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    Vista Ultimate x64

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  1. 360Chome 13.5, Windows 10, works here (without changing user-agent).
  2. The alternative is to simply ignore new instructions, available on more recent CPUs.
  3. No opinion, it's supposed to melt all at once, instead of being semi-molten over a few degrees range like 60/40. By 60/40, i just meant basic tin/lead solder, not exact Sn/Pb ratio. Re. your bad memory stick: have you tried all the usual stuff, like different slots/raising the voltage/loosening timings? BTW, generic 800MHz DDR2 sticks are still cheap/plentiful on US eBay, ~$5 shipped, "buy it now," for a 2GB stick.
  4. Abomination, abhorrent to God. Since you're running into HW problems in another thread (which might involve replacing caps), get some regular 40/60 tin/lead rosin core solder. When you desolder, add some of this to the solder joints -- resultant alloy will have a lower melting point & make parts removal much easier.
  5. In Vista+ (where hardware acceleration works by default), for me, there's no difference. In XP, this progwrp.dlll allows HW acceleration.* With HW acceleration enabled, you should see measurable improvements in browser benchmarks like Speedometer 3.0, especially in graphics benchmarks like MotionMark (50 to 100% higher scores on my HW). Can't say the difference is immediately obvious outside of benchmarks. *To enable HW acceleration, launch Supermium with --use-angle=d3d9 --ignore-gpu-blocklist. This setting won't work with older GPUs/may introduce additional issues (v1.2 is still "pre-release").
  6. There's a new version for 124, Direct download here.
  7. Just tested with with some old 360Chrome 13.5, seems to work (gives me "We do not recognize your username and/or password. Please try again.").
  8. Found out too late, see edit. Correction to the edit: h264ify does do its thing, it just so happened that the vids i was clicking through, being new, were AVC1 by default.
  9. How do i configure it? Installed on 32-bit Mypal 68.13.3b, all i get is 3 checkboxes, and Stats for Nerds tells me YT is streaming AVC1 Edit: Disregard, didn't realize h264 * AVC are the same thing. BTW, with h264ify disabled, i still get AVC1 with every video i try.
  10. Now that Mycroft Project's dead (the site's still up, but broken), how can i add custom search engines to Mypal?
  11. Bought a cheap new laptop for my dad, came with W11 home. Turn it on, expecting the setup to take ~10 minutes (all he needs is Chrome & Chess Titans installed). Created a new MS account (usual workarounds didn't work, though hadn't tried too hard, just wanted to get this done), went through setup, downloaded Chrome installer, clicked, and ... S mode, won't install. No problem, takes a few mouse clicks to switch S off. Or, rather, it should. Clicking the "Get" button in MS Store brought up "We couldn't complete the upgrade," with "Try again" replacing "Get." Surprisingly, trying again solved nothing. Googled workarounds -- found out command prompt & powershell don't work in S mode. Tried starting from scratch with "Reset your PC" (wasted another half an hour to net the same results). Finally gave up & installed a fresh copy of W11. This installed in normal (not S) mode, and even (verily, we live in an age of miracles) let me create a local account -- guessing because 11 didn't have a network driver for this laptop, so no viable way to connect. Finished installing, stuck in a USB WiFi dongle, let 11 update (bringing in WiFi & the rest of the drivers), after ~2 hours, everything works as it should. Two hours to set up a new laptop with 11 Home preinstalled. Reject modernity >:(
  12. Edit: My mistake, the "use HW acceleration when available" box wasn't checked. Testing again now. Another edit: Checking the HW acceleration box makes it slower.
  13. Two pages of back & forth, debugging my HW issue (still unresolved). Didn't want to derail this thread.
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