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  1. I am trying to make it so that everytime i save a file from google chrome, when it asks where to save, for it to always by default bring the download folder as the default place to save. It seems that the option for saving files is different from the download setting, which is when you download a file anonymously, and the place it ends up going is managed through the download settings, which i currently have set to the download folder. However, a problem i encounter with the saving of files manually from google chrome is that if i want to save them in a different location, it ends up using the last saved location, and i don't want it to do this. Is there a way to bypass this, such that google chrome does not remember the last saved location or simply defaults everytime to the download folder for all saved files? I also want to point out that i tried checking the "ask where to save each file before downloading" option, but this didn't help, as it still enters the last saved directory, which i don't want to be shown.
  2. what i noticed is that this issue seemed to happen more frequently on newer chipsets, such as ich3-m / ich4-m and newer, but didn't seem to occur as much, if at all on 440bx based systems. i don't remember what workaround i had at the time for this, as i don't think i found any workaround, but rather only substitutes, which was to use the tcmp mod mp4 player instead. i actually discarded vlc 0.8.6d, as it can no longer even play most modern files anyways, as the codecs used for them has changed, and the program is unable to decode them properly, basically showing a black screen the entire time. tcmp mod isn't perfect, but it did at least give the ability to play up to 720p mp4 files i used, with only some screen glitches being shown here and there. 1080p may work, but i think some systems may only show a black screen, perhaps due to the gpu not "knowing" how to decode the video. i never got 1080p to work on tcmp mod on windows 95 specifically, but it does work on a windows 10 system when using the same exact program, with intel hd 4600 graphics. anyways, i have provided a link below ( i left a space after the "https" ) to the tcmp mod program in case you haven't already used it, it also contains a registry tweak to which you will need to manually apply to allow many audio and video file formats to automatically associate with the program, so you dont need to manually open each individual file within the program. just follow the instructions in the howtoinstall text file, and use the tcpmp.reg.txt file. https ://easyupload.io/6g049b
  3. i was wondering if anyone knows how to prevent wordpad from showing or re-creating entries in the recent documents list in windows 10. i have tried various settings that relate to this, but no matter what i tried, i can't completely disable the mechanism behind this. this includes gpedit.msc tweaks, registry tweaks such as "norecentdocshistory" set to 1, disabling several related stuff in the settings section of windows 10, etc. also, i was wondering how to prevent entries from being shown in the frequent places of file explorer, specifically when you click the "file" menu in the file explorer. this issue is also a problem in the original start menu, where it shows frequent apps, but i do not want to have this show any entries there, although i use openshell which is better, i still would rather not have entries showing in the other place.
  4. I was wondering if anyone knows if there's a way of fixing the screen glitch / artifact problem found in the tcpmp mod .72RC1 mod 6 player, which is shown when using the player on either windows 95 and 98SE. i believe it may have to do with a buggy or outdated mp4 container / aac related codec, and that using a different or newer version may fix the issue. does anyone know if this is possible with this version of tcpmp mod, and if so, is there a particular file i can download and place it in the program folder, such as replacing the aac.plg file to a updated one? also, there has been mentions of k-lite codec package, however, i don't think i was able to find a straightforward source on how to install this and which one if necessary should be used specifically in this case, and supports windows 95. i'd rather not have conflicting sources of methods to get the system working in the way i want it to. oddly enough, this version of tcpmp mod appeared to have better and clearer video quality than vlc 1.1.11 that i use by default on 98SE with kernelex 4.5.2, except, because of the glitch problem in tcpmp, i end up defaulting to vlc 1.1.11 on 98SE, despite it being much heavier on resources. with win95, there are no vlc alternatives, as 0.8.6.d has not been able to play any modern videos at all for quite some time, showing a blank / grey or black screen.
  5. I was wondering if anyone knows how to disable the left, middle, and right buttons on the thinkpad compact usb keyboard with trackpoint keyboard? I have tried installing a few different synaptics touchpad applications / generic versions, and also tried the one for the exact model on lenovo's site, but the application does not give any option to modify / disable left, middle, right buttons, or even the trackpoint. i would like to lean my palm on the keyboard, but this would not be practical / possible, as this would press onto the buttons. i did not have to worry about a issue like this on the lenovo laptops, as the lenovo keyboards, at least on the lenovo l440 as a reference model, does not have the left, middle and right buttons, just the trackpoint and touchpad, which i was able to disable with the appropriate application, but not for this external keyboard i have for my desktop build. i believe the part number is "0B47190" for the external keyboard i use.
  6. I was wondering if anyone knows how to change some functions of xnview to work more like windows photo viewer from windows 7. the specific version of xnview i am using is version 1.82.4 on windows 95, 98SE, and 2K. What i want to do specifically is to make it so that when holding left click and zoomed in onto a photo, when moving the picture, for the picture to move in the opposite direction of the mouse movement, which is how windows photo viewer functions like. now i will not be doing any testing for some time, and i dont know if xnview had this problem for sure, so i could be wrong about the mouse direction thing, but i do remember at least one thing being different from windows photo viewer, noticeable enough that made it somewhat awkward to use. maybe it had to do with the zoom direction itself, instead of the other thing i mentioned, but i wanted to see if what i want to do is possible or easy to do?
  7. i was just wondering if anyone has experience working with blackwingcat's unofficial inf update files / packages. I'm trying to create my own package that was created by another person, but may or may not have the blackwingcat fixes. I noticed that there is a folder called "W2KORG", and i was wondering if i would need to put these files into the "all" folder if i use a system with windows 2000 SP4? it says it's for "Vanilla" windows 2000, but i'm not sure what that means. does that mean windows 2000 without any service packs, or does it mean something else? Also, would it be ok if i manually copied one by one each "infinst_autol2" package contents from the "all" section in chronological order (infinst_autol2 - infinst_autol11 ) into the "all" section of the custom inf package i have ( of course selecting no to keep duplicate files or renaming ), and setup should take care of everything or at least almost everything. i don't plan on using anything newer than haswell, even though there is some support for it in there, the main goal i want to accomplish is fixing any bugs in the existing package i have, by using the bwc's fixes, although i do hope to test at least 1st gen intel.
  8. I was wondering if anyone has a link or can point to which mp4 player i can use as an alternative to vlc player 0.8.6d on windows 2000. I have encountered a new problem ( never happened on any system before ) when testing a downloaded youtube video which would not even show image or barely at all on vlc .8.6d, 1080p / 720p would not display anything, i even tested 480p video version and 99 percent of the video was garbled with no image, just some sound. Could these issues be related to some sort of codec found in these files when they are downloaded, where as in the past, this wasn't an issue, because the downloaded youtube files in the past ( maybe a year or two ago ) used a older codec, and therefore were compatible with these older mp4 players? i mean, at least on windows 10, the newer 1080p/720/480p files worked perfectly fine on windows media player, but that's assumed anyways. now i mentioned tcpmp mod, because i noticed when using the roytam version for windows 98+, it allowed 1080p/720p/480p videos to work mostly fine, with only some minor to medium glitches / artifacts on windows 2000 ( i dont remember how the windows 95 / 98 versions did ). the glitches were not any different between the resolutions. could this glitch problem be because im using the windows 98 version or w.e, and that if i use the regular tcpmp version, then it wouldn't have the glitches? now, the only other ones i found was one that was less than 1 MB, but it was restricted, and did not allow MP4 playback, there was another one that was like 14 MB, however, i would rather now use this, as it would add several MB of space to my archive, and i would not want to do so as my main choice, if it does happen to work without issues, as i havent tested this one specifically yet. I dont have to worry about these issues on windows 95 and 98, because i have both vlc and the tcpmp mod, maximizing compatibility when issues arise, although, i havent tested either of them recently, so maybe this garbled / glitch problem is because of newer codecs? forcing me to abandon vlc 0.8.6d altogether for all builds....?
  9. just wondering, do we need to apply this fix for firefox 52 and newer, or does the problem also occur in older firefox versions? the reason why i ask is because there's at least two major problems i have, one, i can't install firefox 52 anyways on my system ( so i'm wondering how people are able to do so, and my system uses the update "Windows2000-UURollup-v11-d20141130-x86-ENU" ), and two, i use firefox 45.9 esr, and i dont seem to encounter the dual core problem, or at least, it SEEMS that the dual core processes are working as intended with task manager showing activity on both segments. lastly, getting a little away from the post, but i was wondering if there's a fix for the certificate issue on firefox, which occurs on at least one page, wikipedia, as well as msfn.org for firefox 45.9 esr. my system already had the update "rootsupd201804", but it still has the issue with firefox 45.9 esr. kmeleon 76 does not have the problem, but it also doesn't work with youtube properly either, where as firefox 45.9 esr does. furthermore firefox 45.9 esr also has an issue with no showing images on wikipedia for one, where as kmeleon 76 has the issue with google image search....., would be nice if i can get a fix for all these, then at least, web browser can be nearly full functioning, though the user would need to use 2 different ones.
  10. if someone can post the full instructions on forcing multiprocess mode in firefox 52.9 esr, please write it down here, as the instructions / guide are a bit confusing in reading and / or all over the place. also, was wondering if anyone knows if one would need to install the Windows 2000 Dual-Core Fix with filename "win2kdualcorefix.7z" on a system that has update rollup 1? i got the info from the link below, but it doesn't specify which exact update rollup version it is referring to, also, it never occured to me that task manager would only be showing one process being worked with, and not taking advantage of the other core for dual core processors, i thought windows 2000 sp4 had proper dual core functioning. https://retrosystemsrevival.blogspot.com/2020/04/windows-2000-dual-core-fix.html
  11. so i guess i found a working solution, at least tested on the hp compaq nx9010 laptop but i hope it works for all other systems. so i went ahead and installed the GARTnt 5.0.2196.1011beta, and then gartNT 5.0.2196.1015, to ensure i installed them correctly, i intend on carry the same method in the future, which is to run setup.exe first, then atigart.exe from both packages, then check device manager and ensure that in system devices, you now have a new or newer entry, it may have igp340m in it, then restart the system and go to the device manager and point to the gpu inf package for the yellow video controller that has no driver installed or whichever one corresponds with the correct hardware id of the gpu driver, in this case, i used "" gpu driver, or under other names, the omega radeon 2.5.90 / catalyst 4.10 beta, it asks to restart, and upon restart, a working gpu driver with 1024x768 resolution in 32 bit color. it's unclear if i ever tested this omega radeon package before and / or used the same gartnt procedure, but hopefully this can work on other systems.
  12. i will be testing a new setup under windows 2000 with SP4, the laptop uses the radeon ipg345m gpu, with hardware id of "PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4337&SUBSYS_0850103C" to be exact. my question is what is the correct way of install the chipset / gartnt drivers in order to get the gpu to work without the black screen problem, as i encountered this in the past and never got a working solution for this, and ultimately gave up using these family of gpu / chipsets, but here i am again trying to see if i can get it to work. now i have two gpu packages, but i do not which i want to try 1st, the 1st one is version "", which has i believe the same exact hardware id of the laptop, the other one is version "" and only is for DEV_4337, and part of the radeon omega 2.5.90 or aka catalyst 4.10 beta package. the laptop model is hp compaq nx9010. oddly, the official website doesn't list any specific chipset / gartnt drivers, despite having selectable windows 2000 for OS, and doesn't mention the radeon gpu, but rather the intel 852/855 gpu. when going to driverscape, it does list the radeon igp 345m, although the version is the same, it only included the xp version of inf, but not the 2k version, so i downloaded a 2K specific version off microsoft catalog, also for the system / chipset inf section, i noticed 2 different versions being listed, it occured to me that perhaps both might be needed, so i downloaded both, however, the packages appear in excess, at least, it seems that i wouldn't necessarily need the other stuff in them such as ide controller related / smbus, only the gartNT specific folders, but i dont know, so thats why im asking here to see what the correct way would be to go about all this. should i be launching the setup.exe or w.e from the main package of these individual packages with all of the contents, or would running setup.exe from the 2 gartnt folders be sufficient in preparation for the gpu driver installation afterwards? also, just something frustrating i'd like to share but the only site that might have had a more straightforward solution, unfortunately blocks showing the solutions for the problems of the thread, unless you pay and register with them, here is the thread below: https://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/21690630/ATI-IGP-345m-Driver-for-Windows-2000.html
  13. thanks, i'll test the modified drivers as soon as i can on windows 95.
  14. i was wondering if anyone can confirm on any working driver versions for the broadcom 440x ethernet device under windows 95 osr 2.5. hardware id is "PCI\VEN_14E4&DEV_4401". i could not find any specific package with a designated windows 95 folder, but i did notice the "NT" folder did carry a ndis4 system file for the ethernet, however, it's unclear whether the inf file "bcm4sbe5" would request for it and work, as the "NT" package comes with the oemsetup.inf. i'm asking because i do not want to necessary install windows 95, only to find out there is no working driver for the ethernet, as it's very crucial part i need to have. the oldest driver version i found was 3.42, in 3.38, they added NT4 support, but i do not see any mention in the release notes for windows 95, although i have not checked the latest ones. cnet i think listed 4.23 with windows 95 listed somewhere as compatible on the webpage, however, it was not downloadable, and i'm not sure how one could tell which ones are legit / original packaged ones.
  15. i tried to find a solution for this online but google couldn't find a solution for it. the problem i'm having is that when i try to open recently closed tabs with google chrome, it ends up opening them in a seperate window, rather than the main chrome window i open originally, and i couldn't find any options in the settings to change this. is this a new google chrome problem? as a side note, i just recently installed windows 10 20H2, and although, i haven't had major problems with it "yet", there are some new nuisances and issues that have yet to be solved ( i did not have these issues in the previous version 2004 ). I'm wondering whether the google chrome issue is related to the new windows version?
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