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j7n last won the day on October 19 2021

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About j7n

  • Birthday January 13

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    2003 x86

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  1. That is the software. I don't know the last version because I keep using what I got already: works and 3.8.6 works with a bunch of dependencies. It takes files from a Windows CD or ISO and will copy them to the system drive, which normally happens during the blue text-mode setup. When the computer is rebooted, these new files will run and continue setup. At that time it is a parallel installation of Windows. Yes, nLite for customizing Windows installation. If needed, you can integrate disk controller drivers. One option it offers is another folder where Windows will be put. I mention this because if the new OS doesn't work, you can still keep your old one (in \windows) and try another way. There are other ways to specify the directory, and you can use those instead. WinNTSetup also offers an option to set the directory (windir @ ... ). It might work ok, but I don't remember if I've used it. If you have already wiped the HDD and have no OS, then you can't use this method. It would not result in a perfectly clean installation because the old Windows would remain to be deleted later. I have used WinNTSetup to install one laptop, and a couple other times.
  2. You can install Windows from HDD using WinNTSetup from within a functional copy of Windows (including booted mini-XP from CD). But you need to find an older version of it because the developer has abandoned old versions of Windows. It basically replaces the first part of setup and sets up boot .ini to boot into the newly copied files. If you have no partitions, there will be a bit of a challenge. Put the new Windows into a different directory like \winnt with nLite. Then you can still revert to the existing Windows from the boot .ini menu (set a few seconds timeout). If that goes wrong, your system becomes bricked without a means of booting from an emergency CD. If you partition and format the disk, you have no Windows anymore at that point.
  3. You could try writing data at random locations in WinHex and see where it appears, and not incur extra writing cycles. Reading/searching is probably faster. If you buy these fake products, you're giving business to scammers. There are other testers who do it too. There is no brand to harm with negative publicity. They can pop up with another name to sell more.
  4. So how much faster can Firefox clones now be on YouTube? I don't think that the bottleneck on an old PC was the video, but the layout around it. If I open too many tabs, because I forget which ones have served their purpose, they shrink so much that I can't read any text on them without the tooltip and I need to open even more tabs. I tend to always open links in a new tab to not lose the already displayed content.
  5. My RoyTam1's browsers don't have this, and my Opium 93 is too old to have this. If these are switches that enable and disable stuff, why hide them under a secret menu, and then say that nobody uses them?
  6. I suspect that the data might wrap around some smaller block of real flash. Let's say you write something at 258 GB, and it could show up at 2 GB or so. There are other Chinese companies like XRayDisk that sell flash disks at reasonable prices. If these disks were real, those sellers would be out of business. The fake disks can't be considered reliable, and maybe it is little loss to break them open.
  7. Nothing wrong with restarting the browser to get a clean slate. I've heard multiple times of people keeping numerous tabs open and relying on them for organization (instead of bookmarks), but I've never practiced that even back on Windows XP (with 512 MB of RAM). With dynamic content that been standard for more than a decade, an open webpage more or less reloads completely when a link is followed, and I might as well load it when needed from a bookmark.
  8. Software expands like an ideal gas in a container to fill all available memory. What Intel giveth, Microsoft taketh away.
  9. What work on their part does "supporting" a version of Python involve? Is it a matter of avoiding certain functions in code?
  10. The BS behavior looks like this if I try to grab the scrollbar "brick". Frozen and doesn't scroll. I have to close and reopen the application for it to work normally. I suspect one of the web browsers that has h/w acceleration in the background might trigger it. If I click on the free space to move one page, it keeps scrolling as if I held down the LMB. The problem doesn't happen on Win2003 on the same computer. I don't have the Vista Aero theme because I don't want the Desktop Experience Pack "bloat" on the computer. I suspect the issue might go away with it. This guy thought that the Windows controls even with Aero (apparently) are crippled. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ay-gqx18UTM
  11. If you don't want to see or write comments, what is the use of the stripped down web interface? You might be able to watch 720p downloaded to disk, with more precise and responsive seeking. Search from Alphabet using site:youtube.com gives better results. The internal YT search tries to guess too much what you really meant and suggest synonyms.
  12. If a person already owns this graphics card, he can try to do the best to make it useful. Not everyone can buy new parts.
  13. I installed this driver 355.73, but didn't observe an improvement. I wanted to let the system run for a while because the glitch only appears part of the time. Unfortunately it also happened that I lost all my cookies in New Moon (for an unrelated reason of the system disk filling up with a swap file).
  14. Can you give me a link to a quality arrangement & recording of this music? I know nothing of Chinese music. I want to have it because it is forbidden. Is there a way to view ImgUr files without loading the whole site? It is giving me a Grey Screen again in New Moon. It works on and off sometimes depending on the weather. The site used to be bypassable by giving it a direct link that is used for embedding into a forum, but now it responds with "302 Moved Temporarily". I tried giving it a referrer with the RefControl extension, but still get a 302. It loads about 100 requests with an overhead of 3 MB. https://i.imgur.com/4tKhvwg.jpeg
  15. In 7-Zip directories are added as items separate for any files they may contain. You can see they have dates and attributes. Most archivers do this. The XPI contains only files. Each file header in the Zip central directory has a 36 bytes long extra field. With many files and directories, this adds up. Old archivers like RAR do not add this, but the Deflate compression there is worse.
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