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j7n last won the day on October 19 2021

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About j7n

  • Birthday January 13

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    Server 2008 R2

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  1. It no longer crashes after updating. Now I see the Feedback again. I am always afraid that something will fall after updating.
  2. CloudFlare captcha now crashes in mozjs.dll in New Moon. It showed a send feedback last week. I just didn't visit those sites. I reset my fun user agent to default. Would updating New Moon make a difference?
  3. PNG is exclusively a raster format. The compression for continuous tone data like photographs is worse. It would only make sense to use PNG if for some reason the limit was not enforced for it. Sometimes web servers apply more compression to JPEG and worsen its quality, which can be bypassed with PNG. You might be thinking of Macromedia Fireworks, which I think created PNG files with a private extension for its data. But it was only understood by this software.
  4. But on Windows XP digital signatures are not mandatory unless you have a restrictive group policy enabled. You can install through the device manager, it will warn that the driver is not signed and you may continue. The certificates are in a CAT file, which can be examined to find the root certificate and its date. If the CAT file is removed, then the driver is considered unsigned and on XP you can install anyway.
  5. I had misremembered how the disk was connected. I am on the computer now. It is actually connected to a JMicron JMB363 SATA Controller, which was common on motherboards that had more than 4 ports and gives PATA bus for compatibility. The disk is a Skyhawk ST4000VX007. I think the driver doesn't know anything about GPT. It gives you a block device, which can be accessed via WinHex or whatever. The GUID partition table support is in the Server 2003 OS. https://imgur.com/a/uwGrMKd
  6. PAE doesn't have direct impact on the disk size. It limits the amount of RAM. Of course PAE might limit in the sense that the driver may be incompatible and couldn't be used at all. But those drivers are good and used professionally. What about the manufacturer's driver for your disk controller? I have a 4 TB disk working with Intel IaStor 11.2. They added big disk support somewhere at version 9. It would be odd to see GUID Partition Table support in Windows 2003, but the native disk controller driver limiting the size, making GPT pointless.
  7. Wasn't there an issue of earlier versions of XP/2003 not booting on partition starting at 1 MB? I seem to recall needing to do some dance, because my Server didn't receive that update that made the system compatible. But it has been a while. I think it's best not to use Extended partitions at all. 4 primary is enough for most needs. Recovering lost extended partitions can be tedious because the extended information is located on distant sectors. There are enough sectors at the start of the disk that a more sane partitioning method could have been devised. Primaries are also easier to clone to a new disk later. You can clone the first one or two, say, and then extend the last partition to the end of the disk. There is another way of aligning FAT32 volumes starting on sector 63 using an odd count of reserved sectors, to make the body of data on them aligned.
  8. They keep inventing new codecs as if computing power was free. The network is getting faster and cheaper though. I can't even watch the VP codec. Sometimes I don't notice that it was pulled.
  9. Well, I have already switched to R2 for several reasons on my main PC. It is possible that the patch has a pre-requisite. But it is fairly old. The kernel32 inside is from 2011. The total stuff that I have installed include these MSUs (renamed for organization purposes): WinNT61_Secure_Dll_Loading_KB2533623-x64.msu WinNT61_Server_R2_Update_Cleanup_KB2852386-v2-x64.msu WinNT61_Server_R2_WinHelp32_KB917607-x64.msu WinNT61_Seven_SP1_Update_Cleanup_KB2852386-x64.msu WinNT61_Seven_WinHelp32_KB917607-x64.msu WinNT61_SP1_Enterprise_Hotfix_Rollup_KB2775511-v2-x64.msu WinNT61_SP1_Platform_Update_KB2670838-x64.msu WinNT61_SP1_Platform_Update_STOP_050_KB2834140-v2-x64.msu WinNT61_SP1_TCP_Syn_Retransmissions_b22190_KB2786464-v2-x64.msu WinNT61_Update_for_Universal_C_Runtime-KB3118401-x64.msu WinNT61-2019_Servicing_Stack-KB4490628-x64.msu WinNT61-2019-09_Security-KB4474419-v3-x64.msu WinNT61-IPv6_readiness_b22124-KB2750841-x64.msu WinNT61-MME_Wave_Linear_Interpolation-KB2653312-x64.msu WinNT61-Security_March2017_WannaCry-KB4012212-x64.msu WinNT61-SP1-2015-Servicing_stack_update-KB3020369-x64.msu WinNT61-Srv_sys_b22608-KB2831013-v3-x64.msu WinNT61-TCP_Configurations-v3_b21645-KB2472264-x64.msu WinNT61-TCP_DoS_b22648-KB2957189-x64.msu WinNT61-TCP_Ipsec_nonpaged_leak_b22590-KB2918550-x64.msu WinNT61-TLS_WinHTTP_KB3140245-x64.msu
  10. The BIOS limit doesn't come into play except for a boot disk. And you don't need a 2 TB boot disk even for the latest Windows that has expanded to fill its container. Yes on older computers with 8..32 GB limits it did. Under Windows the disk is accessed via a driver and programming the I/O that way. A 4 TB (decimal) disk works fine under Server 2003 x86 and the Intel driver. I think the built in driver might work, but I don't remember as I installed the Intel driver early. Why the aversion to Server which doens't have all this problems with memory and disk size? I think if you could coax an MBR disk to work past the 32-bit boundary, there could be data loss in some situations as the numbers wrapped around.
  11. This DLL Directory thing is probably part of the secure DLL loading patch KB2533623. I have it for FileZilla Server. I have not installed a 230 MB patch and Yt-dlp works for me. I did install a handful of others. Not sure where this function was added. I can send this MSU to you if you can't find it. So what do we do after 31 Oct 2025 ?
  12. Use it in AHCI mode then with the Rapid Storage driver? Why is there a motherboard limit for 128 GB? That limit is in the OS because it accesses the disk through a driver not through the BIOS. Windows 98 has the BigLBA patch from LLXX. You can instal Windows on the disk with a reasonable sized partition and no partitions crossing the boundary, then install the PDR driver, then add more partitions. There are Chinese SSDs that are 128 GB (decimal GBS) on AliExpress. I use XRayDisk and it is fine. I have a Western Digital Green SSD, which is practically unusable in IDE compatibility mode at 5 MB/s speed, but works in AHCI mode. I commented about it earlier. Some of these SSDs also cannot negotiate as SATA II mode and cap at 120 MB/s, but that is fine.
  13. Why does a Win7 exist if yt-dlp_x86_Windows-XP works fine now? I recall it was fixed to run on Windows 2008 R2 some time ago.
  14. I got a 403 Forbidden today. Now it works again after an update. Google can put their web where the sun doesn't shine. The problem with opus audio having a WEBM extension is still there. My player doesn't pick it up until it is given and audio extension like MKA.
  15. Have you tested them in AHCI mode on XP? AHCI mode has been around for long time and people were trying to use it even when it brought little to no benefit.
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