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  1. How do we install AeroGlass for Windows 10 (the experimental build of aero glass)
  2. Look out, if You use Windows 7, 8.0 and 8.1 - update prepare Your Windows to be upgraded to Windows 10 without telling You !!!!! Windows 10 is still months away, but that isn’t stopping Microsoft from deploying some tools that will remind users to update to the newest operating system once it becomes available. A recent “recommended” patch showed up in Windows Update, linked to KB3035583, which seemingly prepares machines for the new OS. The knowledge base article describes the patch as enabling additional capabilities for Windows Update notifications in Windows 8.0, 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1. But looking at the files the patch installs in System 32, we can see that at least one of the executables mentions downloading Windows 10. Not only that, but the patch itself seems to pave the way for Microsoft to display ads and notifications to users, letting them know when the new OS becomes available.
  3. LISTEN UP INSIDERS ! According to Andre Da Costa must insiders that don't like what Windows 10 has become stop use Microsoft's products. He recommends us to start use Linux or Mac instead. As a businessowner i already have decided to boycott Microsoft as long as they continue to force their ModernUI, Store, Apps, Skype, Onedrive, the dysfunctional startmenu, p2p updates and a non-controllable Windows Update...and the list goes on and on...down Our throats ! I won't support that Windows will be some sort of a toy or mobile OS for high end desktops. Therefore i have sold off all my Microsoft stocks. Read 5th comment from above here and see for Yourself that we, the disappointed insiders, aren't welcome here [Note: on Win 10 TP Forum] any more: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_install/awesome-and-impressive-is-microsoft-being/87a41a75-c35d-4dc4-a6b0-2b26fa59abf8?page=5 StefansART The original link on Windows 10 TP forum: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/insider/forum/insider_wintp-insider_perf/listen-up-insiders/9ed4e85c-987b-44f4-a51f-93f26d13c976?tm=1427030717153
  4. Hi there, i am new here and i am looking forward to meet other people with my interests. I have been in many IT-related educations, here in my country, Sweden. It's a long list so i won't make You sleepy with them.... Since the end of the 1980's i have been in to music productions. Between 2008 and 2012 i was ranked as the 70th best music producer in the world. I do also create digital art and like to discuss politics. I hope i get some friends here. My name is Stefan. You find my music here: https://soundcloud.com/therealdjtightlips
  5. I'm sure this has been reported, and there is probably a fix. I tried Googling it and searching for it here to no avail. I probably just wasn't wording my search correctly. My problem: the Internet icon in the start menu will not change to the default browser or to the one specified as it is supposed to do. My default browser is set to Mozilla Firefox (for obvious reasons) and even set in the start menu settings, but it doesn't reflect on the Internet icon. Microsoft update didn't work either, but I saw the thread here about it and downgraded the muweb.dll to x.256 or whatever it was. I do have the POS update registry edit if that makes any difference. This copy of Windows XP was installed yesterday. It has updates from onepiece slipstreamed (by nLite).
  6. Anybody know how to change the appearance of the menus in Windows? I'm looking to change this: To this:
  7. The ability to lock the taskbar was introduced in Windows XP. I would like to be able to do that in Windows 2000. Is it as easy as changing or adding some registry value? I really have no idea how it works. I'm guessing that there are resources that need to be added to system files and everything. Maybe someone with more technical knowledge can shed some light on the situation. All I know is that I'm forever accidentally modifying parts of the taskbar: Accidentally make it double-height, accidentally changing the order of the quick launch icons and even somehow grabbing the quick launch bar and putting it on the other side of the taskbar, by the clock.
  8. If you want to use Wi-Fi on Windows 2000, you have to use the configurator that comes bundled with your driver, like Intel PRO/Set for example. Trouble is, these configurators aren't always great, and seem to overcomplicate simple things, like having the system connected to its appropriate network by the time it reaches the logon screen at startup. I would like to be able to use the Wireless Zero configurator from Windows XP on Windows 2000. I'm not really sure where to start, but I think at least two services (Wireless Zero Configuration and NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol) need to be installed on Windows 2000 and probably some system files too. Has anyone else tried this before? A Google search didn't return anything related.
  9. why windows and other operating systems(linux,ubuntu,FreeBsd...) stopped at 64 bits.If they continued their innovative journey,are we going to see 128 bits windows,linux.and moving further,are we gonna see 256,512 bits windows etc.i think if they r there,then they would be faster.
  10. So I'm having this issue with the UniFi controller software, I'd like to be able to login and see the status of my access point and upgrade it too, but I can never do that because each time I restart my computer, the software gets removed for some reason. I don't know what is going on. All settings are still on my computer and the AP continues to work just fine, I just can't manage it. There is a folder in the application menu, but all what is there is "Uninstall UniFi"..there was several items there before I restarted Windows and now its just that. Someone told me that it has something to do with Java and 64 Bit..but not sure what has to do with it. Running Windows 7 64 Bit. Hopefully I can get this problem fixed.
  11. hello guys i have aero everything works fine just 1 problem it does not autostart on reboot why.. the Status stays at Queued how come in Task Scheduler any fix for this cause i have to go to task scheduler to run the aero everytime..
  12. Hi ! I need your help ! I wanted to have aero efects on win8.1 but when I installed aeroglass I got This . Please someone tell me how to get back square corners. Please <3
  13. Back in 2010 I wanted to do this. I searched high and low on the interweb, trying to find someone else that had done it before. Unfortunately it seemed to be one of those things that confused a lot of people. People on forums and what not seemingly didn't realise that there was a difference between the Classic Theme, and the Luna theme without the actual visual style applied (what you get when you disable the Themes service). Well, there is. What I'm about to cover is the method that I've discovered of changing the theme on the Windows XP classic style logon screen to use the Windows 2000 style Windows Classic Theme. Why on earth would you want to do such a thing? If you prefer to use the Windows 2000 style Windows Classic Theme and the Windows 2000 style classic logon screen on Windows XP, you'll notice that there is a change in appearance between reaching the logon screen, and then reaching the desktop after logging in. There is really only one reason to change the theme on the logon screen in my case: because I want everything to match. There ya go. I'm really not sure if it would make anything faster. Though it certainly does look nicer over a remote connection, such as RDP. I have discovered two different ways of doing this. Both require accessing the SYSTEM account in different ways. There really is no way around it. If it can be done in the registry, I don't know where to look. One of the methods requires messing with sethc.exe in the System32 folder (the sticky keys executable), and the other involves pulling a trick with Command Prompt. I'll be showing the latter. _________________________ The first thing you want to do is, log on to an administrator account. If a domain administrator account is what you have, that should work just the same. Then open Command Prompt and enter: at 10:41 /interactive “cmd.exe” Where "10:41" is a time just after the current time. If it's 19:17 (7:17PM), enter 19:18 or 19:19 for example. I think the time does need to be entered in the 24-hour format, though I'm not sure. That command will schedule a new task, for Command Prompt to open. And because the system is taking care of that task, Command Prompt will open under the SYSTEM account. Once the system opens Command Prompt for you, you'll need to open the Task Manager and "kill" explorer.exe. The taskbar and desktop icons should disappear. Warning: Do not confuse the two open Command Prompt windows. Make sure to close the one used to schedule the task, and you should be left with the one opened by the system. Then you go to your system Command Prompt window and enter: explorer.exe You should see some activity. Running explorer.exe should log on to the SYSTEM account. Once it does, you can check the start menu and you should see the SYSTEM username. Now it's just a simple matter of changing the theme. It should be the default Luna blue with the bliss background (even though the background is not present on the logon screen, I think if you change it, it will be set there). You don't have to change it to the Classic Theme. Literally what ever style you want should work. This method may even work on Windows 2000 to change its logon screen theme appearance. Warning #2: Remember, this is the SYSTEM account. It's the most powerful account in any Windows NT install. It has control over everything. I would advise just to set the theme the way you want and leave. Changing the start menu style and things like that don't make any difference to the way the logon screen will look anyway. And I would advise against running any software or accessing any network resources. So once you've got the SYSTEM account looking the way you want, simply open the start menu and click "Log off". Once you do, it should log off of the SYSTEM account and go back to the logon screen. Sort of "logonception". And once you get to the logon screen, you should be greated with your custom theme style! Oh, happy days. "And that's that."
  14. I want to make my programs compatible with all versions of Windows from Windows 95 to Windows 8. I'm currently working on a small word processor and I need to have working open and save file requesters. However, I can't seem to get the GetOpenFileName function to work properly. This is the code for a simple bitmap viewer program I made. It runs fine on Windows 98, XP, Vista, and 7, but on Windows 95, GetOpenFileName fails, and CommDlgExtendedError() returns error code 1 (CDERR_STRUCTSIZE). Now, I specified sizeof(ofn) for ofn.lStructSize, which should be valid, and it is on other Windows versions. Any ideas why this happens? #include <windows.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <commctrl.h>#define MSGBOX_ERROR(MESSAGE) MessageBox(NULL, MESSAGE, NULL, MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR)#define COMMAND_EXIT 9000#define COMMAND_OPEN 9001#define COMMAND_STRETCH 9002LRESULT CALLBACK MainWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){ static BOOL IsStretched; static HBITMAP hBmp; switch(msg) { case WM_PAINT: { if(hBmp==NULL) //Leave WM_PAINT to DefWindowProc if no bitmap is loaded. goto defwndproc; RECT client_rect; GetClientRect(hwnd,&client_rect); BITMAP bmp; PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps); HDC hdcmem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); HBITMAP hbmOld = SelectObject(hdcmem, hBmp); GetObject(hBmp,sizeof(bmp),&bmp); if(IsStretched) StretchBlt(hdc,0,0,client_rect.right-client_rect.left,client_rect.bottom-client_rect.top,hdcmem,0,0,bmp.bmWidth,bmp.bmHeight,SRCCOPY); else BitBlt(hdc,0,0,bmp.bmWidth,bmp.bmHeight,hdcmem,0,0,SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hdcmem, hbmOld); DeleteDC(hdcmem); EndPaint(hwnd, &ps); break; } case WM_CREATE: { HMENU hMenuBar = CreateMenu(); HMENU hFileMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); HMENU hViewMenu = CreatePopupMenu(); AppendMenu(hFileMenu,MF_STRING,COMMAND_OPEN,"&Open"); AppendMenu(hFileMenu,MF_SEPARATOR,0,NULL); AppendMenu(hFileMenu,MF_STRING,COMMAND_EXIT,"&Exit"); AppendMenu(hViewMenu,MF_STRING|MF_UNCHECKED,COMMAND_STRETCH,"&Stretch to fit window"); AppendMenu(hMenuBar,MF_STRING|MF_POPUP,(UINT)hFileMenu,"&File"); AppendMenu(hMenuBar,MF_STRING|MF_POPUP,(UINT)hViewMenu,"&View"); SetMenu(hwnd,hMenuBar); IsStretched = FALSE; break; } case WM_SIZE: if(IsStretched) InvalidateRect(hwnd,NULL,FALSE); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case COMMAND_OPEN: { OPENFILENAME ofn; char szFile[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory(&ofn,sizeof(ofn)); ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(ofn); ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd; ofn.lpstrFile = szFile; ofn.lpstrFile[0] = '\0'; ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(szFile); ofn.lpstrFilter = "Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)\0*.bmp\0All Files\0*.*\0"; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.Flags = OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST|OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; GetOpenFileName(&ofn); //Testing to see if GetOpenFileName worked if(fopen(ofn.lpstrFile,"r")==NULL) { char errorbuf[20]; sprintf(errorbuf,"Failed to open a file. Error code: %hu",(unsigned short)CommDlgExtendedError()); MSGBOX_ERROR(errorbuf); return 0; } hBmp = LoadImage(NULL,szFile,IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0,LR_LOADFROMFILE); if(!hBmp) MSGBOX_ERROR("Failed to load bitmap."); InvalidateRect(hwnd,NULL,FALSE); UpdateWindow(hwnd); break; } case COMMAND_EXIT: goto close; case COMMAND_STRETCH: IsStretched = !IsStretched; InvalidateRect(hwnd,NULL,TRUE); break; } break; case WM_CLOSE: close: ExitProcess(0); default: defwndproc: return DefWindowProc(hwnd,msg,wParam,lParam); } return 0;}int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInst, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow){ InitCommonControls(); WNDCLASS rwc; rwc.style = 0; rwc.lpfnWndProc = MainWndProc; rwc.cbClsExtra = 0; rwc.cbWndExtra = 0; rwc.hInstance = hInst; rwc.hIcon = NULL; rwc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); rwc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_APPWORKSPACE+1); rwc.lpszMenuName = NULL; rwc.lpszClassName = "yo mama"; RegisterClass(&rwc); HWND hMainWnd = CreateWindow("yo mama", "Bitmap Viewer", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 450, 450, 0, 0, hInst, 0); ShowWindow(hMainWnd,nCmdShow); UpdateWindow(hMainWnd); MSG msg; msgloop: GetMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0); TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); goto msgloop;}
  15. Yesterday, midway through a skype call, skype suddenly stopped working, so I tried to reopen it. My computer screen then went black to be followed by a blue screen with SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION at the top. I have read numerous posts about this with no set solution, so here is a link to the dump file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8IfJMTnm6ShcmtjUGJ5SDJIbDQ/edit?usp=sharing I uninstalled Skype, and I tried to reinstall it. The blue screen came up mid-way the install. This happens every time I try to install it. If anyone has a solution, it would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Hello, Can I use Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 as my everyday OS. For internet, games and listening to music? Or can I only use Windows XP Home Edition/Professional for that?
  17. Hi there, I have trouble with windows' builtin file-protection. When activated, it keeps asking for the original XP-CD and won't accept my modified nlite-disk. During unattended installation WFP is turned off to speed-up the process. With a reg-file I re-enabled WFP and got described problem. For deactivation I used the option in nlite before compiling the disk. I already found out on microsoft's homepage that the two files IMS.inf and fp40ext.inf are responsible for that behavior. Does anybody know how to change them so WFP will work as usual with a nlite-cd? Forum-search didn't give me any results. Edit: The reg-file used to re-enable WFP: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]"SfcQuota"=dword:ffffffff"SFCDisable"=dword:00000000It needs a reboot to work.
  18. Hey guys, I'm new here & this is my first post. I really hope this hasn't been brought up before because I already searched the forum & found nothing useful... Prologue: I'm trying to build a very small & basic installation of Windows 2000 that doesn't even have network support, it will be used primarily for games & some other programs. I will put it in a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) file then copy that file to a USB Stick, that file will then be loaded into RAM (yep, the whole VHD file) & Windows will be started & used directly from there. I'm following THIS guide if anyone wants to know. SO, I've already used nLite to make several "lite" builds of 2000 before but this time it looks like I stripped the install folder too much to cause some problems. Note that that these problems that I'm about to mention never happened before & only happened with my latest, super stripped build so it's certainly something that I REMOVED that caused them... Here we go: 1. Setup can't find drivers for things like Battery, Volume (NOT audio) & something called "hdc" besides some other things, I'm pretty sure I didn't remove any drivers related to those, especially Battery, you can check my .INI file at the bottom. 2. Serial Key no longer works; I tried my personal one many times & even tried different ones from the Internet, no luck. So that's about it for now, the Serial Key prompt is the farest I've went into setup anyway, any help is appreciated... BTW I'm using a Windows 2000 SP4 CD as my base, you can view & download my settings file HERE (Also attatched in this document). Cheers! Stripp3d.ini
  19. I remember that, back in 2006, when Microsoft discontinued support for Windows 98SE, there was an Autopatcher program created to deal with problems in Windows 98SE. It was a really elegant program that even created extra features for the OS never dreamed of by Microsoft. I was wondering if anyone was planning to do the same thing for XP?
  20. Official website: http://www.reactos.org/ Download: http://www.reactos.org/download-reactos Changelog: http://www.reactos.org/wiki/ChangeLog-0.3.16 Enjoy !
  21. Hi everyone, I'm new on this forum . I've got an untouched ISO of Windows XP SP0, the RTM version, build 2600, without any service packs. I would like to install it on my PC, but because I've got SATA hard disk, and IDE mode can't be enabled from BIOS (there isn't such option) I must slipstream drivers with nLite. I slipstreamed my SATA drivers "ICH9M-E/M SATA AHCI Controller", and the process was succesfully. Then I made an ISO file and burned it with nLite. When I boot from cd, you know there's the first "MS-DOS like" setup part, and in the lower bar it shows the components loaded, like "Loading <Kernel Debugger DLL> and other things... well... it doesn't load iaStor.sys! And I get then a 0x0000007B bsod. Any helps? Thanks in advance!
  22. Hello! There are many similar topics regarding Windows 8 deployment... I tried to google and check out as many as I could. Wasn able to solve my issue though. I'm writing here, hoping that someone might be able to help me out. I am trying to deploy Windows 8 put problems with starting it. I have new Samsung laptop, where I have installed Windows 8 Pro. Iinstalled programs, created user-accounts etc.Then I bootel laptop from USB WinPE media and captured C:\ drive as a *.WIM file. So far everyting OK. I got second laptop (same model). Booted it also from Winpe USB media and used Diskpart to clean-create partition and format it as NTFS. I created just this one partition. On that partition I applyed the wery-same image that I previously created. Image was applyed and then started problems. --> bcdboot c:\windows is not working. --> Failure when attemting to copy boot files. --> I also tried bcdboot c:\windows /s c: --> Boot files successfully created. But after this OS isnt booting, still. Anyway, this is where I got stuck. Please help me out.
  23. I have windows 7 ultimate that i bought last year, and now i want to format my computer but i want to make an unattended version for my one and to include the security updates on that version. Is there a place that i can find and download easly windows 7 updates? I search on microsoft windows 7 update and find this: http://search.microsoft.com/en-us/DownloadResults.aspx?q=Security%20Update%20for%20Windows%207&ftapplicableproducts=%5eWindows&first=241&FORM=PEME8 I search for updates that start from 1.5.2012 until today. How and where can i easly find and download them? Where can i find them?
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