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About seven4ever

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    XP Pro x64

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  1. Yes it's done on Github.
  2. Euh I have Firefox - ESR 128 latest on separate partition have you a link ?
  3. I was searching such an extension for modern browser but didn't fin one.
  4. Good question. I think only the application can show this (if coded) Edit: https://oukitel.com/blogs/news/widevine-l1-support-what-is-it-how-to-check I haven't try, but there is google play store application to check it. An some releases ago, L1 wasn't available on Firefox based browsers, don't know for now.
  5. This means W7 minimum + Firefox ESR (up to march 2025).
  6. Nope, Last version is 4.10.2830.0 (catched from Kodi ). Earlier versions will no more work.
  7. Widewine diden't work on XP since months , it's not new. And good luck to hack it.
  8. Just tested the SSE version on my old Athlon computer with 1.25 Gb RAM. It works fine, and consume just 250 Mb more Ram as NM28 SSE . Good job! Just a question : What is the best ublock origin version for this release, ... and I can't change language from English from internal option?
  9. Link works on Firefox Esr 115.11.0
  10. Tested on Win 95, works! Update works too for Netscape 9 on Nt4
  11. Wow thanks, I use still Retrozilla ! Yes Tls 1.3 was missing.
  12. AVC is H.264 or Mpeg4 part 10 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Video_Coding
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