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  4. @win32 I just noticed your repo return 404. Hope this issue is temporary. But I quess progwrp.dll should looks like virus container without published source (I understand why you have not published source) Btw, I have noticed various issues on my machine when upgraded to latest progwrp.dll and R6 Supermium. I need to check what caused it, But I think using 5002 on XP x64 was fine with R3 without freezing on basic search on Google. My XP machine is powerful enough and nothing else was changed.
  5. I know youtube monstrosity, and run browser against it for days and fix bugs then, though I never tried private windows, also I do not have an account, If this about it then I wont catch the bug, let to be sure the account matters.
  6. De-googled link without tracking. Can't you just play the video through MPC-HC with hardware acceleration (use Open With extension). From the release notes of v1.7.0: Thanks for your information! I have installed MPC-HC on my Windows XP machine for months, and hardware acceleration is generally available in my system. Additionally, I have configured the 3D Settings via the NVIDIA Control Panel. Furthermore, I have enabled LAV Filters’Nvidia CUVID decoder for using hardware acceleration in MPC, and it works fine. However, more problematic is the video hardware acceleration inside browsers under Windows XP. It is running much better in New Moon 28 than in the others. PS: Thanks for un-googling the link! I posted it from my Android tablet, and there is everything googled as you surely know.
  7. Not directly, the web server decides which cert chain to present. At some sites it depends on what device, OS or browser it thinks you are using, or what location it thinks your IP is at. You can try experimenting with different user agent strings, but some web sites use additional javascript libraries or other fingerprinting methods to get past a simple UA string spoof. Or you can try different VPNs to get IP addresses from different locations.
  8. Brave Url's tracking test is working again: https://fmarier.github.io/brave-testing/query-filter.html Although the test website (old) reports that you need to use private browsing it is recommended to use normal browsing. It is possible to verify that r3dfox passes some tests (without the need to use uBlock Origin or uBlock Origin lite),because it has partial blocking functionality of urls tracking parameters. In Chromium-based browsers (excluding Brave), however, the tests passed by r3dfox fail if only the browser is used.
  9. Hi @Hoody Taylor hello from Belgium and welcome to MSFN! :bye: I wish you to enjoy the forums! Have a nice day. hpwamr
  10. De-googled link without tracking. Can't you just play the video through MPC-HC with hardware acceleration (use Open With extension). From the release notes of v1.7.0: Needs youtube-dl. Not sure if this old version recognizes yt-dlp. If not rename or make a symlink (can be made on XP with Link Shell Extension:
  11. Hey there. I need to ask something about this. I noticed a problem when i first tried this out with Firefox a few years ago. When i use this multiprocess mode. I noticed a major problem is the backspace key wont ever work anymore. I cant ever delete anything i type in any forms on any websites, etc. And/or it will act as if i hit the back button to go back 1 webpage instead. I find this extremely annoying and I dont bother to use it for that reason... but I just randomly tried using this today on the Serpent Browser (latest version by Roytam1) ..and the exact same thing still happens here too. The backspace key either not working period at all, or becoming a secondary "go back 1 page" Why does this happen and how can it be fixed?? If it cant then again i'll never bother using this "multi process" mode again. I already tried googling for a little while about this issue, found nothing. And i searched this thread here for "space" or "backspace" and got no results.
  12. Yes, the page above is the official Supermium website. And the account was flagged for "spamming". as I found out when trying to export the repository directly from GitHub to GitLab. The repositories were not deleted, but they are hidden from public view along with my account itself. At the time of this incident, I had built Chromium 124-based Supermium and it worked on XP (x86 and x64). But I still had a few deficiencies to correct before even a pre-release, specifically graphical glitches with GPU enabled, some upstream UI bugs, plus other outstanding bugs reported recently. Other features such as a UA/UACH spoofer and UI customization were being worked on as well. I reiterate that there is no malware in Supermium, progwrp, its installer and its uninstaller.
  13. That link is legit. With my catastrophic way to manage tabs on my browser, it turns out that I still have the repo's page opened on my other computer and that link is the one displayed in the About section.
  14. That link was supplied by @UCyborg. I never heard of it before. I don't know whether it's official or not. Nothing to worry about. No illegal content there.
  15. That's a dead link. Or my company blocks it and I just landed on IT's radar for clicking that link.
  16. Funny, but to be fair, look at this site, seems brighter than others. https://win32subsystem.live/supermium/
  17. https://github.com/Alex313031/thorium-legacy/issues/94#issuecomment-2143900046
  18. Like I already explained, it's something very strange because the page had been cleansed out completely, they made it look like nothing ever was there. We all need to demand explanations. And like Dixel said, win32 please get back.
  19. So this is a takedown initiated by GitHub. But I'm wondering which reason have been retained against you from their side, Or even if they checked if the report and their concerns are legitimate. I don't think that someone that spends an enormous amount of their time to make something a very small pinch of people dare to do would ruin everything by putting Trojan-like code in it. It doesn't make sense at all. (Also if there was viral code in it, some people would have noticed by a long time). Maybe a statement would be appreciated once this solution finds an outcome, especially for stop people panicking.
  20. @win32, come back to MSFN, I promise we'll bust down all haters and create a pleasant atmosphere for you to return! I personally ask @Dave-H to supervise! Guthub dust bin doesn't deserve to have you! I promise I'll stop writing about brightness. And here we have a good place to collaborate.
  21. That's standard behavior with multiple rows
  22. Thank you, @win32! My trust in you is unbreakable. I wish all the best to you and your projects!
  23. The win32ss account on GitHub was flagged for an unspecified reason. I am going through the appeal process to restore it, but I will make sure the repository surfaces somewhere else such as GitLab even if GitHub does accept the appeal.
  24. This isn't exactly his "home base". You and I post more in a DAY then he does in a YEAR. But maybe that just says something about you and I, lol.
  25. tekkaman

    XP and new CPU

    Upgrading the CPU just will just work. In 2021 I upgraded from an AMD Phenom II X4 905e to an AMD FX-8320E. So I went from 4 cores to 8 cores. Windows XP recognized it just fine without reinstalling Windows. You can see all the threads in the Task manager.
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