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Everything posted by Scubar

  1. hi i seem to be having some trouble, im still fairly new to photoshop and havent quite got the hang of it yet.i followed a guide to make a button but i seem to be stuck and now i cant make the background transparent even though its showing transparent in PS. ive saved both the psd and the png that it comes out as. im hoping someone could tell me howi could fix this so i can do it in the future Download Here Many thanks
  2. Music player - Quintessential player Bittorent - µTorrent PDF - Foxit PDF Reader Http File Server - Hfs Ftp - FileZilla Browser - Opera Instant Messenger - Messenger2 or Trillian Image Editing - XnView, Paint.Net Image Mounting - Daemon Tools CD Burning - CDBurnerXP Pro cant think of anymore good ones right now
  3. hi i decied i would post this over here aswell as the funpic mods seem to be pretty **** useless apart from being rude to ppl. i have invision power board on my funpic account, but whenever anyone trys to click lofi mode it spits out these error msgs, SecureSSI: Das Script (/usr/export/www/hosting/computerhelp/forum/lofiversion/index.php) hat versucht ausserhalb von ihrem Userverzeichniss auf die Datei /usr/export/www/hosting/computerhelp/forum/lofiversion/index.php zuzugreifen. Dies ist nicht erlaubt! Warning: Unknown(): Sicherheitsverletzung: in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown(/usr/export/www/hosting/computerhelp/forum/lofiversion/index.php): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in Unknown on line 0 Warning: (null)(): Failed opening '/usr/export/www/hosting/computerhelp/forum/lofiversion/index.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in Unknown on line 0 i was hoping that someone from here would be able to help me fix this so that it will work. i hope someone is german and could translate that for me.
  4. have you tried any of the VNC's yet UltraVNC is very good.
  5. i think the IRC room is a great idea. as for the tracker i dont really see much point to it. most of the members who release large files, eg update packs, own programs, and other such things have there own web servers to host from. Theres plenty of free file sharing hosts such as megaupload, rapidshare, ihud who they can put files on. plus msfn lets u host upto 4mb or there about of stuff anyway.
  6. i find paint express to be extremely useful little program for converting pngs to icons, it even supports 32bit bmps.
  7. my vote goes with 2k3. simply a brilliant OS and by far the best one MS have produced yet. ive not had any problems running games on it plus its extremely stable.
  8. Scubar


    although i do really like the royalemod i am not really keen on the titlebars being smaller. makes the **** X button a nightmare to click, especially when your drunk.
  9. entirely depends on usage as to which really. for a general workhorse to not do much just sit lazing about doing simple tasks like word processing or spreadsheets then intel are the more favoured, but if you want a multimedia pc then theres clearly no comparison, the AMDs simply blow the intel away in terms of both performance and price.
  10. when integrating xpize into the source files for ur xpcd it doesnt install the extras such as theme, wallpaper, bootscreen. the best way of doing this is to install it into your normal working windows environment and then copy the files over manually and then modifype / cab them an put them into your source. if you want to use a theme such as royal instead of the default cartoon blue there is a topic on it Here
  11. those 3rd party apps usually dont work. the easiest way is to just get a list of good http proxies off the web and then use firefox and set it manually in the browser settings.
  12. just use the winrar one i posted if its not working as its the same anyway. no need for any switches
  13. how did u use Xpize pack. integrated into source files or just a normal installation in windows.
  14. oops i used small S, oh well my winrar one works just the same.
  15. not entirely sure if thats possible, have you ever tried UltraVNC or TightVNC. They are both free and are far better for remote desktop than the XP one.
  16. that switch doesnt seem to work for it but seeing as the installer doesnt require any registry entries being added u can simply make it in WinRAR. heres a silent sfx winrar installer. Download Here
  17. RSS and Atom files provide news updates from a website in a simple form for your computer. You read these files in a program called an aggregator, which collects news from various websites and provides it to you in a simple form
  18. i was looking through the older topics and i saw johns desktop image http://nx.home.comcast.net/desktop.jpg i was wondering if anyone knew of where i could get hold of it as its rather nice
  19. RSS Aggregator is a great little rss reader plus its entirely free
  20. first thing they need todo is move the bar from under the tabs back to the top again as that has got to be the worst possible place u would put it.
  21. if i had an AIW Ati card i wouldnt bother with media center. its just more useless bloat thats unneccesary.
  22. i dont think its the death of AGP just yet. there are still good cards that will handle any game you throw at it. the 9800 Pro being one of them. a truly fantastic card and absolutely dirt cheap to buy now. The only problem is that PCIe is soon becoming outdated. i read somewhere a while back that ( if i remember right, correct me if im wrong) intel have already come up with a PCIe 2.
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