Hi there, I have trouble with windows' builtin file-protection. When activated, it keeps asking for the original XP-CD and won't accept my modified nlite-disk. During unattended installation WFP is turned off to speed-up the process. With a reg-file I re-enabled WFP and got described problem. For deactivation I used the option in nlite before compiling the disk. I already found out on microsoft's homepage that the two files IMS.inf and fp40ext.inf are responsible for that behavior. Does anybody know how to change them so WFP will work as usual with a nlite-cd? Forum-search didn't give me any results. Edit: The reg-file used to re-enable WFP: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]"SfcQuota"=dword:ffffffff"SFCDisable"=dword:00000000It needs a reboot to work.