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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2023 in all areas

  1. @roytam1 I wonder how blocking google may affect that your browsers stuff? I do not use the goo for years, actually i block them myself everywhere i can to not get even accidentally connect to the abomination. Yes youtybe wont work, so i am to unblock goo for testing only, аfter that to clean all from goo tracers.
    3 points
  2. For starters, Roy's blog, https://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/search/label/browser would be the first to become inaccessible from within HK, since "blogger" is a Google-provided service ... Although a pessimist by nature, I still hope/wish that things won't reach any extreme levels... If GitHub and MSFN remain accessible from within HK, then, perhaps, a move to an overseas server hosting the binaries would be all that's needed; determined people in mainland China have come up with inventive solutions able to penetrate through the GFW, however these "solutions" might be against local laws; i.e., I'm not suggesting myself Roy should break HK legislation, if/when enforced...
    2 points
  3. 20-25A @3.3V 20-25A @5V Might not be enough for a board that old. The chipset itself + DRR2 are quite consuming, he also wrote he will use an old PCI soundcard, which are very power consuming (take Xonar D2, as an example). So there was a reason they made 30A ratings on 5v and 3.3v in the older models.
    2 points
  4. Many thanks for your code! ; I adapted it for Violentmonkey installed in St52 (can also be used in St55, I guess ), here's how the "==UserScript==" header looks there: // ==UserScript== // @name Fix <link rel="preload" ...> in MS Support site // @version 0.1 // @author UCyborg // @namespace UCyborg // @description Fixes CSS rendering on "support.microsoft.com", on UXP-based browsers // @homepageURL https://msfn.org/board/topic/184051-my-browser-builds-part-4/?do=findComment&comment=1246726 // @icon https://support.microsoft.com/favicon-32x32.png // @include https://support.microsoft.com/* // @run-at document-start // @grant none // ==/UserScript== Here it is enabled inside VM itself: ... Microsoft are currently focusing solely on their offspring browser (ChrEdge) they conceived after fornicating with their former opponent, Google ; one (perhaps more ?) MS coder authored code that was tested to work on ChrEdge (perhaps also tested in latest Fx), with no care in the world for "legacy" browser engines ; but it was Google that started this in the first place: ... Should be back up on Wednesday (fingers crossed):
    2 points
  5. Relax, @Mathwiz probably misread "21 July" as "21 June".
    2 points
  6. The answer about 12v, read the above, the more you get - the better, but 38 is a must if you intend to play. 3.3v and 5v are not that important, if you have only a couple of HDD they are usually about 30 amps. Be quiet!, a power supply manufacturer based in Germany, worked fine for me for the last years.
    2 points
  7. Dark Magic technology preview has debuted in 3.6.6 This technology will bring StartAllBack improvements to other apps in the system. Or not if this cases trouble. Experiment #1 - acrylic menus and mica menu bars. More to come Use 'startisbackcfg /magic' command to enable or disable. Known caveats: - Elevated applications are handled only if you're admin and install for all users - No settings, you have to restart I'm interested in compatibility issues. [Not applied and not broken is fine for custom menus apps]
    1 point
  8. Did you choose "Hex-values" tab while searching for it at Find/Replace dialog? I had the same error appearing until I realized I was at "Text-string" tab and not at "Hex-values" tab.
    1 point
  9. Um, @UCyborg? You wrote the same reply 3 times...
    1 point
  10. I don't think so, there was just NotHereToPlayGames and and six cars in my mind. Didn't think of any potential other people in his household. Marriage - yeah, I'm a loner and it won't happen and even if I wasn't, doesn't seem like something I'd want to bother with. Being like that for most of my existence, I imagine it would be hard to adapt to different patterns, playing single-player mode all the time. People are crazy, should be healthier to be alone anyway, LOL. Ironically, I work a job that involves dealing with them, remotely at least, but it's still totally against my character. The things we do for the money...
    1 point
  11. Noted, and I trust your knowledge/expertise ... Thanks again !
    1 point
  12. AFAIK, it would be possible for it to miss something if ran at document-start. Maybe it's different when dealing with HTML's head, but it's a documented fact that only after document-end (after DOMContentLoaded event is dispatched), entire page's HTML as received from the web server is surely parsed.
    1 point
  13. document-end in script managers should mean on DOMContentLoaded event in practice if I got the documentation right. So might as well be: 'use strict'; (function(){ const e = document.querySelector('link[rel="stylesheet"]'); fetch(e.href) .then(response => response.text()) .then(data => { const s = document.createElement('style'); const m = e.getAttribute('media'); m && s.setAttribute('media', m); s.innerHTML = data.replace('font-size:1.05em;font-weight:500;', 'font-size:1.05em;font-weight:400;') .replace('font-weight:500;display:inline;line-height:20px;', 'font-weight:400;display:inline;line-height:20px;'); e.parentNode.replaceChild(s, e); }) .catch(err => console.log(err)); })(); Just in case at least one those variables would stay lingering around if not wrapped in a function that will surely go out-of-scope in the end as the latter will surely mark them for garbage collection. And I think if I ever need to listen for DOMContentLoaded in the future, I might add the listener with document.addEventListener() rather than window.addEventListener() since it's technically the document that is ready, window contains it. Seems neater to use window.addEventListener() for window-specific events.
    1 point
  14. If members here running St52 and/or NM28 wish to be served the "current" iteration of Google Search (the one targeting latest browsers), a SSUAO is necessary; in latest NM28 with its default UA: OTOH, with: general.useragent.override.google.com;Mozilla/5.0 (%OS_SLICE% rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0 Fine-tuning the appearance of GS is possible via its settings (cogwheel button) ; as seen, I've opted for its dark theme ; caveat: the modern GUI is more resource-hungry ...
    1 point
  15. ... Those (few ) of you that like to occasionally browse the Official PM Forums for info/troubleshooting related to UXP-based browsers discussed here (encompassing St52, NM28 and a few others), "their" breakage seems to persist; latest news from MC himself (via the temp Discord server): So, Wednesday (today) won't be "restoration day" ...
    1 point
  16. Hello, i've a problem with PRINTER SETTINGS... these buttons are not centered on the window, they are low..
    1 point
  17. People who get bsod please check these settings layers.mlgpu.enabled = false layers.omtp.enabled = false browser.tabs.unloadOnLowMemory = true After resolve bsod error i shall try build x64. Also 78 is not the last version shall continue further to upgrade javascript
    1 point
  18. The 98lite and the other projects on litepc.com are AFAIK not much more than a hobby project, the Author is a biologist/ecologist consultant with an academic background, I don't think he is getting much from the sales: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/1999/05/29/researcher-cuts-the-link-to-explorer/ec3e78d4-3078-4734-b962-9bc17d4be3c4/ https://brooks.eco/profile jaclaz
    1 point
  19. and very loud! Better off with something like a used 9800GTX.
    1 point
  20. Acrylic menus do not work on Internet Download Manager and Autohotkey GUI.
    1 point
  21. Thanks ; works as advertised in my 32-bit OS: [debug] Command-line config: ['--ffmpeg-location', '..\\FFmpeg', '--downloader-args', 'ffmpeg:-v 8 -stats', '-v'] [debug] Encodings: locale cp1253, fs utf-8, pref cp1253, out cp1253 (No VT), error cp1253 (No VT), screen cp1253 (No VT) [debug] yt-dlp version nightly@2023.06.13 [cab94a0cd] (win_x86_exe) [debug] Python 3.9.13 (CPython x86 32bit) - Windows-Vista-6.0.6003-SP2 (OpenSSL 3.1.0-dev ) [debug] exe versions: ffmpeg n6.1-dev-1149-N-111033-gf11515c (setts), ffprobe n6.1-dev-1149-N-111033-gf11515c, phantomjs 2.1.1, rtmpdump 2.4 [debug] Optional libraries: Cryptodome-3.18.0, brotli-1.0.9, certifi-2023.05.07, mutagen-1.46.0, sqlite3-2.6.0, websockets-11.0.3 [debug] Proxy map: {} [debug] Loaded 1843 extractors Usage: yt-dlp_x86 [OPTIONS] URL [URL...] yt-dlp_x86: error: You must provide at least one URL. Type yt-dlp --help to see a list of all options.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Ignoring all the above in this topic! But, as for these: Yeah, confirmed here too. Now, for this: @rereser Thank you very much for this!!! I tried this just now, following the exact steps you wrote, and it's working completely fine. I like this extension. No issues happening here or anything. Thank you again!
    1 point
  24. While theory is good, and @jaclaz is the local Guru, I had these parts in the past. GeForce 8800 GTX (at stock, no OC) is 155W minimum, under full load it would be like 170-180, I had that card myself, hot and power hungry. Keep in mind, that old beast has NO power saving features, so it will still consume a lot, even when fully idling. Intel Pentium D 945 is almost 100W at load. They will simply take too much on the power lines, especially on the 12v line. I'd consider a better PSU, like 500W or 550W, minimum. EDIT: I'd suggest to look at the models with at least 38 Amps power ratings on the 12v line.
    1 point
  25. Don't give them any ideas, though I doubt they follow this thread. FWIW, I can now also provide Py3.9 builds for XP and upward, thanks to the release @cmalex kindly provided some time ago. Here is a build for you to test, if you wish (updated regularly). This is what it gives on Vista: [debug] Command-line config: ['-v', '--ignore-config'] [debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs utf-8, pref cp1252, out cp1252 (No VT), error cp1252 (No VT), screen cp1252 (No VT) [debug] yt-dlp version nightly@2023.10.15 [4e38e2ae9] (win_x86_exe) [debug] Python 3.9.13 (CPython AMD64 32bit) - Windows-Vista-6.0.6003-SP2 (OpenSSL 3.1.0-dev ) [debug] exe versions: ffmpeg N-110472-g4006c71-Reino (setts), ffprobe N-110472-g4006c71-Reino, phantomjs 2.1.1 [debug] Optional libraries: Cryptodome-3.19.0, brotli-1.1.0, certifi-2023.07.22, mutagen-1.47.0, requests-2.31.0, sqlite3-3.37.2, urllib3-2.0.6, websockets-11.0.3 [debug] Proxy map: {} [debug] Request Handlers: urllib, requests [debug] Loaded 1890 extractors Usage: yt-dlp [OPTIONS] URL [URL...] yt-dlp: error: You must provide at least one URL. Type yt-dlp --help to see a list of all options.
    1 point
  26. Because internet service providers have joint liability on that injunction. Safest move for them will be simply cut down internet connections.
    1 point
  27. The best fix for that seems to be here - https://msfn.org/board/topic/184624-arcticfoxienotheretoplaygames-360chrome-v1352036-rebuild-1/?do=findComment&comment=1246644 I have not tried it myself but @rereser is a respectable source.
    1 point
  28. Hello friends, I wanted to tell you that the translator no longer works, I am currently using version 13.5.2036 rebuild 1, I tried with version, 13.5.1030 rebuild 7 regular and Chrome 49.0.2623.112, what could be happening?
    1 point
  29. If there is anything I can do to help feel free to let me know.
    1 point
  30. Yep! I agree. If MSFN is not available for a longer period of time, a status message on Twitter or Facebook would be something useful.
    1 point
  31. I looked at this again, they have classic <link rel="stylesheet" ... /> elements with links to CSS files further down inside <noscript> tags. Web browser only processes those when JS is disabled, that's why the page looks OK with JS disabled. I can't see what they were suggesting in that PM forum thread (server is down ATM), I remember messing about with Proxomitron since that's the only thing that came to my mind at the moment, I also remember there is an extension for manipulating network request responses, which I'm not familiar with, but anyway, another way around the problem is with a user script, something like this: document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="preload"][as="style"]').forEach(e => { const n = document.createElement('link'); n.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet'); n.setAttribute('href', e.getAttribute('href')); const m = e.getAttribute('media'); m && n.setAttribute('media', m); e.parentNode.replaceChild(n, e); }); Put the code in your favorite user script manager and make it run on document-end (should be default). Edit: One more thing, might be even more important, these link elements have attribute onload="this.rel='stylesheet'". On Chromium, this code runs and successfully replaces rel attribute. But why not on UXP? Edit2: OK, onload simply doesn't run if rel isn't initially set to recognizable value. According to the example at MDN, MS should just leave the links to CSS files in the separate tags with rel="stylesheet" (not enclosed by noscript tags like they did).
    1 point
  32. tried them all but found only one extension that can replace the simple chrome internal translate option as close as possible. in the sense that it also works on logged in pages and stays in the current tab with a similar translate bar at the top. all the others have font issues , don't work , log you out or ask ( again ) for cookies on the translated site. tested against the msfn forum page ( for retaining login ) and many others ( for function ). can translate to 109 languages , last setting in the bar is kept until you change it. Edge Translate : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/edge-translate/bocbaocobfecmglnmeaeppambideimao or here : https://www.crx4chrome.com/crx/142425/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- optional : a rather large extension that has many more options i do not want or use. tweaked the settings a bit to leave only the "Translate this page" in the context menu. hidden the extension button as it is no longer needed. when all below is done the simple right click translate option is back again. Content Settings : disable all 8 options. Hybrid Translator Config : set all to "google translate". Other Settings : disable "Enable Select Translate" , "Use Built-in PDF Viewer" , "Provide statistics to help improve the extension". Delete in : Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\bocbaocobfecmglnmeaeppambideimao\2.4.1_0\_locales all but the "en" folder. Delete in : Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\bocbaocobfecmglnmeaeppambideimao\2.4.1_0\google\lans all but the "lan_en.js" file. Delete in : Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\bocbaocobfecmglnmeaeppambideimao\2.4.1_0\google\main all but the "main_en.js" file Delete the complete "Chrome\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\bocbaocobfecmglnmeaeppambideimao\2.4.1_0\pdf" folder. these settings with the files and folder deletes works best for me. this extension makes a connection to deepl.com on browser start. have added " www.deepl.com" to the windows hosts file to correct that as i don't use deepl. will see if google restores the function for 360chrome. if not , the original translate context menu can be removed with the change below in the chrome.dll. Function : Drop Translate to English from Chrome mode page context menu (1 occurrence) replace : C0 FB 8D 86 F0 02 00 00 50 E8 with : C0 FB E9 E6 00 00 00 90 50 E8 https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ in HxD : file open "chrome.dll" / search-replace / hex-values / all / copy the above codes in first and second field / replace. save the file and delete the "chrome.dll.bak" file. for all of the above , make sure 360chrome is closed. to be safe , copy the complete 360chrome folder to another location and perform the above in that folder first to try. after the changes , launch 360chrome with the 360loader from that folder and not with your regular shortcut to see the results !
    1 point
  33. There appears to be something that the Pale Moon Forks are doing to force VP9 (I tend to feel like all of Roytam1's builds are more of a Pale Moon Fork then they are a Firefox Fork, but that's a matter of semantics). "Real" Firefox on Win10, fresh profile right out-of-the-box, is served AV1 videos by Mobile YouTube.
    1 point
  34. Mobile YouTube sends St52 360p at 30FPS but in VP9 codec. edit - same appears to be true for ArcticFox 40, NM27, and NM28. So Mobile YouTube sends Chromium Flavors AV1 but sends Mozilla Flavors VP9 ??? No clue what it actually sends to an actual mobile phone browser.
    1 point
  35. I'm going to go out on a limb and say "most of them". I say that for two reason - for one, desktop users that don't like the "heaviness" of YouTube seem to always resort to the "mobile" version of YouTube as their "solution". For two, I kind of have to "assume" that MOST of YouTube visitors aren't visiting via a desktop computer, but rather from their mobile phone. If you look closer, or unless I'm just missing something, it appears that the "heaviness" of YouTube is NOT solved by using the "mobile" version! The "mobile" version will drop the resolution of the video to a very low fast-for-downloading 360p at 30FPS - but it also sends the CPU-intensive AV1 codec. edit - make that three reasons, with the third reason being Chromium Flavor browsers receiving AV1 and Mozilla Flavor browsers receiving VP9. edit2 - brand new install of Firefox with fresh profile on Win10 also receives AV1.
    1 point
  36. ... Turns out that UXP-incompatible script (requiring customElements) is being served from this company: https://www.reevoo.com/ i.e. when invoked, the script displays (in a popup) "after-sale" opinions/evaluations/comments (by "verified" customers) about an item bought from MM ; I had to open 360EEv13 to actually discover the function of that script ...
    1 point
  37. True, it doesn't have that option, you get 60FPS if available. Yup, also would be interesting seeing someone duplicate YT's stats for nerds. I wonder about the percentage of YT users whose hardware actually runs AV1 at decent resolution well in the browser.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Are these files SSE2, 1, or none?
    1 point
  40. and for builds using NSS-Retrozilla are updated as well: http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/gecko17-vc6-new-nss.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/ns9-nss-update.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/CometBird-9.0.1-new-nss.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/CometBird_11.0-new-nss.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/Firefox8-new-nss.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/Firefox10-new-nss.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/phoenix-0.5-cl933-tls12.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/classilla-9.3.3-win32-tls12.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/rzbrowser-tls12-20221208.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/retrozilla-suite-tls12-20221208.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/K-Meleon1.5.4en-US.tls12.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/fx36vc71-20171108_newnss.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/KM74-g22-20221208.win2000.7z http://o.rthost.win/gpc/files1.rt/palemoon-26.5.0-20221208.win2000.7z
    1 point
  41. With all due respect, tt is interesting that you, a person that has zero use for this browser, would dare comment on some of the most helpful persons in this thread, presuming they do it to gain... what? I agree with a previous fellw here in that most of comments in the last three pages could go somewhere else, yours in particular.
    1 point
  42. I think @Dave-H should just cut the last 2-3 pages to a separate topic, if it isn't too much trouble for him.
    1 point
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