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Proper blocking of trackers also speeds up the loading of web pages.
Check the website below.
Proper blocking of trackers in your uBlock Origin installed in Supermium/Thorium must be more (9) than those in the image:


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1 hour ago, AstroSkipper said:

And the very best is that now both posts have disappeared completely. :realmad: Who has deleted them? :dubbio:I simply replied to a post addressed to me. And above all, why both? :dubbio: What's going on here? :crazy:

I deleted the original posts because they were off-topic.
Unfortunately, they then still generated an ongoing conversation.
Perhaps I should have just moved them to the forum issues section.

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Posted (edited)

Screen for @AstroSkipper


EDIT: Note, spaces 20 20 20 ... starting at offset 170CA4 are simply reserved for short testing flags like --no-sandbox flag, so you can start typing right there.

My loader is unified, and will work for Supermium, also.

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Posted (edited)

Important. @AstroSkipper

The fact Supermium and Thorium still need these flags can only tell one thing, the portable patch is NOT applied by the author, the information on the site is misleading, to put it politely, so the browser is not fully portable, and if you start this browser without these flags, your old profile is gone!



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Dixel said:

Screen for @AstroSkipper


EDIT: Note, spaces 20 20 20 ... starting at offset 170CA4 are simply reserved for short testing flags like --no-sandbox flag, so you can start typing right there.

My loader is unified, and will work for Supermium, also.

Thanks for clarification! :) I will edit it to my needs. ecrire-ordi.gif

Edited by AstroSkipper
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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Thanks for clarification! :) I will edit it to my needs. ecrire-ordi.gif

Start with a clean profile, add a short amount, starting with --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run --disable-breakpad --disable-machine-id --disable-encryption 

Add a bit more, try, and so on. Don't touch its own flags page as of yet! We need to determine what exactly is the reason for possible conflicts.


You don't need to add user agent string and user directory --user-data-dir="%~dp0%\USER_DATA"

It's already in the loader! Obviously, now your current profile starts only from the loader. No "bat" or whatever he included.

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On 5/10/2024 at 5:11 AM, UCyborg said:

Windows XP is so bad they have to emulate Windows 7+ (APIs) to make it run on XP. :buehehe:

Are you sure? More like it's windows 10 emulator, no chrome after 109 can run on Windows 7.

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9 hours ago, Saxon said:

How do we know whether it's true

Easy.  By taking some personal responsibility and knowing if you downloaded from an OFFICIAL source or if you just clicked some random link that some random person on some random web site directed you to.

Doesn't sound very complicated to me.  We used to call it "net savvy".  And it is the "net savvy" consumer that has NEVER been hit with malware yet also NEVER runs real-time "protection".

We used to also call it "practice safe hex".

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1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Easy.  By taking some personal responsibility and knowing if you downloaded from an OFFICIAL source or if you just clicked some random link that some random person on some random web site directed you to.

Doesn't sound very complicated to me.  We used to call it "net savvy".  And it is the "net savvy" consumer that has NEVER been hit with malware yet also NEVER runs real-time "protection".

We used to also call it "practice safe hex".

Defently agree with you...

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14 hours ago, Saxon said:

there's no official statement by win32

... Be that as it may, win32's close collaborator and co-maintainer/administrator of Supermium's GitHub issue tracker, docrR, has already posted this: 


(BTW, that X link won't open/display for those without an account/those browsing X anonymously); the issue has also been pinned in the tracker, so it's difficult to not notice it :whistle:...

5 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Easy.  By taking some personal responsibility and knowing if you downloaded from an OFFICIAL source or if you just clicked some random link that some random person on some random web site directed you to.

... My thoughts exactly :thumbup - this doesn't mean that official sources of any given software are 100% immune to being tampered with, but this doesn't seem to be the case here...

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15 hours ago, Saxon said:

Someone claims we need to start being beware of Fake Supermium. How do we know whether it's true, there's no official statement by win32.


it would be no wonder when some anti virus is coming and claim that to be either malware, virus, trojan horse, potentional unwanted software


in the past that was a discussion when microsoft for example handle all results what are virus are - they decide , in fact many marked sams one core api as virus , or my version changer (while being complete open source)

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10 hours ago, VistaLover said:

... Be that as it may, win32's close collaborator and co-maintainer/administrator of Supermium's GitHub issue tracker, docrR, has already posted this: 


(BTW, that X link won't open/display for those without an account/those browsing X anonymously); the issue has also been pinned in the tracker, so it's difficult to not notice it :whistle:...

... My thoughts exactly :thumbup - this doesn't mean that official sources of any given software are 100% immune to being tampered with, but this doesn't seem to be the case here...

Unfortunately, I don't know that "collaborator", and he seems to be absent on MSFN either, there's no official statement by win32 on the link you gave, what was I supposed to "not notice"?

I fail to believe win32 wouldn't find two seconds to comment on such serious matter at that github page himself.

Another oddity, that repository (topic) is locked now, and what if people wanted to say something about it, probably add another fake page, warnings?

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32 minutes ago, Saxon said:

Another oddity, that repository (topic) is locked now, and what if people wanted to say something about it, probably add another fake page, warnings?

Looks like the conversation was locked by win32, the repository owner. Guessing because it was a simple statement, not a conversation opener.  If you still wish to chat about it, all you need do is click a button

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Posted (edited)

"Out-of-Band" new Supermium (122) release, to patch publicly disclosed Chromium vulnerabilities: 


(in response to https://github.com/win32ss/supermium/issues/570 ) ;



- (#556, #261) Font selection now possible in chrome://settings/fonts on Windows XP again


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