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22 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

Astroskipper, I wrote phone, not smartphone, and by that I meant digits. What do you mean supposed ? Isn't that what they do on facebook also.

Even google wants your phone to create an e-mail.

Ok, you meant your phone number. That was not clear, unfortunately. :)

Edited by AstroSkipper
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3 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Ok, you meant your phone number. That was not clear, unfortinately. :)

I'm sorry, next time I shall be clearer. Just wanted to write exactly in their words, see the image with the demands below.


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1 hour ago, D.Draker said:

No it's not, sorry . The information is official. It's their law.

By the order of the russian Court, Telegram gives the Encryption Keys to FSB.

Note, they must do it by the law:


Telegram ordered to share encryption keys with FSB


Also, the creator Dirov ,or whatever his name is, is from the KGB-city himself.

It's a KGB project from the start. Everything Russia translates into FSB/KGB/Military/Evil/etc.

Why did Russia try to "block" Telegram? It was all a show for stupid people.


Why, just why everytime I say that I've been using an application for a long time, I end up getting information like this...

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47 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

It's already theirs, by design.

That's why I use very little telephone (Nokia?..) - so that I can call my family and friends and receive their calls... so I use only the primary phone function: to call. No Internet, Skype etc. No my head always bent. Never.

Edited by msfntor
my family added!
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13 hours ago, UCyborg said:

Let me as well quote this first post:


"Posted by


6 days ago

Human Beings Are The Most Pathetic Species to Ever Exist


Humans like to complain about how things are in the world but they will NEVER take action to change the way things are. They just sit around and wait for some paid-off politician to change things and then act surprised when all the made promises end up unfulfilled. You would think that by now humans would have learned their lesson because every 4 years it's the same goddamn crap over and over again but NO. No lessons learned, no wisdom acquired, no higher thought - NOTHING.

I've found that the majority of humans beings are incredibly selfish which leads to the unjust destruction of the planet and other species within the planet. Their goals are short-termed and usually, the consequences of acquiring said goals are not considered. Say for example, that an average human wants to eat some chips. He'll go to the supermarket by car, pollute the air while doing so and then he will most likely throw the garbage outside the window. Not all people do that but a good percentage of them do. That action alone shows incredible selfishness - an incapability of considering anyone (or anything) else other than your own self. And it is no surprise that we are facing a global warming crisis.

I find the majority of people extremely shallow and it's enough to open up TikTok to get an idea. I've never wanted to bad mouth my own species like that but I am so disappointed - it's unbelievable. The majority of people are so highly focused on how they look that they actually forget to develop true qualities - like, who they are on the inside. Sometimes, this focus on one's external appearance can turn into straight-up mental illness. People develop EDs and even opt for plastic surgery. I feel like in our society, what is celebrated is not authenticity - not physical authenticity, nor inner authenticity. For example, many of our most famous celebrities wouldn't be where they are if they hadn't dabbled in plastic surgery. In a sense - society is praising the most fake people for all the wrong reasons. And yet, real people are constantly being put down.

It really bothers me how the main accepted goal in life is to be materialistically rich. How people boast with their material possessions without even considering what impact these items have on the environment. And then, of course, once they're done with said item it just gets thrown in the trash to make room for MORE trash.

Like, how did things get so bad?"


..and next post is very true too:



+2·4h ago·edited 4h ago

I did the math on how many humans have been killed in wars and/or murdered by other humans... It's around 15-20% using available death data going back several 1000 years.

Add in all the people living with lifelong wounds (physical and mental) from war and violence and it's closer to 40 -50%...

What other species does anything even close to this level of self harm?

Is this rediculous level of self harm a byproduct of technological advances like portrayed at the beginning of Asimov / Kubrick's 2001?

Seems like a terrible price to pay for 'civilization'... CiviLIEzation would be a more appropriate spelling..."

Edited by msfntor
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46 minutes ago, msfntor said:

...They just sit around and wait for some paid-off politician to change things and then act surprised when all the made promises end up unfulfilled. You would think that by now humans would have learned their lesson because every 4 years it's the same goddamn crap over and over again but NO. No lessons learned, no wisdom acquired, no higher thought - NOTHING....

Correct ... politicians all have 1 thing in common, Lies; lies; and more Lies. Oops ... that was 3 things. :yes:

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Oh Gawd .. I used Trillian chat app and I'm now reading this is also bad. Oh well, pretty stupid to read (log) my depressing chats, but I also stopped that in 2015 and removed all traces. Sort of shy now and can't keep up in chat anymore.

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