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Posted (edited)
On 8/27/2021 at 2:08 PM, j7n said:

I got the opposite experience with the most recent VLC. It crashed when loading regular local files without giving me a reason or a log.

VLC plays local files fine here on the XP VM (3.5GB RAM, 2 processors, video memory 128MB).

But you can always try ffplay (no GUI whatsoever) from:




To play YouTube video's through ffplay:

youtube-dl --ignore-config -o - 4aXi3lOmICI | ffplay -i -

Limited to 720p; I could only get 1080p working with the following command using the yt-dlp fork of youtube-dl (x86 version doesn't work on XP!):

yt-dlp --ignore-config -o - -f "bv*[height<=1080][ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]/b[ext=mp4]" --downloader ffmpeg --external-downloader-args "ffmpeg:-movflags dash" 4aXi3lOmICI | ffplay -i -

Note that ffmpeg must be compiled with:

--enable-demuxer=dash --enable-libxml2


Edited by nicolaasjan


If consider playing video in the browser, then the fastest way is with plugins. However, this method involves many settings.



New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210828-be0dbe88f-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210828-be0dbe88f-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win32-git-20210828-be0dbe88f-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.10.0.win64-git-20210828-be0dbe88f-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1185997 - Split referrer tests to avoid intermittent timeouts. r=RyanVM (976fb981a)
 - Bug 1175736 - Add iframe referrer attribute tests. r=ckerschb, r=baku (f22da1340)
 - Bug 1184781 - additional referrer tests - redirect. r=christophkerschbaumer (49f1aaea0)
 - Bug 1186544 - A better test suite for StructuredCloneAlgorithm, r=smaug (d94f76a45)
 - Bug 1167690 - Part 5: Add tests for plugin audio channel integration; r=baku (26931ea9d)
 - Bug 1144631 - Make FTP with auth prompts work in e10s. r=billm/dragana (e69f9f5e0)
 - Bug 1179255 - (fatal) Assertion failure: aRequest == mCancelable, at netwerk/protocol/websocket/WebSocketChannel.cpp:2766, r=mcmanus (e1e3d6799)
 - Bug 1024056 - Simple ASCII lexical analyzer. r=nfroyd (dc67ec784) (ac77268e0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1189369, part 1 - Remove trailing whitespace from some nsNavHistory* files. r=mak (317dd5937)
 - Bug 1074416 - Don't AddRef or Release nav history result observers during CC traversal. r=smaug (2ce1e8cc6)
 - Bug 1189369, part 2 - Don't implicitly convert nsMaybeWeakPtr to an nsCOMPtr. r=mak (c4c3261e5)
 - Bug 1189369, part 3 - Inline nsMaybeWeakPtr_base. r=mak (efdb4fd76)
 - Bug 1189369, part 4 - Get rid of some old style QIs from nsMaybeWeakPtrArray. r=mak (fa534f76c)
 - Bug 1189369, part 5 - Use the nice cycle collector macro template for nsNavHistoryResult. r=mak (f1fafbdc9)
 - Bug 1189369, part 6 - Inline AppendWeakElement and RemoveWeakElement. r=mak (514efe9f8)
 - Bug 1189369, part 7 - Use nicer nsTArray functions in nsMaybeWeakPtrArray. r=mak (38384b1a1)
 - Bug 1189369, part 8 - Clean up some minor style issues in nsMaybeWeakPtr.h. r=mak (3f37712f9)
 - Bug 1189369, part 9 - Use early return in nsMaybeWeakPtr<T>::GetValue(). r=mak (5606a69c5)
 - Bug 1180498 - Tolerate a different major libGL.so on NetBSD as well r=jgilbert (4f7c00f01)
 - pointer style (44d4789bd)
 - Bug 1182428 - Refactor bytecode compilation r=luke (790c13aa2)
 - Bug 1163851 - Pass the correct |InHandling| argument when parsing the initializer in a LexicalDeclaration in a for-in loop. r=efaust (e6b891d53)
 - reapply Bug 1163851 - Remove the remaining two tests of |pc->parsingForInit| (c59d57225)
 - Bug 1180498 - Tolerate a different major libGL.so on NetBSD as well r=jgilbert (9463d2aea)
 - Bug 1189282 - Refactor parser BindData class r=efaust (4dd897771)
 - Bug 1179063 - Hook up the static scope chain in the Parser and replace SharedContext walking with scope walking. (r=efaust) (70b8fdd1e) (5cdc3234f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1186724 - Make BytecodeEmitter::emit2 take a uint8_t instead of a jsbtyecode; r=arai (0520b800d)
 - Bug 1179063 - Simplify enclosingStaticScope and rename to innermostStaticScope in BCE. (r=efaust) (9b80db494)
 - Bug 1179063 - Cleanup: remove useless pn_index. (r=me) (8c0599c32)
 - Bug 1155618 - Fix some more places we don't report OOM properly r=jandem (4c45f314a)
 - Bug 1165486 - Debug function to dump static scope chain of scripts. (r=efaust) (3de10d2bf)
 - Bug 1191177 - Kill UpvarCookie. (r=efaust) (373fe90f3)
 - Bug 1191177 - Kill staticLevel. (r=efaust) (a8734595e) (be0dbe88f)


New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 520d6b706...be0dbe88f:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1185997 - Split referrer tests to avoid intermittent timeouts. r=RyanVM (976fb981a)
 - Bug 1175736 - Add iframe referrer attribute tests. r=ckerschb, r=baku (f22da1340)
 - Bug 1184781 - additional referrer tests - redirect. r=christophkerschbaumer (49f1aaea0)
 - Bug 1186544 - A better test suite for StructuredCloneAlgorithm, r=smaug (d94f76a45)
 - Bug 1167690 - Part 5: Add tests for plugin audio channel integration; r=baku (26931ea9d)
 - Bug 1144631 - Make FTP with auth prompts work in e10s. r=billm/dragana (e69f9f5e0)
 - Bug 1179255 - (fatal) Assertion failure: aRequest == mCancelable, at netwerk/protocol/websocket/WebSocketChannel.cpp:2766, r=mcmanus (e1e3d6799)
 - Bug 1024056 - Simple ASCII lexical analyzer. r=nfroyd (dc67ec784) (ac77268e0)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1189369, part 1 - Remove trailing whitespace from some nsNavHistory* files. r=mak (317dd5937)
 - Bug 1074416 - Don't AddRef or Release nav history result observers during CC traversal. r=smaug (2ce1e8cc6)
 - Bug 1189369, part 2 - Don't implicitly convert nsMaybeWeakPtr to an nsCOMPtr. r=mak (c4c3261e5)
 - Bug 1189369, part 3 - Inline nsMaybeWeakPtr_base. r=mak (efdb4fd76)
 - Bug 1189369, part 4 - Get rid of some old style QIs from nsMaybeWeakPtrArray. r=mak (fa534f76c)
 - Bug 1189369, part 5 - Use the nice cycle collector macro template for nsNavHistoryResult. r=mak (f1fafbdc9)
 - Bug 1189369, part 6 - Inline AppendWeakElement and RemoveWeakElement. r=mak (514efe9f8)
 - Bug 1189369, part 7 - Use nicer nsTArray functions in nsMaybeWeakPtrArray. r=mak (38384b1a1)
 - Bug 1189369, part 8 - Clean up some minor style issues in nsMaybeWeakPtr.h. r=mak (3f37712f9)
 - Bug 1189369, part 9 - Use early return in nsMaybeWeakPtr<T>::GetValue(). r=mak (5606a69c5)
 - Bug 1180498 - Tolerate a different major libGL.so on NetBSD as well r=jgilbert (4f7c00f01)
 - pointer style (44d4789bd)
 - Bug 1182428 - Refactor bytecode compilation r=luke (790c13aa2)
 - Bug 1163851 - Pass the correct |InHandling| argument when parsing the initializer in a LexicalDeclaration in a for-in loop. r=efaust (e6b891d53)
 - reapply Bug 1163851 - Remove the remaining two tests of |pc->parsingForInit| (c59d57225)
 - Bug 1180498 - Tolerate a different major libGL.so on NetBSD as well r=jgilbert (9463d2aea)
 - Bug 1189282 - Refactor parser BindData class r=efaust (4dd897771)
 - Bug 1179063 - Hook up the static scope chain in the Parser and replace SharedContext walking with scope walking. (r=efaust) (70b8fdd1e) (5cdc3234f)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1186724 - Make BytecodeEmitter::emit2 take a uint8_t instead of a jsbtyecode; r=arai (0520b800d)
 - Bug 1179063 - Simplify enclosingStaticScope and rename to innermostStaticScope in BCE. (r=efaust) (9b80db494)
 - Bug 1179063 - Cleanup: remove useless pn_index. (r=me) (8c0599c32)
 - Bug 1155618 - Fix some more places we don't report OOM properly r=jandem (4c45f314a)
 - Bug 1165486 - Debug function to dump static scope chain of scripts. (r=efaust) (3de10d2bf)
 - Bug 1191177 - Kill UpvarCookie. (r=efaust) (373fe90f3)
 - Bug 1191177 - Kill staticLevel. (r=efaust) (a8734595e) (be0dbe88f)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

16 hours ago, XP2003 said:

Thanks all for the great input - much appreciated!

I am having a good experience with VLC, very happy to find out they are still supporting XP as well!

After opening VLC, by clicking Media > Open Network Stream, it is possible to put in a Youtube link. Playback is very smooth

Edit: I am able to run 720p on the Celeron without any big frame drops, within a VM environment. Audio and video both work and jumping to different parts in the video goes quick as well :)

smooth 720.PNG

I'm glad VLC is working well for you! And yes, it is truly amazing that the VideoLAN team is still supporting it, through security updates if little else...the 3.0.x series is solid, especially if you're running a more modern machine that can take full advantage of its capabilities.

If you want to try either of them out, 2.2.8 or 1.1.11 (my favorite version) are also worth a look. 1.1.11 still does everything I need it to do, and runs VERY well on older machines...it also has experimental GPU acceleration (which really helps if your video card supports it). Both versions should offer improved performance in your VM, and run especially well in native XP...I recommend 1.1.11, but 2.2.8 is a bit more modern and has some more features.

@roytam1 - Thank you for sharing the new binaries! I'm sure PM27/KM76 fans will enjoy them very much.

On 8/26/2021 at 8:23 AM, XP2003 said:

I will be switching between the Humming Owl and ArcticFoxie releases, curious to see what the differences are!

Keep us posted.

Note that I have uploaded updated rebuilds in the pinned XP 360Chrome thread.

Posted (edited)

Cant post on youtube support forum, continue button broken. Tried safe mode and new profile.


Also the back button or pencil beside my user name doesnt work and gives this error:

Error: TypeError: window.sc_visitManagerProcessClick is not a function
Source File: https://support.google.com/youtube/thread/new?hl=en
Line: 2651






Edited by kartel
Posted (edited)

Have you guys been following the discussion (I use the term generously) regarding Tobin's demand that @feodor2 remove his contributions at @feodor2's repo? Sparks are definitely flying there (172 posts as of now), though unfortunately the situation as such is as far from a reasonable solution as ever. Among other things, as could be expected, MSFN members and XP fans in general are once again getting portrayed as incorrigible criminals, etc. etc. by you know who. :thumbdown Fortunately for me I'm not on Github, so it's easier to resist the urge to get into it with Tobin and Co., because I'm afraid I could seriously blow my fuse there... :realmad: Fortunately they have received some fierce opposition as well; I only recognized @dmiranda from here, but there's even a Christian pastor on their case. :worship: If you think your nerves can handle it, take a look if you haven't yet. In some sense, maybe I shouldn't urge others to participate there when I won't be doing it myself, but if you have any good ideas, @feodor2 could certainly use them and your support in general. I very much doubt anyone could convince Tobin to come to his senses, though... I sincerely hope @roytam1 remains careful enough not to give them an excuse to do a similar thing to him.


On 8/26/2021 at 6:45 AM, feodor2 said:

So who want to be the new owner?

Based on the license thread at the repo, I'm not sure if this is still relevant. If it is, I have to say that while I've been doing my private builds based on your Centaury and I'm very grateful for your work, regrettably this is not something I can take on right now...

Oh, and welcome @cmccaff1, and thanks for your insights before!

Edited by mixit
32 minutes ago, mixit said:

Have you guys been following the discussion (I use the term generously) regarding Tobin's demand that @feodor2 remove his contributions at @feodor2's repo? Sparks are definitely flying there (172 posts as of now), though unfortunately the situation as such is as far from a reasonable solution as ever. Among other things, as could be expected, MSFN members and XP fans in general are once again getting portrayed as incorrigible criminals, etc. etc. by you know who. :thumbdown Fortunately for me I'm not on Github, so it's easier to resist the urge to get into it with Tobin and Co., because I'm afraid I could seriously blow my fuse there... :realmad: Fortunately they have received some fierce opposition as well; I only recognized @dmiranda from here, but there's even a Christian pastor on their case. :worship: If you think your nerves can handle it, take a look if you haven't yet. In some sense, maybe I shouldn't urge others to participate there when I won't be doing it myself, but if you have any good ideas, @feodor2 could certainly use them and your support in general. I very much doubt anyone could convince Tobin to come to his senses, though... I sincerely hope @roytam1 remains careful enough not to give them an excuse to do a similar thing to him.


Based on the license thread at the repo, I'm not sure if this is still relevant. If it is, I have to say that while I've been doing my private builds based on your Centaury and I'm very grateful for your work, regrettably this is not something I can take on right now...

Oh, and welcome @cmccaff1, and thanks for your insights before!

Have you seen this as well? 


@mixit - Thank you for the warmth of your welcome!
I'm not much of a coding expert, so it is very difficult for me to help on the programming front.
If I had to propose something (and this is assuming all else fails), I actually thought someone in the Github discussion had a decent idea with forking from 52ESR and then pulling applicable patches from Waterfox.
There should be plenty of applicable patches, not only from Waterfox but other Mozilla/Gecko-compatible projects, that could be used to enhance and extend 52ESR (such as the recent
cubeb_winmm.c overflow fix [THANK YOU, SIR!!!] that fixed the infamous '23:18' bug with audio/video playback).
If I'm not mistaken (and anyone who has more knowledge, please correct me if I'm wrong), 55.0a1 is the last Gecko codebase with a possibility of being forked for XP, as it came very shortly before the Rust requirement was introduced.
So 52ESR and 55.0a1 might both be good starting points...it's all a matter of whether we want the older, longer-supported 52ESR which has more security patches and a variety of other updates, or 55.0a1 which should be a little bit more compatible with the modern web.
Just something to consider...I hope this helps, and again this is assuming the worst case scenario happens (but it ain't over 'til it's over!)

4 hours ago, kwisomialbert said:

Hi Roytam

waiting for win 32 version of Arcticfox 27.12.0


as I stated before, I don't compile point-releases. dev branch are compiled but (mostly) not uploaded since there is still some bugs that preventing for daily use. and I compile it as verification to see if those changes are working on windows.

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