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Dave-H last won the day on March 27

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About Dave-H

  • Birthday 03/31/1953

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    XP Pro x86

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  1. There is a lack of respect for other members being shown in some posts here recently. May I remind everyone of Rule 7b. Consider this to be a warning.
  2. Another puzzling thing has started happening on my copy of 360Chrome 13.5.2036.0. I do use the password remembering mechanism on non-critical websites, just for convenience. It has always worked as it should, automatically filling in the login information. I recently noticed that it was no longer doing this on some (but not all) sites. By pure chance, I've now discovered that if I switch the proxy on from the menu, which is ProxHTTPSProxy in my case, the logins appear again. If I go back to a direct connection and refresh the page, they vanish again! Anyone any idea why that would be? Have the sites in question perhaps changed their code such that they need the proxy to allow the display of the login information? The same sites' login information still appears fine on Thorium and Supermium with a direct connection. It;'s not a big deal, just annoying, the sites still login fine if I put the information in, it's just very puzzling why the automatic system is now malfunctioning.
  3. OK, no problem. I just thought you might know, as you've presumably used r3dfox. I don't know whether you've used it on XP of course!
  4. @Sampei.Nihira Just a very quick off-topic aside, do you happen to know which version of r3dfox is the most recent to work on XP (32 bit)? The latest one certainly doesn't work, and the others say they've not been tested on XP.
  5. Thanks all, the user agent modification has indeed fixed it. Very bad design though for it to just not load with the original version. Most incompatible sites put up a page saying that you need to update your browser. Doing what they were doing just looks lake some other type of fault.
  6. Thanks everyone, I will give the UA fix a try and report back tomorrow. Just off to bed!
  7. Could someone using 360Chrome please try this site for me? www.bbcpa.org.uk In my copy of 360Chrome 13.5,2036.0 it won't load, it either produces a connection error or just sticks on the new tab page. I'm pretty sure that it used to work! It's fine in Thorium and Supermium on XP. Thanks, Dave.
  8. OK, this is getting personal, and that must stop please. This thread is to discuss technical aspects of the Supermium browser, not to have a debate about who may or may not have 'borrowed' code or ideas from whom. If you want to discuss this further, take it to PMs. Any continuation of the present discussion will be deleted.
  9. @IDA-RE-things This is not our issue, and there's no reason for people here to feel that they need to take up cudgels on your behalf. You and win32s(s) are on GitHub, and this issue, if it merits it, should be raised and resolved there. FWIW, as far as I can see the 'borrowing' of someone else's code is something which should be asked for in advance as a matter of courtesy, and acknowledged by the 'borrower', and in many cases I'm sure that would be accepted by the code's originator, even with closed source projects. If those niceties were not observed in this case, that's regrettable, but it's between you and win32s(s) and should be resolved on GitHub, not here.
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