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Everything posted by Scubar

  1. just wondering as to why you dont do it normally inside reshacker.
  2. the amount of icons in the row changes depending on the size of the window u have open. if u have an odd amount of icons/folders then it will just half the amount and ull be left with 1 blank space. eg 7 icons = 4 / 3, 11 = 6 / 5
  3. Always loved MS Paint although Paint.NET is a better replacement.
  4. best bet is to try and use either xps built in burning if u use xp that is. or try a different program to burn it with. theres plenty of free cd burning software on www.softpedia.com
  5. ive recently just started using Paint Express for my 32bit bitmaps and it works perfectly
  6. hi ive just got invision powerboard and have set it all up and got a nice skin for it but i would like to make some changes to it. here is what its like at the moment here is an image to help give some idea of what i want. i would also like to resize the pip images but cant find that in the html template either. hope someone could help out many thanks in advance. also another small problem which might be with my webhost but when i try to use lofi version i get this error some up. it did come out in german but i got it translated to english A scipt will pick up your site take action outside of the userindex on the file /usr/export/www/hosting/computerhelp/forum/lofiversion/index.php Warning: Unknown(): security injury: in Unknown on line 0 Warning: Unknown(/usr/export/www/hosting/computerhelp/forum/lofiversion/index.php): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in Unknown on line 0 Warning: (null)(): Failed opening '/usr/export/www/hosting/computerhelp/forum/lofiversion/index.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in Unknown on line 0 wondeirng how i could fix it so that lofi version will work
  7. why dont u just install xpize 4 onto ur xp system and then take the installed files and just makecab them and put them into ur Xp cd Source. thats what ive been doing al i like to customize abit further and ive not had any problems.
  8. i go with opera everytime. its more customizable, more secure, and a hell of alot faster (yes even with firefox tweaked to the max) and uses alot less system resources. the only downside is that if u dont want the banners you have to pay. but hey you get what you pay for.
  9. ummm. just wondering why you would be using the installer with the /S switch anyway. if your trying to install XPize silently with an UACD then there is no need. you can directly integrate all the files into the cd.
  10. welcome to the forum. and yes im afraid you will have to change your signature image. Quote from Forum Rules " Images in signatures shall NOT exceed a total of 300x100 and 80kb. Flash and animated sigs are not permitted. You can enter max 4 lines of text in signature or signature image"
  11. to make the oemlogo transparent u can do it one of two ways. the first is to create a 256 color bitmap and use magic pink ( 255,0,255 ), if u choose this way then you need to make sure that the first and last pixels are that colour eg 80x80 bmp 0,0 and 80,80 have to be magic pink. the other way is to create a 32bit bmp. this is alot more tricky todo as u need a program like adobe photoshop or Jasc Paintshop Pro. im sure someone will give you a detailed explanation of the 32bit bitmap process. hope that helps.
  12. i would go with spysweeper everytime. out of all the ones ive tested its by far the best for catching things. As far as MS Antispyware is concerned its pretty much a joke, only microsoft could create something that tells you IE 7 is spyware, also if you looked on the msfn main page a while back and read the story how MS are buying that known spyware company and will be filtering it out of there antispyware (what a surprise)
  13. the font i used is battlefield ttf that you shouldnt have to much trouble finding. if u edit the sysdm.cpl then use modifype which u can get from the unattended guide and use makecab to compress it.
  14. umm K-lite mega codec pack does contain the codecs needed to play Qt and RM files, if not use the media player of the gods, namely VLC
  15. hi im redoing my Quintessential player installation and i seem to have got stuck. in the registry i need to add values pointing to the executables. eg "C:\Program Files\Quintessential Player\Qcd.exe" unfortunately i cant seem to work out how todo that using install shield X that i have. in different installation programs there is usually a inbuilt variable that you can use eg <InstallDir> that you can use in the registry so that it links to it. i was wondering if someone would be able to help me with this as i have read the help guide and am having abit of trouble working out how todo it. many thanks.
  16. Quintessential Player for Audio / VLC Media Player for video.
  17. hi i downloaded the BlackMesa.msstyles and although its a very good visual style i wanted to make some alterationions to it. i first of all tried to use stylebuilder and stylexp but after recompliling it with stylebuilder it no longer worked. (not entirely sure why but when i tried to open it with skinstudio it said MISSING THEME.INI) i gave up on that idea and decided i would try with skinstudio and windowblinds. i imported it with skin studio make a couple of minor changes saved it then loaded it with windowblinds. the problem now is that i have no shellstyle even though it is appearing to be there in skinstudio when i saved it. was wondering if anyone knows why this is happening and how i could fix it. you can get the Black Mesa visual style from HERE
  18. i dont think there is one that can scan them and then display all their resources. you would have to look through each exe.dll.ocx.cpl manually using a tool like resourcehacker which can be found easily and is free
  19. aother simple way is to use TweakUI Powertoy for windows xp
  20. nvm now, ive switched to quintessential player. im not a programmer but surely it cant that to difficult to make a small plugin to call upon winamp functions. there are quite a few other plugins like it on the winamp site but it seems that these ppl also suffer from backward buttonious disease.
  21. what he means by cracked is that u dont have to carry out the validation process, thus allowing ppl who are using illegal xp license numbers to install it. this topic will very soon be deleted as discussing warez on this forum is not permitted.
  22. im guessing your trying to replace the icons in the shell32.dll if thats the case then you can just use Resource Hacker. replace the icons and bitmaps in the file, save it, then Modifype it, makecab it and put it back in the I386 folder on your unattended cd.
  23. that might be why they look identical then. anyway nice work, i like
  24. Autoplay media studio is my favourite out of all the ones i have tried, but it does take a while to get used to it. although if you have had previous experiance with VB u should pick it up in no time
  25. ok its been a month and i was wondering if anyone would be able todo this for me. i know its not to difficult todo but i have no programming skills unfortunately.
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