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  1. I need some assistance and I hope somebody can assist me. I cloned two hard drives via clonezilla because one of those hard drives has bad sectors. I have Windows 7 64 bit. The original hard drives still work even though one of them has the bad sectors. The cloned hard drives will not boot. I get the message error File: \Boot\BCD Status: 0xc000000f Info: An error occurred while trying to read the boot configuration data. I attempted some solutions that I saw on a few other threads; but, I have had no success. The system recovery options shows. Operating System: Windows7 Partition size: 0 Location: (D:) Local Disk The recovery disc did not resolve the boot error. I have checked the bios for boot start up and it's correct. I followed instructions via another website and noticed a partition is listed a Raw. I tried to convert the Raw partition to NTFS. I followed instructions which were via command prompt - Diskpart that showed D as a raw file. I attempted Chkdsk /r /f d: But I got the message ... the type of file NTFS. Unable to determine volume version and state. Chkdsk aborted. Failed to transfer logged messages to the event log with status 50. Having read many threads it seems that I need to convert the Raw partition to NTFS. The old drives are a WD 1 TB and a 500G Samsung Sata II The two new drives are WD HDD 1 TB WD Black 7200RPM contain the following: A terabyte drive partioned :C drive and :E drive and a 450MB recovery partition The second terabyte drive has the D drive Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for post being so long. I was trying to be as detailed as possible. Thanks in advance.
  2. Today, in my Optiplex 780 Desktop with Win 7 Pro 64-bit and 8GB RAM, I cloned my hard drive from old drive to new drive. To do that, I went into BIOS (which is the A14 version), went to Drives, enabled SATA2, and plugged the new empty hard drive into the SATA2 socket on the motherboard. The original drive has always been in the SATA0 socket, and the CD-DVD has always been in the SATA1 socket. The clone went well (using Macrium Reflect Free in a USB stick). When I took out the old drive and connected the new cloned drive to the original SATA0 socket, the Optiplex gave me errors on the reboot. It said it was missing a drive in SATA2 and did i want to Continue, go into System or run Diagnostics. After a few reboots with that error, I went back into BIOS - Drives and disabled SATA2. Then reboot went very well without errors, a few times. All good. However, those errors aren't right. I should be able to enable SATA2 in BIOS and not get errors just because no actual drive is plugged into the SATA2 socket on the motherboard. (That's how it works in a different Dell Optiplex 3010 I have). So what's going on? Why am I getting this error? (By the way, the old drive was a 10-year old Maxtor 500GB, and the new drive is a Seagate Firecuda ST1000DX002. Do you think the SATA2 socket fell so in love with the Firecuda that it just can't let go?) Thanks. \ /
  3. Official website: http://www.reactos.org/
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