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Found 10 results

  1. Ive had enough of the money-grabbing microsoft has gotten themselves into the past 8 years as nothing has changed windows 8/8.1 is still a disaster windows 7 has a huge amd driver block so i cant use my new gpu on it and windows 10 goes out of support in 1 year from now im just sick of windows in general and will be permanently switching to linux for the foreseeable future i will not be giving microsoft another cent of my money towards there "telemetry infested" OS any longer! we need to stand up to are freedoms not just act like they can be temporarily erased
  2. Pick an OS and pick a reason why you think the OS is the best
  3. Meanwhile in the world of open source... https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/22/apt_gains_keepassxc_loses/ TL;DR the controversial part, a software package under the name of keepassxc, providing binary distribution of well known password manager KeePassXC, was suddenly turned into a stripped down version by its maintainer and full version that everyone expected and uses was moved into a separate package. A whole set of features can be disabled using special compile-time flags. The package maintainer was rather undiplomatic about it, calling the full version crappy and development of included extra features misguided, citing security concerns while failing to provide evidence of any possible real-life security incidents. Some people got locked out of their password databases, others were surprised by suddenly ending up without the web browser integration etc. "Just read the NEWS, bruh."
  4. About: Application created for install Windows (XP, 7, 8, 10) form Windows and Linux (Debian), for installation it is better to use a mini bootable kernel (WinPE, slax linux, etc.) The program has its own disk editor, file manager, it contains the ImDisk for working with ISO, Wimlib for unpacking .Wim, .Esd images, and the patched libntfs-3g library for installation from Debian based OS. Disk Editor Mode: In this mode you need to run the program with the command / dskdt, you can also specify the program language with the command /ru or /en, also specify the partition table manually /mbr or /gpt (the program automatically determines the launch mode OS, and accordingly creates a partition table) After selecting partition clicking next, the program will create the necessary sections and then create the output.bat (or .sh) file, with the paths, for example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @echo off set wndr= E:\ set rcvr= D:\ set rsrv= C:\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Commands: winstallinux D:\Images\Windows10.iso or winstallinux /media/windows10/sources/install.esd Download: Winstallinux
  5. Guest

    Always something...

    Hi. I'm usually a graphic designer, but I love to play with tech. Lately, I've been concentrating on phones too much. My old PCs were just always working, like troopers, until the past year and a half or so, and then its been one thing after another. I have 4 laptop issues... A Sony Vaio has a lid that won't open much (broken hinges, apparently) that I was using with an external monitor, but recently lost the USB functionality. It is a shame, this one was my favorite. A Toshiba Satellite with 6 USB 2.0 ports has been a champ, but gets way too noisy and I can't use it at night or I would wake the house. The grinding of the fan creates headaches and distracts me from my work. I take way too many breaks trying to deal with it and don't get enough done. Still awaiting the new fan to show up from Amazon. The Gateway I bought never did work right. It has an i5 processor and picked it up used, but it just crashes without warning intermittently. It just dies. I hear a -tick- when I think the SSD shuts down (at the same time that), the screen goes black and I realize the power is off (and my heart sinks). I've scanned memory, it doesn't appear to be the issue. There is also a tiny netbook I dropped and cracked the screen up, now I have to use the spare HDTV as a monitor, but it is too slow with only a 1 GHz Atom processor. It just isn't capable of the graphics I need to do. I have 4 old Desktops, but I cannot get any of these to update to Windows 10 like I had gotten all of the laptops to update to 10. My son's tower runs Windows 7, but it can't make it to 10 (it doesn't support LAHF/SAHF or PrefetchW). My old dual core tower is a bit older than his, so it's bound to not make it, either. It's still running XP, so I don't take it online. I have just dug my mother's Compaq Presario out of her desk. I was extremely surprised to see how it supported firewire and had enough USB ports to actually use it for stuff, including charging cellphones. The drawbacks are that it was running a bone stock version of Windows XP, has some sort of proprietary HDD mounting system (Do Compaqs use HDD rails for mounting drives?), and now I find out that the AMD Sempron processor won't run many web browsers (they require the SSE2 instruction set). Plus, I want to run an anti-virus solution, but I am picky (avoiding Russian and Ukranian solutions, so no Kaspernitsky or AVG, and of course it needs to run on XP). It has 1.25 GB (minus shared video memory), and I plan on maxing it out to 2 GB by ordering a 1 GB stick of PC2700 and eventually adding a small dedicated video card. I did get it to upgrade to Windows 7 on an extra hard drive, but it doesn't have enough RAM once its maxed-out for graphics, so this is just a PC to use to stay online for email/web when I need a backup. I just started cannibalizing the small eMachines tower I have, it is really old, crashes intermittently to a blue screen, so maybe I shouldn't've even included it here as soon it won't have enough parts to be considered a PC anymore. I have been playing IT guy for my self employment for so long now that I haven't gotten much else done. I plan on installing Linux on anything that can't support Windows 10, and still have to fix these new issues with the laptops (awaiting parts or parts money for each project, now). Still struggling, always something. I would love to get back to my graphic design, logos and finish creating my websites, but instead I have to struggle just to get PCs working again, constantly. I suppose that will never end, though. Somehow I have to get enough money together to buy a new, really good laptop (or build another tower with new components on the cheap). I can use some of these machines with Linux, and it looks like I will have to because of security concerns, but since I need Photoshop, Premier, Illustrator, and other hefty Windows/Macintosh only creativity applications, that's really not a great alternative for me. The Linux machines will actually wind-up as email/web and gaming machines when they have to run Linux.
  6. What is your favourite Linux DE? Mine has to be Budgie. It's elegant and looks amazing, and functions well on my low end hardware with an Intel HD Graphics 6000 board. Solus is one good Linux distro tbh.
  7. Maybe: http://www.zdnet.com/article/microsoft-and-canonical-partner-to-bring-ubuntu-to-windows-10/ Deja-vu: http://www.colinux.org/ jaclaz
  8. Having Linux access Windows 98 (for me) was a no brainer, but having WIndows 98 access linux is proving ot be a challenge. Can someone please assist me in this?
  9. Vintage Application Repository What is this? The VAR tool helps Windows 9x and Windows 2000 computers to get software easier. When the client has been installed, installation of another software is as easy as navigating to the executable, executing the following in a DOS prompt, and dealing with the installer published by the software vendor. varm install Firefox Just like apt-get. I have just recently started the development of this tool, therefore bugs are everywhere. The code is hosted at GitHub: Repository of the repository For slightly more information, please visit the GitHub repository. It contains a README.md file. Please submit an Issue on the GitHub repository if you encounter any bugs or wish to suggest future features to VAR.
  10. why windows and other operating systems(linux,ubuntu,FreeBsd...) stopped at 64 bits.If they continued their innovative journey,are we going to see 128 bits windows,linux.and moving further,are we gonna see 256,512 bits windows etc.i think if they r there,then they would be faster.
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