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Just now, WinGlass said:

Speaking of WhatsApp, who remember (or still uses) Skype?

I still use it please dont bully me :whistle:

Skype 7 (Skype Classic) was the last good version of Skype imo, I miss using it. The new Skype (Skype 8) kinda feels like a WhatsApp or FB Messenger wannabe lol

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Just now, WinGlass said:

Speaking of WhatsApp, who remember (or still uses) Skype?

I still use it please dont bully me :whistle:

I remember Skype. I stopped using it when it couldn't let me log in despite having no network issues.

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2 minutes ago, WinGlass said:

Skype 7 (Skype Classic) was the last good version of Skype imo, I miss using it. The new Skype (Skype 8) kinda feels like a WhatsApp or FB Messenger wannabe lol

Well, yeah, I agree. But I mainly prefer Telegram nowadays.

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3 hours ago, mina7601 said:

I remember Skype. I stopped using it when it couldn't let me log in despite having no network issues.

Yes, the same happened to me also and later they started to demand my phone. I'm not that stupid to give it to them.

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36 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

Telegram is a russian spy network for mining data . Made by the KGB/FSB.

Please tell me this is a joke. I've been using Telegram for 1 year. Where did you get this information?

Edited by mina7601
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3 hours ago, mina7601 said:

Please tell me this is a joke. I've been using Telegram for 1 year. Where did you get this information?

No it's not, sorry . The information is official. It's their law.

By the order of the russian Court, Telegram gives the Encryption Keys to FSB.

Note, they must do it by the law:


Telegram ordered to share encryption keys with FSB


Also, the creator Dirov ,or whatever his name is, is from the KGB-city himself.

It's a KGB project from the start. Everything Russia translates into FSB/KGB/Military/Evil/etc.

Why did Russia try to "block" Telegram? It was all a show for stupid people.

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3 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

What do you mean exactly by "they wanted my smartphone"? How is that supposed to work? Very strange. :dubbio:

Astroskipper, I wrote phone, not smartphone, and by that I meant digits. What do you mean supposed ? Isn't that what they do on facebook also.

Even google wants your phone to create an e-mail.

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