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Now that I tested it again, yes I noticed it struggles with some 1080p and 720p videos, especially those in 60 fps. It's weird because some videos seem to work fine while others stutter and freeze all the time. Maybe it depends on which codec is used?

Browser extensions and downloads do also work by the way.

I noticed the UI is glitching out sometimes, as it shows the blue XP style title bar for a brief moment and then goes back to Win 10 style.



I installed the h264ify extension now to ensure that the h264 codec is used for every video on youtube. It definitely works so much better, even in 1080p.

Here it is running on an i5 3437U with integrated graphics.



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On 11/14/2023 at 4:55 PM, UCyborg said:

Just looking at chrome.dll in PE Viewer, no effort was done even for Windows 7 compatibility, imports DiscardVirtualMemory like official Chromium. So, nothing to see here. :boring:

I think anything "made to work" in XP is impressive.  Granted, I say that having officially "moved on" from XP and now run Win10.  I still have XP around, of course, but it's no longer my "workhorse".

I'm showing this v115 "made to work" browser faster than 360Chrome but the XP skin "bleed-through" is a bit annoying (my view is that XP software should never NOT use XP title bars).


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On 11/14/2023 at 2:55 PM, UCyborg said:

I'd still go Linux route if I had the problem with newer Windows rather than mess with h@lf-a$$ed Chromium backports.

Supermium is not a "h@lf-a$$ed Chromium backport". All intended original Chrome functions work on Vista.

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this is chromium 115 for xp, and yes it's glitch when using windows 10 ui: 

This is supermium with one core api but with classic theme enable and is not using windows 10 ui:


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8 hours ago, Dixel said:

Supermium is not a "h@lf-a$$ed Chromium backport". All intended original Chrome functions work on Vista.

His reference is to "DiscardVirtualMemory".
A minor setback in my view, but technically/programmatically a "h@lf-a$$ed" scheme that literally just "ignores" arguments assigned to the function yet those arguments remain in the code.
Those "remnants" result in instability.
I would have to research further for a better detailed explanation.
But when it comes right down to it, you cannot "replace" a function with X arguments with a function with Y arguments and call it anything but "h@lf-a$$ed", whether it VISUALLY works or not, the side effects will not always be VISIBLE.

I think this implementation will fail on Win7, but I have not verified.
Still minor in my view, as I still think Win7+ has so many more alternatives than XP and it may be unfortunate that 7 and XP both land in this one thread as far as "browsers working on Older NT-Family OSes".

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I found two nasty bugs in Chromium 115 for XP. First, sometimes it doesn't start, it hangs in processes, but nothing happens, you have to terminate the process and restart it. Second, the default download folder is "C:\Program Files\Common Files" and it can't be changed, when you click "Change" button, it opens a non-working window. If you enable the setting to always specify the download location, you have to enter the file name manually.


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This is the Chromium v115 engine side-by-side with it using memory the way it was designed to (Ungoogled v115 on the left) versus "DiscardVirtualMemory" M115XP's method on the right.
To me, it's not that big of a deal, to be honest, it does "work" in XP and that is a major breakthrough.
I guess if this were truly a concern to the end-user, perhaps a comparison of "virtual size" for M115XP versus something like Serpent52?


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8 hours ago, ED_Sln said:

Second, the default download folder is "C:\Program Files\Common Files" and it can't be changed, when you click "Change" button, it opens a non-working window.

Fixed, re-download.

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9 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

His reference is to "DiscardVirtualMemory".
A minor setback in my view, but technically/programmatically a "h@lf-a$$ed" scheme that literally just "ignores" arguments assigned to the function yet those arguments remain in the code.

This topic drifted off discussing Supermium, which I haven't mentioned specifically, but I didn't deraiI the topic, just joined in. :P But folks here like to throw in other Chromiums into the mix.

Anyway, I was referring to the one hosted on http://xpchrome.com/, only later https://github.com/weolar/xpchrome was brought into the mix. The one from first link certainly can't launch on Windows 7 and earlier since DiscardVirtualMemory is referenced directly in chrome.dll's import table. Not sure about Windows 8.1, is there an update that adds DiscardVirtualMemory? I only ever run Windows 8.1 that didn't have it, though MS documentation says it's supposed to have it, I only ever saw it in Windows 10 and comments in Chromium's source code say the function is buggy in older builds of Windows 10.

But actual XP compatible Chromium 115 on the second link, that's new. I wonder if it keeps screen from going off while watching videos or using Screen Wake Lock API. Older builds of 360Chrome 13.5 couldn't do that (on XP), not sure if anyone paid attention to that in newest build.

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