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On 3/16/2023 at 3:03 PM, VistaLover said:

... Additionally, your OP contains below link:


which now, sadly, returns :( :

Regards :) ...

Sad to see that it isn't up anymore. I actually used some good info from there when I started searching these browsers.

Forgive my ignorance but, what does OP mean?


EDIT: I think it is Original Post after thinking for a bit.

Edited by Humming Owl
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TEST the compatibility of "login-element-gaas ng-star-inserted active": special button with icon, text: "VSTUP NA UCET", blue button at the top-right of the page here: https://www.rb.cz/ 

It works fine on our builds of 360Chrome v13, v13.5, MiniBrowser.
It doesn't work on 360Chrome v12 and DCBrowser...

RayeR on vogons.org says, that's new javascript compatibility issue...: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12102&start=160

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22 minutes ago, VistaLover said:

... I used it there in the sense of "Opening/Original/First Post"; see e.g.:

https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/op-meaning :)

I know :), I never said it's wrong, just saying its other meaning, which is: "the person who first started a conversation about something".

Edited by mina7601
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13 minutes ago, mina7601 said:

I never said it's wrong

... And I never implied you did anything wrong (thought to self: Why "web people" of this "era" are so "touchy" :whistle:? ) - I was directly replying to @Humming Owl, but I neglected (/deemed it superfluous) to tag him - well, now I have :P ...

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On 3/18/2023 at 2:46 AM, VistaLover said:

... And I never implied you did anything wrong (thought to self: Why "web people" of this "era" are so "touchy" :whistle:? ) - I was directly replying to @Humming Owl, but I neglected (/deemed it superfluous) to tag him - well, now I have :P ...

Fine, sorry!

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On 3/6/2023 at 9:54 AM, VistaLover said:

Yes :yes: :), because "??=" was first implemented in Chromium 85; 360EEv13.x are based on Ch86 and Kafan MiniBrowser on Ch87; but, I suppose, most members here already know this piece of info ;) ; "we" are indeed lucky "we" still have the above forks in "our" arsenal :thumbup, but, it's easy to realise, "our" luck under XP/Vista32 will run out when Google push out something working only on Chrome88+ :realmad: ("we" already are hands-off from MV3 extensions :() ...

Kind regards :)

The end may be near. Chase.com with Kafan MiniBrowser:


I realize the banner could be overcome with a custom user agent, but that may not work when they really do get around to upping their minimum requirements. We'll see soon, I suppose.

Edit: OT, but the minimum Firefox version will soon be FF 98 (determined via a binary search using custom user agents, which are simpler with FF than Cr). So the minimum Cr version will probably be close to that.

What we don't yet know is whether there will be any Googlisms in Chase's updated code that actually require FF 98 / Cr 9?. I'm hoping to get lucky with nothing more than a custom user agent, and to defer XP/Vista obsolescence a while longer.

Edited by Mathwiz
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2 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

The end may be near. Chase.com with Kafan MiniBrowser:

The irony there is that I once called up Chase and CLOSED my account with them all on account of Chase.com no longer working in NM28.

That would have been about four years ago or so.

Little did I know at the time just where the "web" was headed and just how many "no longer working" sites I would encounter in the following years.

With Chase, NM28 no longer working was my last straw because that was the THIRD browser in just two short years that "no longer worked" with Chase.

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Latest Chase's remarks/conditions on browsers and systems:

Supported browsers

Chrome 95.0 and higher

Firefox 98.0 and higher

Safari 15.0 and higher

Edge 95.0 and higher

We don't support:

Beta or development browser versions

3rd party browser extensions

Required operating systems

Windows® operating system: 

Windows 7 and higher

Macintosh® operating system:

High Sierra (version 10.13 and higher)

Here: https://www.chase.com/digital/resources/privacy-security/security/system-requirements


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11 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

The end may be near. Chase.com with Kafan MiniBrowser:


I realize the banner could be overcome with a custom user agent, but that may not work when they really do get around to upping their minimum requirements. We'll see soon, I suppose.

Edit: OT, but the minimum Firefox version will soon be FF 98 (determined via a binary search using custom user agents, which are simpler with FF than Cr). So the minimum Cr version will probably be close to that.

What we don't yet know is whether there will be any Googlisms in Chase's updated code that actually require FF 98 / Cr 9?. I'm hoping to get lucky with nothing more than a custom user agent, and to defer XP/Vista obsolescence a while longer.

To be honest I am still hoping someone will be able to compile newer Chromium or Firefox versions on XP that don't require such "dirty" methods to make it relatively safe/useful for people (ie. patching hex strings so connections to china.cn aren't made :}). I would prefer lower versions as the ones in which 360EE is based as the most recent ones consume a lot of resources on older computers that need to run XP because they can't run anything higher. For example, I would be happy with a Chromium 69 version with no certificate issues with its code on github or an equivalent platform (similar to what Feodor is doing).

I can't run 360EE v13 on my laptop (Chromium 86) so if there is some other chinese chromium based browser with a higher version than Chromium 86 I would only be able to run it under another "newer" computer with Win7, which is quite weird because the whole point is to be able to use it under XP.

Sorry that the reply does not have to do much with the comment quoted :P.

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6 hours ago, msfntor said:

We don't support:

3rd party browser extensions

... And what exactly does this mean. even? :angry: :dubbio:In what way are browser extensions involved when one tries to access "chase.com" ?

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5 hours ago, VistaLover said:
11 hours ago, msfntor said:

We don't support:

3rd party browser extensions

... And what exactly does this mean. even? :angry: :dubbio:In what way are browser extensions involved when one tries to access "chase.com" ?

The sowers of fear say:

"Extensions Have Access to Everything in Your Web Browser

Have you ever paid attention to the message you see when installing a browser extension in Chrome, for example? For most browser extensions, you’ll see a message stating that the add-on can “Read and change all your data on the websites you visit.”

This means that the browser extension has full access to all the web pages you visit. It can see which web pages you’re browsing, read their contents, and watch everything you type. It could even modify the web pages—for example, by inserting extra advertisements. If the extension is malicious, it could gather all that private data of yours—from web browsing activity and the emails you type to your passwords and financial information—and send it to a remote server on the internet.

So, when you sign in to your online banking account, your browser extensions are right there with you. They can see your password as you log in and view everything you can see on your online banking account. They could even modify the online banking page before you view it." ....

They are the sowers of fear, explicitly: Did You Know Browser Extensions Are Looking at Your Bank Account?: https://www.howtogeek.com/716771/did-you-know-browser-extensions-are-looking-at-your-bank-account/

-so surely chase.com developers read articles like this one above...I think:rolleyes:

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