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Cocodile last won the day on November 3 2023

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About Cocodile

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    Vista Enterprise x64

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  1. For example, SHA-2 (KB4474419-v3) you're trying to install was superseded with this one from 2019. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/2019-sha-2-code-signing-support-requirement-for-windows-and-wsus-64d1c82d-31ee-c273-3930-69a4cde8e64f On Vista it is marked as v4, the same case would be with 7.
  2. Usually SSU are installed before SHA2, at least on Vista, could be the same case with 7. Also, we need to assume pre-2018 updates were all superseded and make no sense anymore.
  3. And please tell why the link I gave to the article in Financial Times has been removed. Is Financial Times forbidden on this website? Or you removed it by mistake? There was information about them to be the first who discovered the spying Yandex API
  4. Thanks. Now it's clear.
  5. There are lots of good 3rd party tools, sometimes much better than the default one, to safely remove your device.
  6. This report is about a specific tracker included with a specific API, it's not about all apps in general. Thanks for your individual opinion, but generalisation is not the answer I was looking for. Why did you change the title that was given by the author of the report, and NOT by me? With these changes this topic does not represent the technical matter I wanted to talk about.
  7. Then ignore the warning.
  8. It shows as image not found.
  9. It's most likely dead. It doesn't need any *special* driver, it uses the default Windows one. I had this exact issue in the past, I had to replace the enclosure board, the drive itself was alive.
  10. I, as the owner of an iPhone, am worried about this subject, I wonder what other iOS users on the forum think about it.
  11. https://forums.appleinsider.com/discussion/226842/russias-top-tech-giant-is-harvesting-data-from-millions-of-ios-users
  12. And I tend to think those thin fonts are Windows 10 issue, I don't see them "thin" with Vista.
  13. You can try different versions, they tend to differ in this regard. Higher chances the newer ones will be brighter.
  14. Don't you dare to behave like nothing happened! You seem to oftenly call us "family", so how come you didn't notice @Vistapocalypseinsulted @AstroSkipper's valuable work? https://msfn.org/board/topic/184271-us-blacklists-kaspersky-antivirus-as-an-unacceptable-risk-to-national-security/?do=findComment&comment=1254579Besides How come you didn't notice him calling other members paranoid? https://msfn.org/board/topic/184271-us-blacklists-kaspersky-antivirus-as-an-unacceptable-risk-to-national-security/?do=findComment&comment=1254874I I wonder for how long he will be allowed to do that?!
  15. I, as the creator of this topic, kindly ask the moderators to cleanse it from the pollution and insults done by @Vistapocalypse Many thanx.
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