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Everything posted by Scubar

  1. i must admit ive never been a fan of Gant, but that has all changed now because this shellpack just looks sweeeeeeeeet.
  2. just wondering. are we not even allowed to use the windows colours from the logo. eg the red green / blue, yellow. in like a square patch pattern. i was thinking of something like this u see
  3. there is a silent setup that Zxian created over in this thread http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=59211 this one you only need to call the .exe no switches needed. there is another method of installing the framework and javaruntime environment by using svcpack.inf, i havent tried it myself but many ppl have had success with it. you can find info on how todo this over on ryans forum http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=373 hope this helps.
  4. theyre seem to be many similar virus's floating about on msn at the moment. unforutnately most of my friends use it (despite my best efforts to get them to use yahoo,trillian or IM2 ) and end up getting infected
  5. you might want to take a look at the cosmetics section of the unattended guide. http://unattended.msfn.org/advanced/cosmetics/bootscreen.htm
  6. behold the ultimate guide for removing stuff from ur xp source http://www.bold-fortune.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=229
  7. not sure about the video size thing but if i remember right u can only upload a maximum filesize of 1MB per post.
  8. everyone who owns one of those cds should sue sony for as much as possible.
  9. make sure u saved the bitmap as a 32bit bitmap and not just a standard 24bit bitmap
  10. UltraVNC totally rules. Best one of the lot ive found, And its free
  11. hi. im trying to make a nice icon for icechat irc client using photoshop. here is what i have so far. the problem is that it doesnt look very icey like. ive been trying to hollow out the centre part where the other icon goes and make it look more glassy like but im not quite sure how i could acheive this. if possible would anyone be able to give me some tips on what other things i can do to improve it. here is the photoshop source. Download Here many thanks in advance
  12. Ok, Intel are better than AMD. I have read that piece you quoted before btw. My final statement (I mean it this time too): If you don't work in the field for a living and you simply get your information and base your opinions on what you read then you have no idea what you're talking about. Also I will reiterate that I do not care about benchmarks. If you're a benchmark whore, keep right on following Anandtech. Neophytes and hobbyists would get their butts handed to them on a plate if they ever had to implement server solutions in a corporate environment. I'm going to be unsubscribing from this thread immediately. So you all can continue to diddle yourselves over your AMD CPUs. I never realized until this thread, just how many people there were here that lacked so many critical thinking and reading comprehension skills. Not too mention how many people root for a particular brand as if it's a sports team. It's really pathetic. Get a job. Something tells me this guy is stupid and obviously blinded by his own ignorance, when INTEL, yes thats INTEL even admit that there processors are inferior to the chips AMD have been putting out after tha lst year or so and that theyre going back to the drawing board for a few more years then thats saying something. you can try making some lame attempt at a comeback but it will only proove just how stupid and ignorant you must be.
  13. even though i have both an intel and an amd machine i thought everyone would like to read this. now tell me that intel are better than amd. even intel themselves have basically just admitted that amd chips are better than theirs and thats why there going back to the drawing board. ps. there is no possible comeback from this post because if the intel is saying all this then it obviously true, and noone can say otherwise. you intel lovers will just have to face it that amd now has better chips and will continue to have better chips for atleast the next couple of years.
  14. thanks Zxian, im just used to seeing RyanVM come up with the switchless silent installers for things like the framework, java, hotfixes.
  15. not that i dont like the americans or anything but when it comes to their army its not superior at all. the only reason anyone would think its superior is because of the sheer number of them to be killed. if you put the american army with equal numbers against most other armies in the world it would be slaughtered. ( sorry but it had to be said ). who else shoots their own soldiers in every single war theyve ever been in ?
  16. just a suggestion, get xchat installed on there and pay a visit to the #Ubuntu room on freenode server. the amount of times ive gotten good help from the ppl in the distros rooms on irc is unbelievable.
  17. eagrly awaits RyanVM to get a** in gear and make silent switchless version thanks for link.
  18. yup it certainly does. its amazing what you can find when you look for small single executable programs for use in a PE cd
  19. never tried Ubuntu but i found kanotix and knoppix both excellent distros.
  20. last time i checked Ulead DVD Movie Factory was rated as the best dvd authoring program available, closely followed by the adobe one. not sure about prices though.
  21. showoff . My photoshop skills still arent upto much but im learning fast so maybe next month i might enter although i doubt ill stand much chance.
  22. overall WinRAR is by far the best as its just so much more useable. for high compression though id say 7z or UHAR. Edit: Completely Forgot about TugZip. excellent freeware program capable of creating many different archive types.
  23. Many thanks for all the help. im reading that guide now
  24. the one problem i have is with the gradient tool, i make an circle using the elipse tools and it fills it with my foreground colour. then i goto gradient tool and set the gradient. as soon as i try dragging it inside the circle it covers the whole canvas. how can i make it s the gradient only goes inside the circle ? man i suck at PS
  25. it only has one layer unless im being blind or summat
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