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  1. 13.5.1030 should also pass if Disable site isolation in chrome://flags/ is set back to Default. Browser restart is needed for this to take effect. After restarting, double-check in chrome://flags/ that the change actually took - 360 occasionally doesn't save its state properly upon shutdown. If the setting is OK, https://mybrowseraddon.com/webrtc-control.html should work. Tested with a freshly unzipped 360ChromePortable_13.5.1030_rebuild_7_ungoogled profile, YMMV if other settings have been customized. The reason this works in 13.5.2022 is that the distribution doesn't include a pre-set \User Data\Local State the way 13.5.1030 does, so there are no customized preferences loaded from it.
    5 points
  2. Yeah, the point of it is to pick address on its own, calculating it from the DLL file name hash. Edit: actually, the starting address can be specified in the INI file, then the actual address will usually be somewhere above that address, depending on the name. I'm not sure, maybe with certain name it would end up at the same spot as starting address. Both LiBase and ReBase support rebasing multiple DLLs at once, so then multiple DLLs would end up somewhere above specified address - ReBase puts first DLL at the specified starting address and the rest of DLLs after the first DLL one after another, LiBase should guarantee they end up above that address and separated between each other at least as much specified in the INI, the default setting of 1 MB is definitely not guaranteeed to work correctly with larger DLLs ( > 1 MB). If you didn't get INI file in downloaded ZIP of LiBase, you can re-download, I've re-uploaded it sometime after initial upload. Though it's possible to figure out what options are read from the INI by reading the source code.
    3 points
  3. Absolutely ... I'm with you all the way and we can lean on each other during rough times and then, when you are energetic (not that your are not already) you can build up others and I will do the same. You WILL succeed I guarantee it and I feel so glad you are "getting good" and I like that choice of wording. And old dear DD friend used to always say, you'll do good and we'd laugh but that was so right. Do well, of course, you might be unaware of the old saying: Do what you do - do well. In other words.. Do (what you do) what you do (whatever that is to you) do (just do it) (and do it) Well. We've got this and don't get discouraged when you find yourself in a dark spot because that is all its is just a spot as with good and bright spots; you can't see the light unless you recognize the dark, find the balance and sail (Just like @UCyborg) we are in rough waters; always. Unsteady world so we keep afloat and go with the current but always keep the shore in sights. I know (without question) you will find this contentment, try to avoid seeking the happiness trap and look for contentment. You ARE a very good person and your purpose has not even be (fully) discovered yet, so stay tuned, and over the next few years after graduation you'll being to find your footing and your life will present itself and (if I can be so bold) your agoraphobia will also gradually start to turn away form fears and anxiety and into excitement. I'm excited for you, now I need to lift myself away from *known* triggers as I did today and I got off the couch and up in the shower and dressed with turned off the toxic news.
    3 points
  4. Completely agreed! I even have respect for lions too. haha, before all!..lol
    2 points
  5. Wait a minute, really? I only know that there are some people struggle to leave the house, but not the bed. Some people struggling to leave the bed seems a bit much.
    2 points
  6. Yeah, me too. Completely agreed! I even have respect for lions too.
    2 points
  7. I read that as 44,415,533 unwanted people spared from the burden of existence. Things are rough as they are and being a resented child is not good for either party. That said, I think it's better to prevent the situation that makes the abortion the only remaining option. Well, you think that unwanted people could be killed... dead... that's "an option". Hommes already kill unwanted people in the wars too... Not so good, what do you think...I't's NOT an option valable to kill the others, I think... But men are vicious, and have been killing others since Kain and Abel... I don't share the same opinion, that it is allowed to kill someone else for any reason. I have respect for life, the lives of people - and animals too. Wolves, lynxes, spiders, ants.... all have the right to life. Killing individuals of the same species is a total and unnatural perversion, only human ideologies and madness lead to this. See Nazism (national socialists), communism.... The Second World War was the deadliest military conflict in history. In total, more than 60 million people were killed, both civilians and soldiers, during six years. Here, we are talking about 44.42 million killed during only one year. The innocent, the defenseless. This is inhumane, cruel, deviant, unacceptable under any circumstances.
    2 points
  8. I trust you and only do what you enjoy and we're happy you share your project with all ove us.
    2 points
  9. I've been working on that as well in the previous several months. It's getting good to me so far, but still, wish me luck that I succeed going that way.
    2 points
  10. ... Have posted about this months ago... MV3 requires at least Chromium 88.0 APIs; 2023 will be the year when MV3 will become mandatory for ALL extensions on Chrome Web Store (CWS); to add insult to injury, ALL MV2-based extensions will be removed from CWS ; as I wrote then, MV3 constitutes a major catastrophe for Chromium<88.0-based forks and, by consequence, to users of legacy OSes such as XP/Vista (where Chromium >=88.0 forks haven't been made available ; Vista-x64's ExtKernel not taken into account here) ... Archive MV2-based extensions while you can (little time left ) ...
    2 points
  11. I've prepared a version which should fix M sized icons mix up https://startisback.com/StartAllBack_setup.exe
    2 points
  12. @djole123 Can't say anything specific as I haven't fiddled with OneCore API, but these browsers have their own integrity/signature check (not based on Authenticode). If you haven't modified the original files in any way, apparently OneCore API lacks (has stubbed?) something this integrity check needs to pass properly. Assuming the integrity check is the only problem and the browser is otherwise workable with OneCore (not guaranteed with such complex software), the check could probably be patched out like it has been with modded 360 v13 browsers. You could try asking (via Googletrans) here or here on a Russian-language forum also frequented by the people who did the patching, or at least those who know them and can ask them about it. Maybe they've already done it for v14 as well, I don't follow these topics very closely. (I could maybe do the patching myself once I've checked out how they did it, but I don't know when I'd get to it, and I'm not as familiar with x64 as I am with x86. In any case it's much easier/faster for those who've already gone through it.) Edit: I believe @grey_rat is also a member there, maybe he could ask about it for you. Then again, as a Serbian you may be able to do it pretty easily yourself (I didn't notice your country at first). Edit2: Oh, and welcome to the forum! Didn't notice this was your first post, either.
    2 points
  13. But...wasn't it you who taught us not to look back, to live for today??? Yes, it was you. So...
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Not to worry it still works fine and receives virus definitions etc.. If you want to get rid of that red x you can always do a clean install. Please go through this thread : https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=220639.285 On page one you can get 18.8 download also an off line installer is available. Do not forget to use avast clear for xp/vista from reply 295 AvastClear.exe file is 9.63 MB (10,105,016 bytes). https://install.avcdn.net/iavs9x-xp/avastclear.exe Cheers PS: I'll be doing this in about 9 days since I got 8 days left .
    2 points
  16. the way I learned to deal with bad memorys is to remember that there is still a chance to have good memorys and to always follow what makes me happy (for me it's computers) and like I said before to @UCyborg a few posts back there is always a chance to have a good day you just need to focus on what makes you happy and soon you will forget that anything bad every even happened when I was a younger member on here back in the (do you think I'm a 10 year old topic days) Lol😄 I always thought everyone was against me because of my weird spelling and always felt down about everything but then I realised that with a little bit of practice I could change that so I got to work practicing improving my spelling and soon I was back on here and i not being bothered by what other's said of my spelling the world may be kind of dark right now but there's also light out there you just need to focus on the bright side and really push towards it and I will always be here to to make you laugh if needed! (I hope this helps my dear friend) and I hope you get past this soon
    2 points
  17. In my installation of 360Chrome v13.5 build 1030 rebuild 7, the Cloudflare check of the website https://mybrowseraddon.com/webrtc-control.html is passing successfully although the check takes a bit longer than usual. Setting back the flag Disable site isolation to Default was the first action I did when I installed this new build. It works definitely better with this default setting. Additionally, I added 18 flags and two command line switches. And of course, extensions. In total 13 of them, but not all of them are enabled. I manage them with the extension Extension Manager.
    2 points
  18. Honestly, hate to say it, forum drama gets old tbh. Otherwise, I started out not taking it too well, but I decided to get outside and I feel better for having done so and steeping away from the PC. Glad you are doing well.
    2 points
  19. I made a video on how to compile KernelEx. Part1: Install and configure tools Part2: How to compile KernelEx And I will make a video soon on how to make an upgraded instalation.
    2 points
  20. There is no answer to that! Browser choice has always always ALWAYS been about "personal perference". What works for me, will not work for you. What works for you, will not work for me.
    2 points
  21. In this short article I quoted above, I recommended the AV program WiseVector StopX. As mentioned in a previous post, you should configure it very carefully though to avoid problems if using it. Some programs have to be excluded from monitoring, otherwise they won't work. WiseVector StopX seems to examine many executed programs much deeper than other AV programs. If you trust these executed programs which WiseVector StopX doesn't seem to like, you have to exclude them from monitoring in two different locations: in the main program window under Exclusions and additionally in the Settings under Advanced Protection Settings if necessary. After one week of using, exclusions in boths lists are definitely necessary for all editions of 360Chrome browsers, Serpent, and some others. For some programs, however, the entry of the program or program folder in the main exclusion list is sufficient. Cheers, AstroSkipper
    2 points
  22. 1 point
  23. I think this is a good idea! you don't even have to push it
    1 point
  24. Okay, I'm thinking it's time to invest in one of these hands-free smart strollers Cardinal Pritchard ··Jan 6, 2023 · NottheBee.com Okay, you guys can ridicule me all day over this one, I really don't care. But when my next child enters this wonderful world we inhabit, I'm going straight to the Target and picking up one of these bad boys. An amazing leap forward for man! I can't tell you how many times I've stopped the stroller, or made a solid attempt at controlling it with one hand, in an effort to accomplish this, that, or the other 298 things a parent might need to do while pushing the stroller. It's annoying. But with this smart stroller I'll never again struggle in this way. Call it what you want, but this is the future. Fight me! Here: https://notthebee.com/article/okay-im-thinking-its-time-to-invest-in-one-of-these-hands-free-smart-strollers
    1 point
  25. texas actually put in laws the past few years against this (and where apparently one of the first states in america to do so)
    1 point
  26. Pretty sure he didn't intend it that way. It's just how his writing style comes off (at least to us Americans). One gets used to it after a while. Yes, since I don't get on that often, I was reading the penultimate page of the thread and decided to reply. I posted my reply, and the board moved to my post on the final page; I then edited my reply to add more info, after which I finally scrolled up and saw that the conversation had continued for several more posts including yours. But, there's no "delete" option, and I didn't want to edit my post down to merely "Never mind...."
    1 point
  27. You can find some videos on YouTube on what to expect from Intel HD 4000.
    1 point
  28. what hurts the most (by rascal flatts) this is probably my most favorite song of all time
    1 point
  29. I'd have to jump through the hoops all over a second time, but I don't seem to recall LiBase even "working" on my system. I had to use ReBase and experiment with the actual start address. Whereas LiBase had no option for start address (that I recall).
    1 point
  30. You have more control with ReBase. Seems MinGW's linker uses hash of DLL name by default, similarly to LiBase, at least according to this, though I didn't bother to dig into the source code, which I'd have to find first. Was software as complex as modern web browser a thing in the old days?
    1 point
  31. Did you also try "ReBase.exe"? Or did you only try "libase.exe"?
    1 point
  32. No, I tried myself and the newer Intel HD 4000 versions worked partially for me. The driver has no problem in Device Manager. Only DirectX 9 API causes BEX64 crashes.
    1 point
  33. Very good you see this, its so important to *shift* the focus on what is troubling or causing the sadness even if by using distraction(s) because wallowing in the pits is very unhealthy. Good you now see this and you've really come a long way and I'm proud of you.
    1 point
  34. Not yet, but @WinFX got Office 2013 working (sort of) [see here]. and has a guide for it here.
    1 point
  35. From now on, users of avast! Free Antivirus 7 or older can use this universal key provided by avast! here: https://www.avast.com/registration-free-antivirus#pc On this website, you'll find additionally this information: Cheers, AstroSkipper
    1 point
  36. There is the open source-port Wolf4gw/Sod4gw. It seemed to support the unique resolution your video card is using (probably over S-Video). That I can share. 4gw.zip
    1 point
  37. @UCyborg just wanted to also in addition to the reaction like, Just thank you for being so open and we do care about you here.
    1 point
  38. Thank you guys, no worries and I'll gladly accept fatherly advice as my DD Father was so wise and even at time when he would be a bit harsh, he always had my best interest at heart - and I know you do as well @VistaLover Means a lot to know you care ... right back at ya
    1 point
  39. ... Sorry if you received my "advice" to you in that particular way ; being rude was the farthest thing from my intentions... Accept my advice, if you will, in the context of "paternal love"; like a father has to, sometimes, raise his voice slightly at his kid, to prevent it from causing harm to itself through its own (bad) actions... BTW, thanks for the undeserved praise ...
    1 point
  40. I'm doing fine. I hope you are doing well too.
    1 point
  41. Posted about that a few posts above yours ... Also posted about that a few posts above yours ... Many thanks for your layman's explanation of what "Forward Secrecy" (or lack of...) actually is! Correct ; more info available here ... Best greetings !
    1 point
  42. thanks for your input, added to FAQ in page 1.
    1 point
  43. Guide available to install Office 2013 on Vista!
    1 point
  44. - Moved all edited browsers to the Internet Archive (hope the platform exists forever). - Created simple lanchers for each browser (BATCH) (they have to be put in the same place the executable of the browser is to work). - Created a rebase BATCH script for each browser (only for the main DLLs of the browser like chrome.dll and/or chrome_child.dll). The "rebase" folder has to be on the same place the executable of the browser is and then you can execute the "rebase.bat" file inside that folder). All files can be seen easily here --> https://archive.org/download/360EE_Modified_Version Cheers.
    1 point
  45. This actually doesn't look like a JS thing but rather a cipher incompatibility, as at least some Mega download servers seem to be for some reason using TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 exclusively and Firefox only enabled it (and TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) with bug 1638369 in version 78. Seems trivial for @roytam1 to implement, so probably not a problem for long (if this is all there is to it).
    1 point
  46. I would really love to understand where do people base their claims that accepting http, visiting certificate issue-ridden websites for a little while, using older operating systems, automatically risk you to a huge financial loss-private life damage-data loss-ransomware or whatever because well, it is said so. It seems to me like one of many dogmas and ideological tendencies inside computer science which are questionable, unilaterally imposed by companies in their half-cartels, and mostly to deal with simpler users and people who do not have a technical support in their homes to manage their machines or networks, or as a masquerading reason for obscure intentions. I can cite the idea of google to kill cookies.
    1 point
  47. No actual problem happening, security issues are MASSIVELY overblown by the same people who think TPM can save you from kernel attacks stealing your data uncrypted and firewalled older Windows NT is unsafe compared to SELinux +/or a full sandboxed blink-centered operating system or real time protection exploit protection miraculous defenses in "windows" 10/11, so here we go for (my dream) + 10-15 years of nt 6.0 (in my desktop) and 6.1 (in my laptop) and let obtrusive faithful rejoice in their massively paranoid ideological-dogmatic preaching
    1 point
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