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21 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

We still have my favourite DAVE-H.

Oh yes, let's not forget him.

13 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

I also miss @Dixel and @Gansangriff

But we still have @Tripredacus , who always comes to resque with a wise advice, even when others are silent. One of the things I really respect in him.

Dixel, well,... I don't know much, but I am neutral about him. As for Gansangriff and Tripredacus, I completely agree.

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3 hours ago, mina7601 said:

Oh yes, let's not forget him.

Dixel, well,... I don't know much, but I am neutral about him. As for Gansangriff and Tripredacus, I completely agree.

Dixel taught me tricks and hacks mostly. His specialty borders very close to let's say "hacking", so no good for open forums. He is not a hacker per se, he was

not hacking software, but the modifications to launch ,let's say a game which was originally blocked from running on Vista, the developer may not like it, even if 

the game was puchased officially . The same goes for browsers he modded. The licence forbids modding the code, in case you didn't know.

This is all a very thin line, I'm also being cautious and don't upload anything ready made and decided not post the famous Dixel's tutorial on how to lauch

modern games on Vista. This is all a very thin line. And in any case, like @AstroSkipper wrote, we don't make money from it. So why to risk ?

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Since this is the "rant" thread, lol.

There are some members I miss, others that I do not miss, still others that I think the forum would be &/or is better off without.

edit - I was looking for the Fozzie Bear "waka waka waka" where he is dressed like Luke Skywalker, but this will suffice  :roll1:


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On 11/17/2022 at 12:44 AM, D.Draker said:

1 - Oh, I noticed, trust me !

2 - This has nothing to do with superstition, it's energy charged items (enchanted).

And we all know what energy can do and we all know it has scientific explanation.

@D.Draker, I trust you, of course! And on the subject of energy, energy is everywhere. Matter is energy. Think of Albert Einstein's formula E=mc²! It means the energy contained in matter is proportional to its mass and can be transformed from one into the other and vice versa at any time. I know a lot about energy in the sense of the natural sciences. But I don't really believe in energy charged objects like an amulet, a chain or anything else for protection. Sorry, my friend! animiertes-schilder-smilies-bild-0145.gi I do not believe in anything!  I'm rather rational, logical and strictly scientific. At least most of the time! smilie_denk_24.gif


Edited by AstroSkipper
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On 11/17/2022 at 2:51 AM, D.Draker said:

Dixel taught me tricks and hacks mostly. His specialty borders very close to let's say "hacking", so no good for open forums. He is not a hacker per se, he was

not hacking software, but the modifications to launch ,let's say a game which was originally blocked from running on Vista, the developer may not like it, even if 

the game was puchased officially . The same goes for browsers he modded. The licence forbids modding the code, in case you didn't know.

This is all a very thin line, I'm also being cautious and don't upload anything ready made and decided not post the famous Dixel's tutorial on how to lauch

modern games on Vista. This is all a very thin line. And in any case, like @AstroSkipper wrote, we don't make money from it. So why to risk ?

Very good explanation about Dixel, thank you! Also yes, I am aware of the licenses mentioning about no modding codes, I see them a lot.

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I've noticed that some TV (and sometimes YT commercials) are trying to target teens even though their product is for adults lmao :buehehe:

There was a commerical on TV (I think it was some insurance company) and it was some dude dancing in front of a phone (TikTok ikr ew) and he said something like "Oh yeah, look at me getting all these likes and views", like huh? YOU ARE A INSURANCE COMPANY, NOT A TIKTOK PROMOTOR LOL :buehehe:

Edited by WinGlass
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On 11/17/2022 at 9:50 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

At least not "legally".  Humming Owl accepted PayPal "donations" for his browser "modifications" and I would certainly not let "upstream" catch wind of that!

Well, he lives under one of the most oppressive regimes, in a communist country, so it's understandable. Though I agree, it may be hard for you to understand. We never lived under such conditions. I remember he wrote he uses a PC from 2001 or so. Poor fella. And the laws you mentioned, I don't think they are valid in his country. 

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On 11/17/2022 at 5:52 PM, AstroSkipper said:

@D.Draker, I trust you, of course! And on the subject of energy, energy is everywhere. Matter is energy. Think of Albert Einstein's formula E=mc²! It means energy is proportional to matter and can be transformed from one into the other and vice versa at any time. I know a lot about energy in the sense of the natural sciences. But I don't really believe in energy charged objects like an amulet, a chain or anything else for protection. Sorry, my friend! animiertes-schilder-smilies-bild-0145.gi I do not believe in anything!  I'm rather rational, logical and strictly scientific. At least most of the time! smilie_denk_24.gif


I wrote "trust me" regarding the smiles you use. I meant, trust me, I noticed you use them, lol, not regarding my knowledge, powers or energies.

As for the energy, I could move objects, but the last time I did was like in 2001 or so. Maybe I still can ? I dunno.

But I surely used the spellbook to enchant the items, the ones I went to the front with. My gear and my shiny piece.

Did it help ? One could argue, but I'm still alive, as you can see.

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Yeah, I "feel things" others don't, so I don't know either. I "sense" danger. Once you meditate you open the "3rd eye"

"The third eye (also called the mind's eye or inner eye) is a mystical invisible eye, usually depicted as located on the forehead, which provides perception beyond ordinary sight"

You'd be shocked at the bad energy that comes in.

I once had a friend (passed away) that was Reiki Master

"Anyone" who has received the Master attunement and Master symbol, understands how to give all the attunements and has actually taught a Reiki class thus passing Reiki on to others.

Honestly, gave me more bad than good and I'd never do it again.

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