, as he dows some stuff that needs windows vista, xp and 7. me, I am fine with 10 and 11, so my experience with legacy is mostly confined to whatever he tells me. only 1 thing I do requires 7 and I remember installing an ad hoc vhd a couple of times, but it would just take minutes - not a big deal. Your specific case, I remember virgus mentioning it too some weeks ago.
in my experience, which is about non-usb booting, always with bios and just a few times with uefi, the only differences I have had between the two is in the last window (the setup one), which entailed my leaving it set to BIOS in the former case (all mbr) and setting it to ALL in the latter case (boot disk gpt with the uefi partitions and vhd os mbr, intact as it has always been). u can try setting winntsetup to UEFI, but i suggest u do it when it fails in ALL (hybrid) mood. if u do not succeed, I suggest u ask jfx or wimb, who should be more conversant than me. in general, I can tell you that the main thing for booting is the bcd of the carrier boot disk, not the bcd of the os vhd, which can stay the same as it is in bios.
Just outta curiosity, do u have your mobo environment set to full UEFI, full bios or hybrid (CSM)?